
Warning: It is getting the hug of death right now. You may want to wait an hour or so. With 100k keys there should not be risk of running out within a hour.

Edit: Just got mine, so it is still good. However, some people are having problems. Empty Verification email and duplicate steam keys are popping up. Keep trying though, you may get lucky.

Edit2: Seems as though the site went blank. They might be doing maintenance cuz of all the problems. *Its back up

Edit3: If you get blank email, use the option "View/Read full header". The link will be in there most of the time.

Edi4: They are sending out more keys. I just got a second key. Ninjas: PLPD7-EQJ9T-KKPT5 #2: WX40G-TKAA4-DFE9N

Edit5: You can no longer give away this game here. Taken off giveaway list for now.

Edit 6: STILL WORKING as of Jan 21st

11 years ago*

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Closed 10 years ago by Gramis.