Well, I'm playing it for about a week and I'm having a great time with my friends. For me, it's a good game. Of course, it's a beta...
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And, for those who will ask, I bought it through the producer page, not steam.
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"getting facts straight" shouldnt include a biased opinion. yes the game is in alpha and they should state that, yes the game prob shouldnt be on steam yet, but no u shouldnt be telling people not to buy it. u tell them the facts such this is a new game company which has been making many mistakes, however this is their first game. it has the potential to fail and the same to be a great game. its up to the consumer to make the choice whether its worth their money or not.
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it is their 2nd game. They jumped the gun yeah. I find it funny that people are hating it when it's like a indie priced game. 14.99 is a cheap game and most people are basing it on a AA full priced review. That being said the game is crap, and only in Alpha. They are still making the game like they just opened up the game to full public but the cars aren't in yet. The big maps aren't in it, they are still fixing zombies, and it shouldn't be on steam seeing as they haven't even put in the other maps yet and are tweaking the servers. As for the flat out lie people freaked out about opening up the servers to 70. All and all The Game isn't Done, it's been put on steam too soon. All and all the game has just gotten into Beta. A big Buggar up all around. Don't buy.
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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtKAm3nzg6I Watch this, this is more than enough reason not to buy it.
Add on shaddy devs, false advertising, as well as a load more issues and you got reason not to buy it.
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What's the word for opposite a fanboy? It's strong in the OP.
You guys crying about the game are as annoying as those defending it. What do you care if people buy the game? It doesn't affect you. Who gives a shit? Play what you enjoy and let others do the same.
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I totally agree. When I go to a restaurant and get crappy service and crappy food, I make sure I don't tell all my friends. Instead, I want to make sure they go there and get crappy service and crappy food just like I did! Fuck em for not knowing it ahead of time! Everyone should experience shit and pay for it.
See how retarded your argument is?
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Sorry but I knew those publishers are retards...When I see that they want me to pay for a game and some minutes later I realise that im fucked anyway when I dont purchase ingame currency...Srsly **** yourself, publishers like those wont survive. I give you 6 months, then it will be free2play.
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"Listen to me despite the fact I can't listen to what support has asked of me"
To be honest, you're missing some of the most convincing points to the argument. TotalBiscuit's opinion is irrelevant just as those screenshots of kids whining are. The misleading description is the only accurate part which unfortunately happens with quite a few games nowadays.
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There's already a topic about this and i'm not saying that just because i opened it, but god damn....use search function next time
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I agree and disagree, they say the game was in development for 3 years, they could've made better graphics. But I understand that they use the same texture pack.
PS: if you're trying to fool people that it has been in development for all those years, come up with an original name...
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plus rep for this thread. After see the video, I can say: Big Rigs is 10x better than Bore Z
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You have to pay real money to revive your character or wait four hours. What kind of bullshit is that? I wouldn't play this crappy game if it was free.
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People that are dumb enough to buy this deserve to be ripped off.
See how he tries dancing around the facts and justifying his fucking outright LYING to win customers on the store page. All preparing for a court case with his "how things can be interpreted differently" bullshit when the store page had and still has outright lies and false advertising on it, 100% bonafide direct lies.
"Although the packaging of Big Rigs states that the main objective of the game is to race their semi-trailer truck (known colloquially as a "Big Rig") to safety in order to deliver illegal cargo being carried by the vessel, while avoiding the local police force, in actuality, there are no police in the game, and no such objectives are presented within the game itself. Much of the game instead centers on the player racing their truck against fellow drivers to the finish line; however, the player's computer-controlled opponent vehicles have no AI and never move from the starting position."
See the link? "Big Rigs" has no police when they were a promised feature, and the AI opponent drivers just stood there and did nothing before the sole patch the game got, which was changed to this behavior after the patch (quote from the following linked video's description): "The AI in this game is hilarious. It just drives in a predetermined line to the finish. You can't lose. Even if you let your opponent get to the finish first it will stop right before the finish line!! The game presents you with a simple line of text for your victory "You're winner!". Here's the video of the game and its' furthermore wonderful physics and no collision detection whatsoever. Make sure to read the video's description for full details. Oh, and, some FUNNY AS HELL SHIT begins at 1:30.
