I think you should delete this post NOW.
You're not going to get a proper response from this community.
EDIT: WARNING, If you have not seen this video, please do not watch it, it will ruin your evening or your day. All it is is a video of a dude getting arrested and police shooting this dog and watching it suffer to death.
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I don't understand you. Why should I?
And why is this community not capable of giving a proper answer? I consider it with great esteem.
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A thread like this tends to be very much like "political discussion", which is frowned on and the mods hate it. Plus it all turns into silly slapfights and internet arguments between users, and just ugh. If you want that go to some other forum.
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When this was posted yesterday at various sites, they all ended up in flame wars. Scottbert has a very good point.
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Self defence? The first shot didn't get the dog and he started moving back why would he keep shooting him ? like half a mag of his 9mm?
Edit ,why didn't he use paper spray? why didn't he punch him? ok so I understand now if some one comes to me and pushes me I need to pull out my gun and shoot him till his is dead?
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I agree that everything after the first hit was probably unnecessary. Doesn't change that it was self-defence, though.
I'm by no means an expert for defence against aggressive dogs, but punching it? Really?
Also the equivalent of a dog of that size attacking you wouldn't be a guy pushing you, but a guy with a knife running at you. Shooting is hardly exaggerative force in that scenario.
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Pro tip: change the " watch?v= " part with " v/ " and then press enter.
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They don't like to be held accountable for they're wrong-doings and have they're "power" and "authority" questioned.
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It wasn't for recording video. It was for:
1) most likely breaking city ordinance due to the loud music
2) interfering with hostage situation/armed robbery by blaring music so that the police couldn't communicate with the suspect.
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He was arrested because he failed to comply when they asked him to turn down his radio (the neighbourhood was quiet before he showed up - he apparently told the police that it was his ing radio, not theirs, there's another video on Youtube showing this) There was a hostage situation in one of the houses, and this guy got his dog killed and his ass thrown in jail because he was being a stupid . It's his own fault, not the police's. Don't interfere with police business, simple as that.
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I could write an essay about the police (especially in the US) and how fucked up the whole system is. They have done this and things much worse many times before and will continue to do so. FTP, ACAB.
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Good thing it was justified self defense in this case.
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In Germany you get killed by police officers if you wield a knife while you are naked in a fountain. I'm sure that counts for dogs too.
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Attacked? (S)he jumped on P.O. who - mind you - only had to grab the fucking leash and put the dog back into the car! But no, hey why bend over and pick up the leash? It's much easier to yank out your 9mm and kill that poor thing!
P.S. Just so you know, I actually don't like dogs. I've been bitten, chased and what not but I still condone any type of violence towards animals. Especially not like this.
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Yeah, needlessly killing dogs is helping a lot of people.
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It is actually quite interesting how ignorant people are. It is amazing how they do not notice how the dog leaped towards the policeman right before it was shot.
I am very saddened by the outcome of the incident, but the responsibility is mostly, if not fully, on the owner for not fully restraining his dog and for not complying to the demands from the policemen who were undergoing an operation.
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Did you watch the same video I did? The very first thing the cop tried doing was to grab the leash. See 3:15-3:16, the cop reaches his hands out to try to calm the dog and get the leash. Afterwards, the dog lunged and possibly bit the cop (3:17). He showed incredible self restraint by not shooting the dog the first time. It was only the second lunge that prompted the shots. Also note that at 3:22, the cop once again tries to grab the leash.
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What the...? Why did they shoot the dog? It jumped out, went towards them because he (or she) wanted to protect the owner and instead of just grabbing the leash they shoot it? And arresting the dude without any particular reason? Really? What the fuck is wrong with you people?
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if you grab the leash of a dog trying to attack you you've only tied yourself to it. they turn around lol. leashes aren't stiff sticks that keep him at arms length.
so if a dog was actually attacking grabbing the leash is not the thing to do. (and waiting until its on your throat to see if its jumping up to say hi or bite is equally(probably more) foolish(you didn't suggest that but others here did))
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How's grabbing the leash stops the dog from ripping your throat out?!
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The above two posters make very good points, but you can see the cop tries to grab the leash twice. Once at 3:15 and once at 3:22.
