You must have some courage. In most Korean schools, girls and boys are never in the same classroom.Which makes it extremely hard to walk all the way to the girls' classroom and you're the only guy/
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That's good cause you can use it to your advantage. Go to her classroom and in front of everyone call her name and tell her you want to talk to her and you will be waiting outside. Then leave and close the door. When she will come introduce yourself and tell her you would like to have a drink with her sometime. Then pull out your phone and give it to her and tell her to enter her number in there. The next day call her and tell her you are going out and if she would like to come along with you. If she refuses tell her that next time she will have to call and ows you a drink. That's it. Good luck!
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Just be ready for a NO, even better go with your mind set on the NO, if she says yes, GREAT!!!! you can even jump in front of everyone and be kind of funny, but if she says no, you can be ready for a cool response and walk away with dignity.
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they are children.... not sure if you made it sound more adult just to troll or not lol
personally what always worked for me is
just wait till after school, when you see her go ask for her email/facebook. then talk to her online till she loves you lol.... its that simple.
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To be closer to her you have to spend a lot of time , like every other person every relationship is made of trust... trust isn't built in seconds so before asking her out you should i don't know,ask how she is and stuff like that,ask her what kind of music she likes for example... i don't even know why i am helping somebody when i am still a virgin ffs. lol
EDIT 1 : Take a deep breath and go there.. if you don't do it,you won't know how it could go.... it's not even about courage... just tell her " Hey,i am your name and , well , since this school is restrictive i wanted to know if you wanted to hang out with me tomorrow at specific time at specific place
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Well all right then. Can you still build up trust by texting?
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after the first time you talk to her if you think everything went ok with her ask her for her facebook contact..after some time ask for her phone number,but that's just if you have 0 confidence with her and if you have a lot of time to spend.
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And suitable for sacrifices.
I never understood why people are so worried about being a virgin. It never bothered me and I waited till I met who I thought was the right person. Though things didn't work out in the end, it made it more special and I don't regret it at all (though I don't think I would have had many chances anyway).
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This is best what you can do.
Also its simplest and gives girl clear picture what you want of her.
Considering that you are in middle school, no fancy playbook will be of any use to you, in all honesty it just drag you down.
Also, don't over think it, no scenario you imagine will prepare you for infinite possibilities how you can embers yourself. And the more you think likely is to "find" excuse not to ask her out. Just bite the lip and go and ask her.
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yeah trust ^this guy.. I am that "coward" type too and I usually tried to make it that way that girl asks me first, yeah at the beggining it worked but than get to the point where its not working, 'cause who wants somebody that can't get what he want right ? And now Im at the point that closest thing to relationship is a hug from my mother :D
So, don't be coward like me and just get what you want sooner or later you get self-confidence, life gets easier and you will be like Ludacris :P
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Things usually happen when you do not expect it to happen, play life rather than looking for shortcuts, :D
Its as easy as being friendly, a female is no different than you ,no need to treat her differently.
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Yeah, the best thing to do is be yourself and if so, help yourself, confidence will be a bigger problem for you in the future but at your age, I do not think its a major factor, just shyness, be friend her, and see what happens, you might surprise yourself.
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You see, I don't have a lot of time. I'm not exactly sure, but she might move when I go to high school.
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The truth is things happen in present time and you could analyse/assume and put anything in theory but its always different in practice, there will always be the ones that got away and ones that you will end up with, time and patience, just try not be desperate I spose.
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As in, do not treat her like anything other than a human being.
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I thought that with all these social networking and cellphones with messengers this should be a piece of cake (hell even icq and MSN helped a lot years ago), just text her or something. Its been a while since i asked a girl out, and probably wont do it again, but always just asking seemed to work.
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Three ways:
Just take her in some quiet place, and tear down her clothes. Or you'll jump straight into relationship, or you'll end up with rape charges. Like all speedruns it is risky way.
Let the events progress in their own pace. Talk with her, make sure you listen to what she has to say. Later ask her out. Make sure to check out her needs and/or interests. Time consuming process, with average chances of success.
Search out for an tutorial or walkthough in google how to date a girl. Make sure it isn't a speedrun, or you'll end up in point 1.
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You should try to find opportunities to be alone with her and talk so you can both get to know each other better. What she likes, what she doesn't, if she is having a hard time with any of the classes or something else or maybe she can help you with ones that you do. Finding something to do together is the key to start building a relationship.
Don't try to talk to her about such personal stuff in the middle of a group of friends/students though, at that age group it may turn out nasty.
The age thing is culture and neighborhood dependent. Most cultures do not frown upon an innocent romance at that age as long as things doesn't escalate into actual sex. You should know of your own situation better than any of us.
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That doesn't work.. i touched the ass and the boobs of the girl i wanted to get in a relationship with and she toke it as a joke but i still got friendzoned so yeah.. apparently you are just a friend if you touch her boobs + ass... nice to know LOL.
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And so a long-term relationship begins, with the police.
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I figure this may be an odd place to be asking people, as this is kind of an international community and customs can and will vary majorly, but I would suggest having a chat with her, throw out some jokes to lighten the mood (for both you and her), and then you'll have to just go for it. It may be hard, to actually do it, but it is either you do or don't, and hopefully the jokes help blow off some stress before you do.
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There is some generalities that you can assume, such as it is easy to assume she'd rather not be set on fire. A good joke is something everyone seems to enjoy, regardless of culture or gender, and can help break the ice, and girls tend to be more attracted to guys with a sense of humor.
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Hate to break this to you, but even if I know a few cases of highschool couples staying together after school and forming a long-time relationship I haven't heard about a single one that survived from the middle-school days. The thing is that in your age you're much too young for intimate relationship. You may hold each other hands, hug, kiss but that's pretty much it. And it's very hard to mantain long relationship without a certain level of intimacy. It's important to have common interests etc, have things to talk about, to do together etc, but same goes for friends. Without intimacy you're rather a friends than a couple, and like I said - you're too young for intimate relationship.
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If you are embarrassed about walking straight up to her and initiating a conversation which would hopefully lead to you asking her out, dont be. Women are usually attracted to men who are decisive and in control. At the very least you will impress her. Show her that you are social and not afraid to talk to people.
Don't go to her class to ask her out, you may end up embarrassing her. Girls at that age are very sensitive. Rather wait for her after school if you can and talk to her. Ask her if she would like to do anything over the weekend. Always cover your bases, don't ask her out without a date plan.
Also these things are never too early. If you want to spend time with the girl you like, then by all means don't let anything stop you.
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get a god tactic, let me know too. I usually just walk up and then carry on walking LOL
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No, God tactic, you walk up to them and hand the girl your holy book of choice, inside, there's a note asking her on a date. Duh.
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"Yo gurl, check out ma swag, wanna ride this chu chu train hunny, I got the hunsies if you got the funsies"
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So this might not the be the best place to write this, but since I use it the most, I figure why not? Anyway, this girl I've known for over a year now, we know each other but not that close. I think in Korea where I live, there is no friendship between a girl and a guy. Only a girlfriend/boyfriend or stranger/? Do you guys have any suggestions on how to ask a girl out or at least be closer to her?
Also we're both in middle school. Do you think that's too early?
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