Well, great for me if so, don't think there is much I'd still want from them at this point. I'll only be missing the new Groupees.
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Maybe "Broken Age"? :3
Massive Chalice early-access? :3
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probably not, but maybe some "bundle repeats" for $1 and one of the mentioned for BTA.
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Well it's not impossible. DF had some decent things and multiple tiers in their last bundle. I can see them going that route for a weekly sale as well
I would see it possible if it is like this:
$1 "bundle repeats"
BTA (or probably a fixed $6 tier): one or two bundle repeats (the cave might end up here)
Higher fixed priced tier BA, MC, S DF-9
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No, not at normal weekly/bundle tiers.
Thats why I said "higher fixed priced tier". That tier could easily be $20-25 and would still be a steal if anyone is after more than one DF game, or want to support DF by changing the sliders in their favour.
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They have had one "normal" HB bundle. They have had their "amnesia fortnight" thing on humble bundle. On top of that they have had one game in HiB V and one in HiB 9. That's not a lot, considering there's been 41 bundles and 40 weekly sales. And I don't mind that a dev that shows HB some sweet support (and the other way around. Both are also SF based) will have more than one go at offering their games on HB. Just like Frozenbyte did!
And comments like all money went to Tim's food is kind of old and pointless. That said, some of their projects have went way over budget delaying projects in a not so sweet way. The other side of that is that they allow their employees to be creative and try new approaches, and we do need creative minds . They just have to find a good balance with that, money and time schedule!
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Or simply get Sega's approval for inclusion in a Bundle.
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Gosh, can't you read? They are in no way foreshadowing promotions launching tomorrow.
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That's the first thing I noticed. I'll laugh so hard if there's nothing DF-related happening tomorrow.
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Yes that is correct. They do to "amnesias" to get the creativity going and to see what can come out of that (and so far the amnesias have produced a few games, so it's working for them)
However I don't think they have the time at the moment to do a "amnesia" at the moment. Sure the BA-team will hopefully soon be done (once Act 2 is complete, and) but they still have teams working on Massive Chalice, Hack 'n' Slash, Spacebase DF-9 (and maybe even on future not yet announced projects) All of them are rather large projects and I do think that the BA-team might go on to these projects.
That said, I would love a Amnesia-thingies, and I wouldn't mind a two week delay in the process of mentioned projects :)
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If there's actually something DF-related, I'm kinda hoping it's this since I already own all of their games except for Broken age and DF-9, and there's no way those two are getting bundled so soon.
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They have had one "normal" HB bundle. They have had their "amnesia fortnight" thing on humble bundle. On top of that they have had one game in HiB V and one in HiB 9. That's not a lot, considering there's been 41 bundles and 40 weekly sales. And I don't mind that a dev that shows HB some sweet support (and the other way around. Both are also SF based) will have more than one go at offering their games on HB. Just like Frozenbyte did!
Also, while it will probably contain games that have been bundled before we do not for sure know what this thing will contain.
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Yes Introversion is another company that likes HB (and that HB likes) they have had
One "normal" bundle and One Weekly sale. One game in HB for Android 3.
If either of the mentioned (in this thread) newer/upcoming tiles like BA, S DF-9 or MC will be in this "thing" then expect that game to be in a fixed tier. That tier could easily be $20-25 (or more) and would still be a steal if anyone is after more than one DF game, or want to support DF by changing the sliders in their favour.
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I think I already have all of these, unless Broken Age is going to pop up (of course, in the 6 dollar (or more) tier. I LOVE Double Fine, but I'll have to pass, especially when I BTA in their main bundle to get Brutal Legend, and before I even got around to playing it it was already in a 1 dollar tier in a later bundle. Of course, maybe they'll do a Fortnight again, because it just says "promotion," but they would probably do that when they aren't doing a main bundle already.
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not oging to hppen - the game isn't even officially release yet. MAybe in fixed price tier with limited copies like with Satbound, but I believe we will rather simply get a weekly pack with already bundled DF games (as Iron Brigade and The Cave are not owned by DF)
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It did happen, but it's only available at the highest tier -- you have to pay $16.75 or more to get it. Considering the rest of the bundle was all in the previous Humble Double Fine bundle, you have to decide whether that single game (and an Early Access one at that) is worth the high price. For me, it's not, but it might be for some.
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Hmm. I remember buying a Double Fine bundle in the past. I'll consider buying this one, assuming it happens, only if it's sufficiently different from the previous one. If there aren't enough games I don't already own or the games don't interest me, I'll probably skip it. We'll see soon enough.
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it bothers me more to decide whether to sort out 6$ for dirt3 than any double fine promo...
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