Greedy Gifters

First round going on right now. We'll see how many spots open up when the smoke clears. Trying to gauge people's interest in this. If you'd be interested in taking part in future giveaways for this group, please post here so we can plan on how to best refill the group.

Please do not message any of us directly to join. We are not hand picking people. Usually the S.Gifts chat is first to know when membership is opened as well as a post in here.

Also, if anyone is genuinely interested in running your own 0-entry giveaways, let me know and we can try and accomodate you.


For those who aren't familiar how this works, here's an example:
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3

Inaugural Giveaway

#2 The aftermath of #2.. Must read lol

3.1 Crossbourne has been kicked by thejadefalcon Finale

4.1 4.2 4.3

12 years ago*

Comment has been collapsed.

Closed 12 years ago by Jetta.