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The only thing that makes me mad in the video is that the police didn't finish what he started. One more shot would've stopped the dog from suffering (though I don't know what happens after the video ends). It is ALWAYS the owner's responsibility to make sure that a dog poses no threat to anyone.
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One more shot and the title of the news reports would be "Cop executes dog in cold blood." It's a lose-lose situation. In addition, after the dog was disabled, it would not be justified self defense anymore to shoot the dog again.
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I'd rather be a dog murderer than a dog torturer. I don't know about US laws but here in Finland the police has a right (if not obligation) to end the suffering animal's life (with a bullet to the head). It could be considered animal cruelty to let it suffer and bleed to death.
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According to this document, it's illegal for the police to euthanize the animal in California.
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hmm well let's see:
racist nigger ( quote: "why dey no black police nigguhz up in hyah police bizniz? " )
retarded police arresting the guy for no reason ( they can't arrest the guy for recording )
dog left unattended with window open. obviously jumped to help the master
necessary use of force from the police to protect himself from harm
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The guy was arrested for not turning his music down (this is shown in another video where they ask him twice via loudspeaker to turn it down. He ignores them and swears at them). There was a hostage situation going on in another house, and the police couldn't hear what was going on. (the neighborhood was quiet before he showed up). The only person he has to blame is himself. If he had not interfered with the police operations, his dog would still be alive.
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The police officer failed to grab the dog and overreacted when it jumped at him. I feel bad for the dog, but if one of those things grabs you it is not a pleasant experience. I am not sure if he did anything, but the owner could try and calm it down when it jumped out of his car. He was provoking and bad things happened. I guess the officer could've shot the dog dead, but they are probably not allowed to?
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Not necessarily arrested, just justifiably detained for interfering with a police operation. Please watch the background video to understand. The police asked him numerous times to turn down the volume of his music because he was interfering with a negotiation during a hostage situation.
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If its true the police arrested him for no reason, then that is a big issues.
BUT the dog got out of the car through a window and was running towards the police officers. Its a big dog with big teeth and they were doing something with his owner. Do you expect them to just stand there and wait till it gets its teeth around an officers arm, or other body parts before trying to shoot it? You expect them to be able to outrun a dog? You expect them to just try to grab the dog in such a way that it would not be able to bite them?
No just like if you were out for a walk and some big dog came running at you with teeth showing and growling/barking, you're not just gonna stand there and see what it does. You're either gonna try to run from it and fail, or if you have a gun, you are at least going to take it out and if it keeps running for you, you are going to shoot it.
So weather or not the police were justified in arresting the man, they were 100% justified in shooting a large charging growling/barking dog with big teeth. Maybe the guy should have done a better job of putting his dog in the car and rolling up the windows more, or even better locked him into the seat belt system with a dog harness like people should have for their animals they care about while driving around instead of having them all loose.
These people that say stuff like F the police would be the first people to cry if there was no police around and someone broke into their homes or someone assaulted them or what ever.
Yes there are bad cops, and sadly the bad cops give the far VAST majority of good cops a bad name.
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not making a youtube account to see it,
but going based off
" a bunch of police officers are attacked by a ¿Rottweiler? while arresting its owner and one of the cops shoots it down when it leaps towards him. "
yes. and based on the other comments, yes he should have shot it again to kill it better.
if a potentially dangerous animal is coming at you and you think its going to attack its too late if you wait until it grabs you. its the same with shooting a guy coming at you with a knife. you don't wait until you're stabbed. maybe he was just carrying it because he was eating an apple, but if you take the time to question that hes too close. people only care so much because it was a dog and thats stupid if you wouldn't be sad if the owner got shot why react to the animal?
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That would've been avoided if those cops weren't idiots and arresting a man who just filmed public place. If the police didn't like it, they could've asked him to stop and use an excuse that it disturbs their work.
Being aggressive towards the man was like asking the dog to act like that, of course it is going to defend its owner. It looked more like the dog was only threatening, not attacking.
I'd say this was abuse of their authority, and they should get punished for shooting the dog.
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That could've been avoided if that idiot owner had his hell hound on a leash. If you're gonna have such dangerous breed in your house it's your obligation to protect people from it.
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Rottweilers are only dangerous if you abuse them, like any other dog.
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jade speaks the truth
Pretty much they aren't any more dangerous (when they go unprovoked) than any other dog.
