2nd would only bring more misunderstanding. Contributors only? Mods would have to answer questions like "How much do I have to contribute to be considered a contributor???" a dozen a day, no doubt.
3rd would be very taxing on site's resources, it's kinda slow as it is sometimes, this constant sync spam would make it even worse. The solution here would be to automatically annul/de-enter all the giveaways of that game when the user checks the game as "accepted". He has to activate it on his account anyway (otherwise he'll be banned). And on the next weekly sync you can see if he activated it or not.
4th. Nope. Just nope. This is not a pay-more-to-win-more site, contributor giveaways are "thank-yous", not a elite club you have to pay for. The reason you got so much points now is the infamous single-key bundle giveaways. They still give everybody points even after they are deleted from the site the points aren't removed. So you have a deflation problem and you have to fight the cause, not the effect. As I've heard there's already a system in the works to sort that out so we should just cross our fingers and hope for the best.
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0 Comments - Created 1 minute ago by Wolveruno
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158 Comments - Last post 49 minutes ago by Naviis
I have recently seen at least few forum threads with suggestions that were already talked over. The thing is that such topics smell like (unintended) spam and can annoy some of regular forum visitors. I do not mean myself, I've been here only for few weeks.
So, here's my proposal: let's create separate, sticky thread with list of ideas that community has already talked about. This will cause less unwanted topics and prevent users form wasting time producing long threads with suggestions that already had been denied.
Edit: I've made an example below. I don't say I like all the ideas, just wanted to let you know about them.
My second idea is rather tiny cosmetic change. As far as I know, there aren't any games priced lower than 0.99$ that can be gifted. Here's my idea: why not make those giveaways with required contribution of <1$ just show as 'Only for contributors' instead of 'Contributor ($0.01)'. I mean the notes placed on the right side of giveaway titles. That's rather easy to implement, doesn't need any changes in the database, only few lines of code. Wanted to write this in the official contribution giveaway thread but couldn't find it :/.
Third one came to my mind when I won a game here (Thanks, Lina). I have entered three The Ship giveaways and won one. After receiving the gift, the two other entries were still active. Here's my idea, would it be possible to automatically cancel entries which are for just won game? As I suppose, that should be added to the cron job. Why add such feature? It would prevent from possible double wins. Okay, they are unlikely to happen like hell but - that's just a suggestion :). Another one is rather question: is there a sync forced after winning? I could have joined The Ship giveaways about half an hour after the win, which is obviously leading to abuse (winning the same again).
The points. Conclusion of this idea is 1. Lower the point gaining rate; 2. Decrease maximum amount we can collect. You've probably heard tons of such suggestions (among with increase rate/amount). However, my idea is connected to recent contributor thanks giveaways. It is very simple and most of you could already have predicted what I mean :). Here it is: the more the user contributed, the more points he can accumulate. For example, 100 for non-contributors and more amount would be added like 2x contribution. Let's take my account: I have contributed 3.25, so I'd have 107 points limit to gain (100 + 2x 3.25 = 106.5 107). You'd say, 'oh noes, the guy with 1337$ contribution would enter all my fortix giveaways!!1'. But does he deserve it? In my humble opinion - obviously yes. Additionally, the point building rate could increase; (currently it is 1 point per 5$ contributed to the site, see FAQ) let's say 1 point per 10$ for those with no contribution, 1/8$ for those with over 50$ and so on. Now, pros and cons. It wouldn't violate the 'get games for free' sentence. It is pretty easy to enter every giveaway for even few desired games while the points are keeping at 270. Myself, I enter all giveaways for all Half-Lifes except the Deathmatch; all the Portal 2: The Final Hours and The Orange Box. Also, I spend about 100 points for some group/private giveaways daily. I have never seen my points under 200, maybe sometimes I am close to 210/220. At the moment I have 42 entries and 280 points. That is my argument for decreasing point increasing rate and limit to 100. All what you've read above about the contribution profits would be applied here as well. Disadvantages? At least few dozen hours of coding (Sorry, dear Cg) and lots more people abusing the contribution system with bundle key giveaways (grr).
That's rather a lil' fix. Mr. Cg, the alt text for the red forums banner is the same as for the top contributors. I just see it because browsing with my mobile. Also, wouldn't it be a good idea to make the red banner clickable with href to forums?
Others' ideas
See part one. All what is there, is included here too.
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