I loved Telltale's The Walking Dead.. its one of the few games that managed to bring my interest back into gaming :D
Been waiting for episode 5 for long now.
As for the activision's version, I'd be playing for Daryl. Love that character in the series. Well I'll just play it as its involved with Walking Dead. Seriously, the game and the series have gotten me addicted to a crazy level :P (I even started playing Dead Island... )
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CoD: Zombie Ops Dubstep Warfare Edition 5
no...seriously, im interested in the game and will play it for sure, just because i like the zombie themed and survival games and i follow the tv show intensively and have some hopes that this will might be something good.
Or not... because its from the guys from CoD. They will probably just edit black ops and put new characters and weapons and ITS GOOD FOR SALE!!
or maybe just use CoD zombie mod, even less work that way!
Anyway, sounds like there's some crappy shit coming. but i will give it a shot.
one thing for sure, kids will love and buy this without hesitate. it's like the new iphones.
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I'm not confusing them, I'm just generalizing, seeing what quality Activision-published games lately represents.
And if Activision allowed such a "gem" as 007 Legends exist, seeing Activision allow creating all those medicore SpiderMan games, there's not much hope this won't be just a medicore game that want to grab money thanks to known title. Aspecially when I remember quality of most "licenced-games". For every good title there's dozen of crappy.
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If you didn't know, publishers have control over the developers.
Look for example at the horrible BF3, Dice did not want to make it that way, but EA rushed them and made them do a game to compete with CoD sales rather than a true battlefield game.
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Mirror's Edge was one of the best games I've played, BF3 not so much, both EA published games, both DICE games.
I'm painfully aware of the shite EA force developers to squeeze out, but publisher X doesn't necessarily mean game Y MUST be, with 100% certainty, horrible. But it is a reason to be skeptical, no doubt.
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The TV show was pretty mediocre for two seasons, and is just now getting good. I don't trust a spinoff dedicated to the show to be any good at this point. And really, prequel stories in general are always kind of lame. Very rarely done right.
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How exactly do you do a prequel to a zombie story anyway?
"There's even less zombies and even less intrigue between the characters! Watch as our brave characters haplessly try to contact the military and do other generic zombie tropes that you know won't work!"
The reason why Telltale's game was so successful is that it knew that zombies were secondary to the plot. The real story was the interaction with the humans in a situation where the whole of human has broken down. This is something that people always forget about Night of the Living Dead which pretty much made the whole genre.
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Actually, the zombies were not secondary in Night of the Living Dead. Romero himself has stated repeatedly that the zombies are the true stars of his Dead movies, using them as allegories for real life issues. The humans are , in fact, the secondary plot, even though they are used for the stories.
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Heh, I dunno. I watched the series and gotta say, it just kind of sucks. I mean, it's not particularly bad or anything, but its filler episodes in Season 2 put any anime series to shame. Besides, the characters are not very likeable for me, except for a few. Thankfully, the Dixon bros are of those few so I might be interested in this.
I've only seen let's plays of the first and second episode (after which I stopped because I want to play them myself, seeing how awesome it is), and all I have to say, Activision will have one hard fucking time topping that. But if they do, that's all for the better.
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Telltale did a good job in actually taking the setting and making a story with a cool atmosphere and interesting characters (I hate that it's episodic, but last one will be out soon so I'm holding on to that thought).
Activision seems to want to take the license and just stick it on a random FPS gameplay (as somebody mentioned, like they did with Bond Legends). The brothers in question actually are just beginning to grow into their personalities, one basically becoming the most likeable character in the show...but Activision wants to deal with them in the period when they're both redneck type badguys...I just don't see that being fun.
Activision wants to do to the Walking dead, what Will Smith movies do with classic sf novels, they take the name and a certain minimal story element and then just do something generic unrelated with it.
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Finally managed to play The Walking Dead from Telltale this weekend, and I can 100% say that ths is better than any generic shooter Activision can come up with. They're not trying to do a prequel, they just do a story about a different group of people in the same universe as the comic book. Gives them creative freedom for a truly gripping storyline that does have you at the edge of your seat, and questioning your every choices.
Granted, I like adventure games in general. But when you end up still thinking about the fate of the characters hours after you stopped playing and wondering if you should have made different choices, I think it's a good sign that they did a pretty good job getting you into the game's universe.
Shooter kiddies will prefer the bland fps but anyone who can appreciate a gripping storyline will want to go with Telltale's version.
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as a Monkey Island series lover i really liked the Telltale version, then i bought the Walking Dead.. and its.. AWESOME
looking foward for the chapter 5
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How can you compare a released game to a game that's still being developed? That's pretty stupid.
Either way, I'm going to go with the Telltale game. I like the story of The Walking Dead more than the brains being splattered (which we get enough of in the telltale game)
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which one do you think is going to be better?? I know there isn't much info on activision's version but I just want to see which you think you'll like! If you don't know what the activision's version is like here is the description below :D
The new game acts as a prequel to The Walking Dead TV show, as it takes Daryl Dixon and his brother Merle on a quest to get to the safety of Atlanta. Activision promises a “haunting,” “mysterious,” and “unforgiving” journey, so it’s certainly safe to say that horror game lovers won’t be let down.
Having a development team that are not just fans, but know the The Walking Dead television counterpart back to front and inside out means that all the iconic characters, their traits and mannerisms, can be replicated with tight precision in video game form. For instance, the hordes of undead – known as the walkers – are said to hunt down Dixon in a relentless manner, using all their available senses to do so. It seems sight, sound and smell do not decrease in accuracy once one dies and then returns as a zombie, but are if anything accentuated. Obviously, with enemies that have a high sense of everything around them, even those that can’t be seen, players must take time to evaluate the options and choices in front of them, and whether to fight or flee with stealth. Activision outline the situation by saying: “No place is safe for Daryl as he makes his way through the Georgia countryside in this new, post-apocalyptic world.”
Although the genre of ‘do whatever it takes to survive’ is something that we’ve seen before, the fact that players will be able to think of themselves as now part of the iconic TV show is something else. Not only that, but the conscious decisions each player will have to make to manage rations of food, medicines and ammo are an integral part of the game itself. Much like in other games, the art of being able to sneak around and keep within the shadows is a must, and players are required to do so frequently. Plus, players are the ones to decide who Dixon joins forces with, and whom he turns away, an interesting aspect.
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