Yeah, that's what my brain was (barely) hinting at. I just thought it was weird. That's basically the whole series ( from what I heard, Dead Space 3 was shit ).
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Having played it before from a copy I was lent on consoles, the game is great, much as the first two are. It has micro transactions for extra resources (which aren't needed unless you want every weapon on the first run, and since I'm a plasma cutter guy all the way, well...), which can also be purchased with an item that your bots can find, and it has some co-op exclusive areas. Those are the flaws. The gameplay is as great as ever.
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Fair enough. I was slightly talking about the story, but it can't be that bad.
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"Seriously sickening"? How dare they put in an option that you don't have to use to complete the game! Oh man! There's a way to get all the guns without multiple playthroughs for people without the time to do it! Oh no! You're so put out by that feature you don't have to use, aren't you?
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Don't think of it as extras they benevolently decided to offer us. Think of it as in-game, day-one content that is locked out unless we pay extra on top of what we already paid for, you know, the game itself.
It's less offensive when the game is $1 months after release, but more offensive when they're asking $60 for it on launch and then tell you that not all the content is availabile unless you give them more.
Sorry, just, I fail to see the rationale in putting it in terms of extra content they decided to offer us, and not content they developed for the game that they arbitrarily denied us to make more money.
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The rationale is called consumerism.
this is a good example: when you go to burger king, you can buy a simple cheeseburger. you can also pay 50 cents to get bacon up on that artery cloggin' sumbitch. they have the bacon right behind the counter, but as a customer, you aren't entitled to the bacon right out of the gate. you can choose to buy a burger and ignore the bacon, buy a burger and the bacon, or buy a different burger like the "double stacker," that comes with bacon, and a special sauce ( i.e. preorder bonus.) Or, you can leave burger king, and get a burger elsewhere. No sarcasm here, I honestly hope this helps.
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Your analogy does not quite fit. You'd have to add that the same price used to get you a bacon cheeseburger. And that Burger King gets them shipped in as cheeseburgers and when they thaw their frozen patties they remove the bacon so that they can sell it to you.
In fact, I know a company that does something more appropriate to your analogy - my local gun store. The shitty tactic they do is they'll order a firearm new from a manufacturer, that ships with two or more magazines for the firearm. They'll sell you the firearm and one magazine, and then charge you for the other one - that is, the second magazine that is shipped standard with the gun, the one you would get for free if you had bought it from the manufacturer itself or from more honest and ethical dealers. I don't buy new guns from those assholes, merely use them for FFL transfers from online sales, for exactly that reason - how dare they take the money for the full package and then try to sell out parts from it to me! If they're going to take parts of the kit out, they can reduce the price; and if EA is going to take parts of the game out, I'm not paying $60 for it.
Plus, these are digital goods. Giving you bacon costs them money because bacon costs money to acquire. DLC does not cost money to distribute (the amount in electricity is so trivial as to not be worth consideration). Before you point out that it does cost money to develop, again, this is day-one content. It's already developed, it was developed for the game and then removed from the game to make DLC. It's arbitrarily locked out unless you pay more money for what is already in the game itself - often, it's already on the disk you bought and buying the DLC merely unlocks it! I don't remember buying a hamburger at Burger King, getting a bacon cheeseburger, and then having an employee personally walk over while I'm eating and remove the bacon from my burger unless I pay him not to. And then sit there and watch me while I eat just to make sure I don't sneak any bacon.
This is not extra stuff they decided to offer us as a business deal. This is selling us a spaghetti dinner and then charging us extra if we wanted sauce on that. And if you wanted meat as well, you had to reserve your table in advance before you knew if the restaurant was good or not - and if you didn't, then that costs extra, too. Is the sauce strictly necessary to eat the spaghetti? No, but I would hope you expect it to be there.
This is content developed for the game, on launch, often on the disk itself, and advertised along with the game. And this is taking what used to be given to us as standard, charging us for it, and then expecting us to be grateful that it was offered at all! Again, this is not generous extras they developed for us out of sheer benevolence. It's not even content they made for their game for a profit (I've never minded expansion packs, after all, or even the concept of DLC itself). I mind that they take things OUT of the full game to sell them to me...and then sell me the game at full price anyway. That's double-dipping. I'm sorry, but I fail to see how charging buyers extra, on launch, to experience the full game isn't an incredibly shitty, if not outright abusive, business tactic.