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I'm pretty sure they bite with much more force than your regular mutt, but that's not the point. They were bred to do some nasty things, and in this case it attacked a human.
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No, they were abused until they don't know any different. Do you know what a Rottweiler was bred for? Pulling carts and herding livestock. You don't entrust a violent dog with herding livestock.
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+1 my friend in high school had a pitbull, she was the friendliest dog in the world, would go and sulk in the corner if somebody acted scared of her(she could get over his 6ft chain fence in about 15 seconds, and tended to try and jump up on you when excited) or forgot to pat her head when they walked by.
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That only proves that the guy in the video trained his dog to be more aggressive.
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Police were aggressive towards the owner. Dog sees this (let's clear up that dogs are loyal creatures). It is going to defend him, like we have taught them to do since we banded together with those four legged furry things.
The man isn't totally innocent. He could've told the dog to calm down and sit. But the police is the devil in this picture. Most officers should be carrying tasers by now, but that faggot was still too trigger happy with a gun.
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The dog was a lethal threat to a policeman. It gets eliminated. The policeman action were correct and justified. The owner is responsible for the dog's demise for not securing it properly in the car.
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the dog's motives don't enter into it. It was big enough to be dangerous, coming at the cop in a potentially aggressive way, so the human defended himself the only way he was able and at pretty much the last second.
the fact that the dog was being a good dog and aggressive only because he perceived a threat to his owner only matters if the animal had lived. If it was only wounded and decided to run they wouldn't hunt it down and kill it like if he had attacked random people for no reason, they'd probably even try and heal the animal. but that comes into it only after it stops being a threat.
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It was the man's fault for not leaving the dog in his car. That faggot was using self-defense, because a dog like that can tear your arm off. Watch this video. It compares three dogs' bites, one of which is a Rottweiler and the Rottweiler had the strongest force.
I don't think that faggot wanted his arm or face ripped off because he was just doing his job.
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not necessarily, I'm sure if I made a move like I'd hurt my friend his dog would try to help him and stop me nice or not. She'd be confused a bit like "but he(thegannet) seemed friendly, and gives me cookies, why are they hurting each other" but she'd know who's side she was on
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Animals are dangerous. Period. They don't care about one's mental ability.
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It wasn't because he was filming, he was yelling things at them and obstructing their investigation; there are other videos where you can hear him better.
Anyways guy shouldn't have been doing that. Cops should have tasered (spelling?) the dog instead of shooting it. The whole thing is a mess.
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I think even a big dog is only about 80lbs right? tazers aren't as safe as they say on healthy young humans even as large as 200...
edit- just looked it up so adding this bit:
Besides theres alot of reasons tasers are hard to use on a dog. the way the pins fire(vertical not horizontal because of how humans are shaped, so to get a dog running by you hold it sideways, to get one running at you....good luck, the cross section of a dog coming right at you you're basically trying to hit him in the head which is moving around quite a bit as he bounds at you) so you tend to only get them with one of the two pins required to taze so the range has to be much shorter(5-12 ft) than with a human. you'd have to let the animal get close to the point of being dangerous, ect. they also allegedly tend to recover from a taser alot faster(apparently humans sit there and go "what just happened" for a few seconds, and animals go more "thing happened! wonder later, fight or flight now!"). and they weigh less than humans so you can kill a small or medium sized dog with one.
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He was not detained for recording a video. He was detained for interfering with a police operation. Please watch the background video to understand. The police asked him numerous times to turn down the volume of his music because he was interfering with a negotiation during a hostage situation.
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I'm not ever against someone defending themselves, but that was just plain wrong. Why the hell where the cops even arresting that guy? It didn't look like he was committing any crime. Those cops should be fired if you ask me. Shooting an aggressive dog is one thing, but they provoked it and caused it to be aggressive in the first place, that's not right.
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All of that provoking dog thingie could've been avoided if the windows from the car were a little more closed. I know about the wave of heat, but when you intend to put such a dog in the car, close the goddamn windows. I have a german shepherd who's able to jump a 5.1 feet ( 1.7m ) fence, what's an unopened window for a rottweiler ?
