As soon as the price drops back to normal so will peoples CV
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Except the problem is, in the meantime they can enter high-value CV giveaways. Even when their CV value drops, their entries in those giveaways will not be removed unless they do so manually (which they obviously wouldn't do).
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Or, they win and activate something, then get the CV drop long after. Sometimes the fixes here take ages.
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And you want us to do what? Ban all of them? And what about the poor bastard that just so happened to be giving it away anyway, not even knowing about the price fuckup? Yeah, they'll have incentive to come back to SG.
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A) i am one of these people with one of those "exploited giveaways"
B) I've made it very clear on said giveaway, this is not an exploit. i purchased 2 copies, and didn't want 1 of them.
The contribution value WILL decrease once the issue is sorted.
Those who are all "you scammer, you're going to go to hell for your sins". well.. to be put bluntly. screw them, i am fed up with people who joined 2 weeks ago, to criticize people like myself, who have given hundreds to this site. All the dedication and support just so they can tell me that i am a bad person.
C) that "exploited" giveaway will be my LAST public one.
Nope. don't care anymore. Those whiny little runts get nothing.
Giveaway cancelled. no free game for anyone.
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Don't let the bastards grind you down. You did nothing wrong, and even if someone else tried to exploit it, the system doesn't work that way. Once SG receives a reduced (or in this case, correct) game value from Steam, the resulting CV is reduced. The same way that CV gets reduced when games get reduced in price (i.e. Defiance is normally $9.99 now, instead of the $40 from before).
Thanks for trying to be generous, though. Some people are never happy.
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actually it is a payday mask, i have one too. they are signed by the devs of payday. we got them at the pre alpha event in london :)
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its not generic, AJValentine found an unsigned one on ebay, and raffled it off when he recieved his signed one. unfortunatley i havent seen any wolf ones
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I was invited to a Pre alpha event in London, back in march.
They gave us signed copies of the mask.
That specific one though, unsigned. I bought that from ebay.
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If you saw the giveaway, one was not for me. It was for the above "AmieeRawr".
No need to a condescending jackass about it.
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Why not? If they were acting like ridiculous twats, he has a right to complain. Depending on their content, I probably would have suspended some of them if they got overboard enough to cause AJ to delete the giveaway.
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I enforce it pretty strictly, but I rarely go hunting for them or anything. I rarely check giveaways at all unless there's something we're having to delete for some reason, as a matter of fact. I usually only see them when people report them in tickets, if then. I actually catch more of them when people file tickets needlessly reporting 'fake' giveaways instead of just hitting the report button than any other way, probably. I find that kind of amusing.
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Sorry to hear that, but yeah, people tend to be dipshits in public giveaways, which is why I don't do them either. I was actually considering doing some recently for a change, but then my most recent negative feedback was some derp who said nothing useful about my performance as a moderator and instead just whined about how I don't do public giveaways, so I'm sure as hell not doing it now, thanks to that dumbass leech.
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It's also happening with Zeno Clash. It is only coming up as 40 instead of 10, not as big of an error, and also Zeno Clash is a bundle game so people can only get 30 dollars from it anyway, but it is still something to take note of. I'd be fine if they counted Hospital Tycoon as bundled, that's what they did with Just Cause 2 (one that I actually took advantage of not knowing that it was a price error on Steam, weirder prices have happened during Summer Sales), so it seems fair that is what should be done here.
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Edit: For now. If Steam gives false information the value will jump again, but it'll be taken down to the normal value eventually.
Edit2: Yeah, Steam's overriding the correct value with its false price. Well, unfortunately it'll stay that way until Steam fixes this problem.
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No. How about you read the thread before you suggest something amazingly stupid like that.
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I love being told to take my head out of my arse by someone who says people should be suspended for making giveaways.
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Are you actually serious?
Not just "any" giveaways. I wanted justice.
Sure, those people who create 3 copies of Commander Keen (70P per one) also just "make giveaways".
I gave a damn about justice on this site, I don't anymore. You want justice and you get flamed by mods and admins. Screw that shit. For all I care everyone can make fake giveaways and exploit this site in every possible way. I'm fed up and done with this.
Have a good day.
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You have as crap a sense of justice as a Karstark.
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People create giveaways to bump their CV so their can enter giveaways with high CV (even if for a few hours of days). Is that just to those who didn't get CV by buying games for 1$ and getting 70$ CV for them?
That's your justice. That's the sense of justice of today's world which is in shambles because of such "high sense of justice" like yours. People close their eyes to the injustice or even try to call it justice when it's clearly the opposite. Like I said, I'm done. Done seeking justice. Done caring about everything and others. Fuck that.
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Jesus Christ, you haven't read a single word of this thread, have you?
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It's a self correcting problem, justice will be served when the system lowers the values.
Sure, you could agree they will have temporarily inflated CV; but the flipside is that many people are getting free games out of a temporary issue.
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Justice is letting them do giveaways with the mistaken impression that they'll get to keep these ridiculously inflated values because they're that stupid. They inadvertently perform a generous act and the community benefits, and they get punished for their greed and stupidity when their value remains what it should have been and they get no advantage like they were hoping for. What you're describing is just plain hateful. Just because you don't like what someone does doesn't mean that being pointlessly cruel to them is justice, just because it gratifies your petty irritation. Justice is fair, not cruel.
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No, Justice is never fair, she charges way too much for a lapdance, Angel or Barbie are the ones to go to for fairness.
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As others have noted, the price will be corrected and these people will only have the value they should have in the first place. In the meantime, we'll gleefully re-roll any contributor giveaways they win with their temporarily inflated values. This is not an exploit, this is simple idiocy for the rest of us to point at and laugh.
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What's even better is when you entered all these when they were 5 points, leave while they are 150 and you get 150 points for leaving them.
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The price will be fixed shortly (whether by cg or by Steam) and we will have a flood of "Why is my CV going down?" type threads. It really does no permanent harm, and in the end probably "hurts" the exploiters, if you can be really hurt by giving away games.
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A lot of hospital tycoon giveaways were created, then deleted just because they realized they cant exploit the CV system with said game.. lol. This should be against the rules to delete a giveaway for no reason besides realizing you wont get as much CV as you once thought.
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You can only delete so many giveaways before you're unable to make any more. This is one of those self-resolving problems.
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The giveaway slots they used are permanently occupied and their profiles are permanently blemished with a telltale signature showing them to be greedy, willing to attempt any sort of exploit to unfairly increase their value, and too stupid to recognize that Steam will fix a price bug and that, even in the unlikely event of winning a giveaway with a high value requirement, such a win would be re-rolled anyway. I think having fewer available giveaway slots and being marked as a pariah in the community is more than enough punishment already, to be frank.
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I've noticed the SG's system miscounts the price for Hospital Tycoon, so ppl are putting them on to get extra CV.
Would be great if the admins could shut those giveaways down to avoid more exploiting. Thanks!
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