So this afternoon I received a comment on my Steam profile. It was from some Level 0 private profile, and it said: "Hi m8, i want trade with you. need this items?" and some imgur-like link. I foolishly clicked it, thinking it's some imgur-like service, but things got fishy when it auto-downloaded an Image03.scr program. Thankfully it didn't launch automatically, but of curiosity I decompiled the program. This is what I found inside:

As you may be able to tell, it automatically trades your items and posts comments to your friends. Also the guy left his SteamID (76561198161767786) in there. You can already see he took some items.

So if you receive a comment like this, DO NOT click on the URL and report him.

10 years ago*

Comment has been collapsed.

Closed 10 years ago by bartek360.