This fucker makes half complete games, and sells them as finished games for cash. Anyone that doesn't see that by now? Wow, just, wow.
They just wanted to put this game out live quickly since they knew they were gaining a lot of mistrust and controversy, for example by the kind of shit OP mentioned. Oh, and let's not forget how they copypasted LoL's TOS, another indicator of wanting to just get it out the door quickly. Why? Well, they're also already doing micro-transactions for real money, and just about every item you can find in-game can be bought in the store, including consumables like food and drink that restore health. Oh btw, funny how zombies are juuust a little faster than you, so you can never outrun them, but get the feeling like maybe, you have a chance to. Also, funny how finding any weapon that can adequately defend you from more than 2 zombies seems almost impossible, since you spawn with only a flashlight that does hardly any damage, and makes you a hella easy target at night for other players, since you can't even turn it off when it's equipped.
They also set the respawn time to 4 hours for a character instead of 1; what it used to be before release. Of course, that time can be eliminated by, you guessed it, paying for the privilege.
Come the fuck on people. This buggy, unfinished, broken game is rigged to churn cash out of you like an air rifle with a subtly bent barrel at a funfair. And the game's maker is just as slick a weasel, charlatan, and liar as the same funfair stand operator. Well, maybe not as clever.
Watch. The game's servers will be down within maximum 1 year, maybe 1 1/2, once they've churned enough money out of the suckers who are actually spending coin on this steaming hunk of shit, and they don't feel like paying server costs anymore or simply want to cash out.
EDIT: Look what I found!
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I didn't realize they both have the same guy as a developer! I feel worse for wasting my money on this now.
Oh, and just a funny review of Big Rigs.
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War Z is less worse than Day Z but yeah there are both really REALLY bad
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My friend also bought it and he's not happy about it. He deleted it right away :S
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people have their own tastes in gaming and mine say that both are quite good games so everyone can have a different opion
just sayin
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So many DayZ Fanboys here. And at the people complaining about it using objects and graphics from war inc. your dumb, Thats like saying, "DayZ sucks because its using arma graphics". or "Borderlands 2 is lame because its 100% same graphics as 1." <<--True btw..
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You got a point they say its been in development for 3 years which is hard to believe with its current state, but the DayZ standalone from what i see isn't going to have pretty much any change in graphics. http://www.ign.com/images/games/dayz-standalone-pc-145318/507c8158f49156dc139d9f9a
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Your point just doesn't make sense at all. The War Z is a paid game that uses assets and textures of their other game War Inc., that's cheap and lazy. But this is just a small part of why people don't like The War Z.
How can you compare a mod like Day Z with a game as Borderlands 2? How can you compare a mod with a 'real' game? And Day Z is free, who cares which textures and assets it use.
If DayZ stand alone will use assets and textures from Arma II, then it's another story. But we don't know that, yet.
Btw, you use the word graphics a bit wrong.
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What does it matter which engine it uses? A lot of games use the same engine. And how do you know it will use 'stuff' from the mod for the stand alone version?
You was comparing them in the way that they both use almost the identical graphics as 'predecessor'.
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Discuss: I will put some Links in here right away.
Bore Z by TotalBiscuit This is a video you MUST watch if you consider buying the game..... after that... you won't, believe me.
Misleading Description They are flat out LYING about that stuff. Illegal in most countrys btw.
This is an article about the misleading store page. GOD DAMN IT! THE GAME IS IN ALPHA!
Game Hub Just look at what peole who bought the game say.
A picture I found on Reddit
The War Z Pulled From Steam It's funny, that the URL says "the-war-z-released-on-steam"...
A Shocking Interview With The War Z Developer On False Steam Store Claims
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