Hello community,

I didn't see where this has been covered before, but I see a lot of people that are simply copying and pasting links. Hope this helps.

This list should do a lot for the basics and cg added this link to properly use the Markdown syntax. HTML tags are excluded.

Текст на русском языке доступен здесь - Credit goes to KorDen

Note: Quoting, or blockquoting, is currently not possible.

Note: Tables do not work on SteamGifts.com

Note: Inline images have been disabled. Thread.

  • Creating a link

Your text between brackets; your link between parenthesis.

Example: [like this](http://www.steamgifts dot com)

Note An alternative method that turns the link into a hyperlink by surrounding your link with angle brackets < and > does not work on SteamGifts.com.

New Note: Alt-text does not work in links. You cannot use in your links.

  • Bold text

Use two sets of double asterisks as open and closing tags. **

  • Italics

Use two sets of a single asterisk as open and closing tags or use underscores. * or _

Note: You can make text bold and italics by using three asterisks instead.

  • Code text

Use the ` as opening and closing tags.


  • Bullet points

Use one asterisk or hyphen as the beginning of a sentence, followed by a space. Examples are all up in this post.

  • Horizontal line

Use at least three hyphens on a new line. "---"

  • Code block


 Five spaces on a new line.
  • Line Breaks

The easiest way to create a line break is to end a sentence with two spaces.

 Example: This would be  ~Two blank spaces. 
          an example.

Then you will
have this.

  • Image

SteamGifts offers a unique solution to images, and rather than embedding them inline, images are converted to attachments and appended to the end of comments. Images are hidden by default, and users can toggle their visibility using the View attached image link. Refer to the bottom of this post to see the result of the below code. The included text will be used as both the title and alt attribute for the image.

  • Headers


 Header 1

 Header 2


Header 1

Header 2



 # Header 1
 ## Header 2
 ##### Header 5


Header 1

Header 2

Header 5

That's all I have for now. Does anyone have more to add?

If you have any other questions, here is a list of common questions already answered.

13 years ago*

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