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So yours is a question of timing? Would you prefer that the content not be included on the initial release, and instead released as download-only content? Your "line in the sand" is as arbitrary as anyone else's, so why is yours the correct presumption/assumption?
They had to hire a guy to create that content, perhaps they didn't budget the original game (or write the original story and gameplay) with that content in mind, and as such they are itemizing their additions in a logical way?
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It's not arbitrary. If they put content in the game, and then specifically remove it from the game in order to sell it back to us, it's not an "extra". They're charging me full price for less than a full game. When I buy a game at full price, I expect to get the full game. That action is why it's bad - it's not about "timing". If they developed something meant for the full game, removed it, waited a week, and then sold it, I'd still be unhappy. I'm always unhappy with on-disk DLC that is a part of the full game at release.
Following my metaphor, I don't begrudge my local gun store for selling magazines, unless those magazines are supposed to be part of a package I'm otherwise buying. It's not like I arbitrarily decide that SOME DLC is okay and some is not by pointing at DLC at random - that would be arbitrary.
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Of course the bundle is to get more people on Origin. It doesn't change the fact that it is a good bundle.
Just like offering Steam keys... EA didn't have to offer Steam keys. They could have made all the games Origin keys only. But by offering Steam keys for most games, they get Steam users to buy the $1 bundle, which conveniently has one game that is Origin only. It benefits EA, but it still is nice for consumers to also get Steam keys for most of the games.
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EA - Origin games don't automatically give Steam keys (though Steam EA games often give Origin keys).
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no, they give you keys because those can[should] be able to activate on games website to get "future" dlc but since ea made origin, they transfered everything there and thats why we have "origin" keys, because they were not originaly
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You can start with Crysis 2 without knowing what happened in the first game, or at least I could. You're a guy in a supersuit and you kill dudes and aliens using guns and tech superpowers, that's pretty much it. It's not that the story is irrelevant or even bad, but I never felt like I was missing some crucial background knowledge or lore as I killed guys by powerkicking a car over them. It's not like the Mass Effect series where the plot is in the forefront.
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Am I the only one that wanted the Mass Effect series instead of the crysis series?
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Then we'd just be doing bundle repeats ;) Mass Effect 2 was already in an IndieGala bundle.
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actually you are completely wrong lol
in Crysis1 you are in a special operations unit and your mission is to take over an island and destroy a terrorist plan to nuke the whole world.
nothing to do with aliens (at least thats what i got from the demo lol)
i still got my crysis1 maximum edition with its plastic seal since 2009 lol
got it for free from EA for my birthday back then lol
never really bothered opening it because i knew installing it would take me ages lol
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Aww, and I was expecting Yahtzee' s NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO from his review of Spore.
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Wow, that was a steal. I got it for free though (as well as Mass Effect 2 on PC) for buying Dragon Age II early.
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Yes you can. They give you steam keys for the games available on steam. Pure awesomeness.
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And for most of the games, you can activate the Steam key, then get the CD key from Steam and activate that on Origin. Leaving you with an unused Origin key to give away to a friend. (If you've got some friend you despise enough to give him a game on Origin)
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Different keys. The page with the keys has two tabs, one for Steam keys, the other for Origin keys.
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Once you've activated the Steam key, and installed the game, you can right-click on it in your Steam library and request the CD key. That CD key can often be used to register the game on Origin. It's not the same as your Steam key.
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buy 3 tf2 keys on the market and trade for a bta or 1 tf2 key for a non bta. also somepeole are selling the nonbta for 15 ish cards
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Bulletstorn is fucking awesome. One of my all time favorite single player FPS's. You'll enjoy it if they add it, for sure.
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I played it when it came out. And it's fucking awesome, that's why I'm so excited!
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Wait until confirming that Origin and Steam keys do not use the same activation codes.
