So today is my first Wedding Anniversary and to celebrate i'm going to do a GA (maybe 2). As you can imagine, after the expensive present and our day and night out that we're about to embark on, funds have become tight. So i've narrowed my options down to these. Which i GA will be up to the community. Just comment and the one with the most comments wil be put up. (tomorrow).

  1. Legacy of Kain collection. Because these are great games :D
  2. Fallout NV:UE
  3. Fallout 3 GOTY
  4. I Could get something like CB Jericho 3 times over for the price of these games so would effectively end up with 3 GA's

EDIT: There will be a CV requirement on these games in either case. Nothing to high.

Edit 2: Voting now closed for counting. Any votes AFTER limathompson will not be counted.

11 years ago*

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Closed 11 years ago by Doonhamerlfc.