I hate the Indian GP. Glad they're taking it out again!
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It's only gone for a year. I personally love it :D
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There are a few races I abseloutely hate. Most of them in Burnout Paradise, some of them in Driver: San Francisco.
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Races in GTA and Jak & Daxter games I always disliked. Other similar games too, where the core gameplay isn't driving/racing, but then they make the racing too challenging.
Also Elves. They're pretty Cocky and Stuck-Up. They always seem to think of themselves as a Master Race.
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Specifically, Jak 2 were some of the worst. There were a couple races that were very much challenging AND were absolutely required to advance in the story. I know of TWO friends that stopped playing Jak 2 for that reason alone, because they couldn't get past a specific race.
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Once watched part of the 50km walk at the IAAF World Championships on tv. That was kind of boring, but I'm not sure I'd go as far as saying I hated it.
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Not a huge fan of races. The only ones I really enjoyed were when Burnout was being played. Or something like Twisted Metal or Carmageddon.
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before i even opened the thread
"i'm pretty against the 3 legged race, i don't like being that close to people"
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I entered the post to make a joke that was intended by the OP, darn.
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NO! Because it leads to human deaths! And I LOVE when humans gets tortured and dead! <3
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Y'know... I hate spiders.
But stuff like snakes: yeah, those make sense. They do not like people and people do not like snakes. So we stay away from each other. One crawls under a rock and the other screams like a little girl, startling the small ground reptile and runs away. Yeah, that is like a healthy respect cuz neither is comfortable each other. But hate. Nah, I hate spiders. Like, I just kinda emotionally go blank and immediately react like overly-destructive force. Honestly, there is no real rationalization when I find a spider near me. It is just -GAAAAAAH- die you insigificant eight legged horrifying thing that is also in it's own right kind of an amazing and unique life form.
Yeah. I hate spiders. Now... I am just glad that people do not have eight-legs and have all sorts of hundreds of lensed eyes that can see like crazy duplicates of things. Or have nasty, sharp, itty-bitty fangs with potentially noxious bio-chemical solutions that could be injected and ruin my day by irritating my skin. Yeah! I hate spiders. Like I said, I am just glad that people are not spiders. At least I could try and relate to a person cuz they have similar needs like food, water, good nookie, and like, clothes when it is cold outside - and they also have relatively the same emotions and fears about life and it's purpose or the lack thereof. Spiders on the other hand do not have that. So, I just cannot relate. So, I just hate spiders. I guess sometimes I could feel kind of guilty and self conscious about hating something that God created. But, nah, I still just go into insta-destroy mode when I see a spider. Would I do that to a person. That is debateable. But spiders, yeah, kill all spiders.
So, I guess I think people could learn to hate spiders like me. If they were all like that, then maybe I would ignore the fact that that other person with different hair or skin or language experiences life kinda like I do. And, HEY! We also like good food and games are fun and stuff that makes us laugh. I guess I hate spiders cuz I cannot share a pizza with them or laugh at a movie or get excited about a game. So... yeah, I hate spiders. I guess that rationalizes why I hate spiders. But hating a person cuz they eat different food than me, look different or play the same game as me but with a different language or subtitles... now, I guess that is kinda stupid. Isn't it?
Now, I would hate to run a race that is about 40K. Cuz that makes not sense to me. But I think I could run a race that is about 25 miles. So, what is the real difference? Yeah, could someone answer that and tell me the conversion of those from Kilometers to miles and back and forth???
But me, yeah, I am one of those guys that prefers the DRM free race. Anything else I just kinda have to tolerate.
So, do you think it is okay to hate spiders? (So, enough randomness from me. I hope I at least made you smile. NOW GET BACK TO WORK ... OR GAMING!)
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Some of my friends are wanting to run a 15k instead of 10k, but I personally can't stand them.
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