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They use different key generation algorithms so use different codes. On the bundle's page there's two tabs, one for Steam and the other for Origin. Using keys for one doesn't stop you using keys for the other.
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At he means is that if you have an EA game on Steam, you could get its cd-key in order to activate it on Origin. So... If the key provided by steam is the same provided by Origin, it won't work. And if they're different, they may not allow you to play online at the same time (because multiplayer key issues), as it may (only rumours) happen with Medal of Honor or Crysis 2.
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I don't think Steam keys are attached to a specific Origin key. My guess is that when you activate the Steam key, an Origin key is got from a pool of keys (that EA handles to Steam). This would explain why Steam sometimes runs out of keys (Like with Risen recently).
In any case, Crysis 2, Dead Space 1&2, Medal of Honor and Burnout Paradise all gave me 2 different Origin keys.
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be careful with MOH, because you still need the origin key to activate it in-game when you've installed it on steam...
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Uprising and Wrath of Kane (Or whatever the 3 Expansion was called...) are both standalone expansions. Makes total sense to me. They sell you the expansion to get you hooked, but if you want the story you have to buy the base game. Same with only giving out Crysis 2. I never would have bought them before, but now that I have Crysis 2, I'm planning on picking up the first next time it goes on sale.
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Actually, it's kinda sad, that Humble Indie Bundle became just "Humble Bundle".
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That's exactly the case. It's not like they could do this every fortnight with another megapublisher if they wanted to. In two weeks they're going to return with another batch of indie games (or maybe ebooks, albums etc.), and the newly introduced HB audience is mostly going think "Hmm, so they've got some indies, and they are pretty cheap. I wonder if they're any good..." Status quo will be restored, only HB will have more visitors. Everybody wins.
I don't understand the "Hey maaaan, you've totally sold out to the man! That ain't cool to the little developers, maaan!" crowd. Or rather, I do understand it (they're looking for the slightest excuse to be outraged), I just think it's complete nonsense.
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It's not a 'the man' or a 'selling out' thing. It's a branding thing. When I wanted a bunch of cool, cheap games I've never heard of, Humble Bundle was the first place I thought of. Now? Humble Bundle's still easily the best value, but the other half dozen bundle sites usually offer much better indie games. I no longer think first of humble bundle when I think of bundles or indie games. They've lost their identity, and that's usually death to a corporation. Fortunately HB has enough clout and they still get great games even if they're not indie games, so they'll still be around. But if Indie Royale just became "Games Battle Royale" or something, and stopped indie games in favor of some average Not quite AAA, not quite indie games, they'd be gone in a month.
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Humble Bundle and "a bunch of cool, cheap games I've never heard of" don't really go hand in hand at all. Only bundles that can really claim that is mainly Indie Royale, Indie Gala, and occasionally Groupees(that again has near HumbleBundle quality/well-known games). Of course, I'm not saying "cheap" is out of that sentence, but games I've never heard of are usually found in the previously mentioned bundles, plus I find them "cooler" with the occasional hidden gem that I find in them.
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I think they will always do indie bundles! If they slip out of the indie thing every now and then, I certainly won't argue -- especially for charity! I'm not about to be so "pro-indie" that I'm anti-everything-else. :)
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Well you can go to the website and notice the GIANT header at the top that says humble weekly bundle...which includes INDIE GAMES! but you know, they gave up on indie games for AAA games...
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Actually it's better. Think of how much more money has been given to charity thanks to them allowing big publishers to do bundles, and how many more indie bundles they've sold thanks to people being made aware of the site through big publisher bundles.
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i think;
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How does Humble Bundle determine who get's a Bulletstorm DE key ?
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Probably by using the geolocation feature of HTML5.
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Good to see EA aren't into devaluing their IP as Valve are wont to do, with their crazy sales :P
Seriously though, it's a nice gesture by EA, waiving their profits for a good cause. Credit where it is due!
The Origin keys will probably rot in some dark forgotten Notepad file, but some nice Steam games all the same :)
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I agree with you, that it was a good thing to do, and maybe they can add some origin exclusive game to the second week bonus (as it wouldn't appear on the steam db).
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