I agree wholeheartely. Every single amazon support I've contacted (UK, US, ES, FR) has been more than excellent.
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Oh sorry I forgot to change that back while I sent it to my friend :3
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Yeah they were called a lot of different names. I want to see the Amazon training video now.
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But don't you have to have at least $25 or over in children then?
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I normally speak seriously when I am writing to a support or something but today..I just felt happy so ya :]
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Yeah I agre. I even had to make a phone call once to unlock my account (wrong password too much, which is a habit of mine) and aside from quite strange accent that was quite hard to understand for me (as a non native speaker) I was able to get it through without any problems and the lady there was very cooperative even though she sounded like someone after a nightshift or something (which she even might have been since I'm in europe :D )
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When I ordered Rollercoaster Tycoon on the ds, the original copy never came. It was lost while shipping or something. The guy I talked to immediately sent out another copy with express shipping, no questions asked, only telling me that if the original copy came, to please send it back.
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They are so nice! Is Amazon more popular than Ebay?
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Glad to see they are getting better. I remember I had a couple nightmare stories about 10 years ago with them. They didn't seem to care back then and I got to the point where I was spending more money at other websites just so I didn't have to deal with Amazon. I've made my way back to Amazon but if they didn't change their support like they have in recent years, I'd still be boycotting them.
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That's pretty cool of them. I've had decently good interactions with them. The biggest problem I've had was when I couldn't access my Steam keys for 2 months because of a weird glitch in the system. They were nice enough to give me a $15 promo code on my account and sent me a list of my keys to hold me over until they fixed it.
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Head over to the CAG forums, and check out the official Amazon thread maintained by Tony. Personalized rapports, deals and responses, something unheard of these days for an online retailer. I've never seen any company take care of its customers the way they do (especially the digital section)
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Thats less to do with Amazon, and more to do with Tony. It was Tony's idea to get the target consumers involved. He is still branching things out in Reddit and I think he has posted on Sgifts before. But he is showing that if you give customers what they want and treat them well, you can make more money then if you just charge a flat fee. You can also thank him for showing steam up the last few sales, ha ha.
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My "Customer Service" experience with Amazon (paraphrased) ---
Me: I pre-ordered this three months ago for $100 and have to wait three weeks after it comes out before you will even ship it to me. Meanwhile, the guy who just bought it on sale, today, for $70 gets his shipped to him overnight. Why can't you send me my copy now instead of making me wait?
Amazon: We understand your frustration, but you can go @&$% yourself. We'll ship the game in three weeks, and you should get it within five. If you do not receive your item within five weeks, contact us and we'll look into it. In the meantime, here is a $5 credit toward your next purchase.
That was the last time I ever sought to make a purchase on Amazon. Every time someone so much as mentions their name, my blood pressure goes up. Doing a rough calculation, I'd say they've lost about $2500 worth of my business, so far.
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Sometimes shit happens.
I mean look, they gave you a 5$ credit
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What they should have done was give me the option of cancelling my pre-order and re-ordering the product from their sale. They did not give my that option. Failing that, they should have done what they could to expedite the shipping process, which they did not. Failing that, they should have tried to make it up to me in some other way. Offering me a pittance off my next order was almost an insult after everything else. I would have to spend more money on their site to get even the minor consolation they offered me.
Service rating? 1/3 of a star out of five, and that's mostly for being polite (if infuriating) on the phone.
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If you look carefully, you'll see the word "paraphrased" in my posting. (Look it up.) What was actually said, however, was more along the lines of...
"We appreciate your difficulty, but Amazon policy does not allow us to make changes to your order. You will simply have to be patient and wait until such time as your order arrives."
Put more succinctly, "We understand your frustration, but you can go %^@# yourself."
To my credit, I will say that I didn't lose my temper, nor did I mistreat the CS Rep in any way. I did mention my severe displeasure at how the situation was handled, but it seems my business was not important enough to Amazon to make any difference.
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How come I am the only who had had TWICE bad experience with Amazon and Amazon CS?
My Blueray shipping was cancelled and I got notice after TWO years. Literally.
And I asked for a refund after I got notice. They delayed it for days.
After that, I wanted to spend it on another, I ordered, guess what? Another WEEKS waiting without info - and yes when I contacted them they easily said 'sorry it was not our responsibility' basically.
Thanks Amazon for your great CS.
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You're not the only one they've screwed over. I only posted the latest (last?) example of how they dealt with me. (see above)
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I replaced my name with anything I could think of
Edit: Hmm I'll just call myself...Ene :3
Me:I only need 2 cents to buy Scribblenauts
Me:But sadly you guys don't accept paypal :(
Trexie:Hello Ene my name is Trexie. I'm really sorry about this. I'll be very happy to help you and check this for you.
Me:So i can't pay please spare my 2 cents
Trexie:I am so sorry about this problem with your payment Ene.
Are the items you are interested in purchasing inside your shopping cart?
Me:No but I can give you the link
Click here it is this one
Thanks for helping me check :]
Trexie:I do see that this is a digital download.
Me:Yes it is digital :3
Trexie:You're very welcome Ene. :)
Me:Awe you're so nice :o lol
Trexie:I really want to help you out on this and this is actually out of Amazon's policy since we are unable to reduce prices on items available on the website. However, since you are a valued customer of Amazon and I want to help you out on this, I am issuing a promotional credit of $1.00 in your account.
Trexie is typing...
Me:Oh my god thank you o_o <3
Trexie:I can assure you that digital products sold by Amazon Digital Services are eligible for this. The promotional funds will apply to your order automatically before another payment method is charged.
You're very welcome Ene!
And do I just click end chat ?
Trexie:You're very welcome! It's my pleasure to help you!
Yes please Ene!
Thank you for chatting with Amazon!
You have a wonderful evening! We hope to see you again soon!
Take care! Bye now!
Me:It's a pleasure talking to you Amazon always have the best support other stores should learn to be just like you guys bye!
I feel special..Valued customer c:
And I know it's only a dollar but who cares!
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