Christian Allen, the man behind some Tom Clancy games and Halo Reach, is now starting a new project. It's a hardcore tactical shooter with realisticly deadly weapons, squad-based tactics and objective-based non-linear missions. Something like good old SWAT -series.

As a fan of SWAT 4 I'd love to see this one happen, spread the word!

13 years ago*

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I wish them luck, hopefully now devs will it be able to be more independent.

13 years ago

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Wow, never thought Serellan would need to whore out on kickstarter. Also didn't he just ask the community to basically design everything? Wonder where all that profit (If any, lol) will go.

Yeah, but no.

13 years ago

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I came across that a few days ago. Could be interesting, though I'm uneasy about what an indie tactical shooter might look like. I loved co-op in the R6 and GRAW games, though, so I'm hopeful this may produce something worthwhile. Time will tell.

13 years ago

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The "HARDCORE" part is the one i'm looking at with a frown on my face, but i guess time will tell.

13 years ago

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looks awesome!!

13 years ago

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Yea, it looks good but... what if you donate and they don't reach the 200k (and I really don't think they will...)? Since they said they won't develop it if they don't reach it. What happens with the money then?

13 years ago

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If you use kickstarter you technically can't start unless you reach the goal. They use amazon's payment service because you can pledge money with it and if the goal isn't met it's instantly refunded to your account.

Basically kickstarter holds your money, when the deadline is hit, if they met the goal it goes to the developer, else it's returned.

13 years ago

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Ah, I understand! Thanks for the info. Might also donate a bit, since I'd really like to see a SWAT4-like game again!

13 years ago

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This game will either be really good or terrible. Most likely terrible.

13 years ago

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Closed 13 years ago by Muskottah.