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just because the reason for the arrest wasn't filmed why are we assuming they did it for no reason?
its not like they kicked the thing until it snapped, it came running out of nowhere when they arrested the owner, should they have politely asked the guy to get in the car and "if not we'll come back later or just drive yourself in whenever" while giving him cake to keep the dog away?
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For anyone not wanting to log in to see it, add to the link, so it looks like http://www.nsfwyoutube.com/watch?v=WDBZr4ie2AE&feature=youtu.be. NSFW YouTube allows you to watch videos without any signup stuff. Be aware, the site itself tends to be not safe for work and tends to have porn ads.
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Thanks for that.
What sort of shithead is that guy?
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That wasn't threatening. That was assault on officer. The dog knew what he was doing. And as a human, when you are against such a dog, you don't stay to think twice about defending against this kind of dog. They're not chihuahua's mate, they're goddamn rottweilers. They can kill you stupidly fast or leave you scarred for life. I consider it as a self-defense and i would've done the same, actually, i would've shot him even earlier when he ran from the car towards the officer.
Don't think "Oh that poor little dog, he got shot." Maybe he didn't knew the risks, but he knew what he was about to do.
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I think, the arrest was unnecessary, they could have told him off, but shooting the dog once it's attacking you seems logical, but he should have at least made sure he killed it instead of watching it suffer
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It wasn't attacking, it was obviously curious as to why 4 guys were circling his best friend. You can't just shoot a family member to death because he cares about his brother, can you?
They probably wouldn't have shot a human coming and punching them, why shoot a dog?
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It's not a family member, it's a pet. And it definitely was attacking. Would you shoot a guy running at you screaming with a wrench in his hands?
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Also let's not forget the location in the video is in Murica.
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Then keep it on a leash or in a muzzle. It's your responsibility to not let it get killed like that guy in the video.
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A guy running at you screaming with a wrench in his hands can miss ... i doubt that a rottweiler could miss that badly. A normal with no fighting training whatsoever is easier to avoid/defend against than something that can run and jump on you in the blink of an eye.
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It wasn't attacking
Yeah, that's why you see it clearly lunging at the officer twice.
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Self-censoring just makes you look like your mother's hanging over your shoulder all the time, just so you know.
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as far as i know filming is not a crime and a loyal dog tries to protect its owner. saying "its the owners faul" is just rude
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Well, he shouldn't have had the window completely open. There's no problem opening the car window halfway so that the dog could still receive a fresh intake of air and still be unable to jump out of the car.
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would you think exactly that if you were in such a situation: massive police and even swat arrived and a bunch of officers are approaching you with automatic weapons to arrest you? and your first thought would be "opening the car window halfway so that the dog could still receive a fresh intake of air and still be unable to jump out of the car"? imho no.
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I'm just wondering why the windows was completely open in the first place with a dog inside of it. It could easily jump out of the car while it was moving if it could jump out while stationary.
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maybe because it was hot as fuck outside? i also drive with open windows because i don't wanna get a heat stroke :)
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The Rottweiler was obviously doing the same though, it just jumped, didn't charge! My dog jumps all the time when he is excited! If this Rottweiler was a chihuaua no one will be talking about this video because he wouldn't have been shot.
I'm not sure if this video is racist to black people, but it's plain dog breed racism!
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if you're critizising a turkish in germany you are a nazi, if you are arresting a black in the usa you are a racist and if you are shooting a dog in obvious self defense you are a dog breed hater? cmon...
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Please see this background video. The police had a very legitimate reason to detain him.
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If police ask me to turn down my stereo because I'm interfering with an hostage situation, I thing cursing at them instead of complying would warrant an arrest. And the dog didn't come to inquire anything, it clearly attacked the police officier who had no choice but to defend himself.
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Warning: In case you are oversensitive towards animals and/or easily scarred you might not want to watch this video.
So to sum up a bunch of police officers are attacked by a ¿Rottweiler? while arresting its owner and one of the cops shoots it down when it leaps towards him.
Do you think that killing the dog could be justified in this case? Is there any rule or law in your country concerning the way this dangerous species should be handled?
In my opinion the only thing that could have been improved is that the policeman should have finished off the dog so it would not suffer anymore and even if I'm always against any kind of violence I think that in this case it was more than justified considering that the presence of a exalted dog was severely threatening the integrity of everyone around.
What are your thoughts?
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