I suggest you to grab your car keys first. You will need a fast ride in order to escape the zombies, because you do not know if they are slow or fast. A car is also an excellent weapon as long as it is armored.
When you want to drive around, you will need a good vision, so take at least one pair of glasses with you.
You stated that you can use small melee weapons, so the nail file should do the job until you get something more deadly.
The Siemens/Nixdorf cleaner might be flammable and zombies are usually vulnerable to fire. Grab it too, maybe you will find a lighter later.
I would suggest you to take the tape with you as well, because tape is always useful.
Also I voted for Clansman, because Travis might be able to defend and hide himself for some time and you can pick him up later. Clansman might be able to help you in any car related problems, too. Sakura is probably already dead, because she has no fighting skills.
And now get out as fast as you can! I can reassure you that not the whole country is invaded by zombies yet, but it is just a matter of time!
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Well I voted Travis and as for your 5 items: 1) You seem to have multiple pairs of glasses so I'll assume without them you'll walk straight into the zombies so take them, plus they could be useful for starting fires if it comes down to it.
2) Mobile phone, if you still can get a signal it can allow you to keep in contact with an emergency services and/or military.
3) Is that a pocket knife next to the glasses? Take that.
4) Car keys? Time to play Grand Theft Auto: Zombie Apocalypse!
5) Well you said apart from food and water but you have a water bottle on your desk and extra water is always a good thing, if that doesn't count, take the toe nail clippers instead.
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Already have water and food. With it you for 5 elements, I would choose the right thing for my survival:
As for my companion: Travis is the best choice, because he knows to use melee weapons and it is more likely to find such weapons in the journey. Update the technology is not much in these cases so Clansman is discarded. If I have a companion to help me fight, Sakura serves me not independent of it useful in emergencies due to its biological information.
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Travis is the one to pick up first. He can help you fighting and navigating through the occupied areas.
The five items to take with you are your probably glasses (don't know how dependent you are on those), your mobile phone (let's hope it still works), your keys (but think about using your car beforehand, it will attract more zombies and most likely you can't just drive far enough to escape all of them), the knife (the item to the left of your glasses, I assume it is one) and maybe your keyboard (bash the zombies without getting too close).
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For bashing the zombies without getting too close, there's always the table itself. (Lack of any "skill" is probably not an issue here.)
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Okay, OGrady, new proposal: If it fits in your bagpack, take the table. Please also make a photo of this.
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I recommend Sakura, since I guess fighting really isn't a long-term option. And you might be quite likely to get injured even simply on the run, not necessarily fighting zombies. (Also, if you ask nicely, she may help you carry additional items.) Oh, and remember not to get distracted by the fact that she's a she! Well, unless you want to, in which case it could probably make for a fairly typical romantic-with-a-nasty-ending B-movie subplot, which can be rewarding in and of itself.
So, the equipment:
0) Ok, the water bottle doesn't count towards the five, but be sure to fill it up every time you get the chance. And not from any suspicious sources!
1) Glasses, since you probably need them.
2) Watches. You can use it to quickly tell North during the day, or determine how fast you are moving (and if you'll get to your destination before dusk).
3) Is that a knife? If yes, take it. (But don't take this as an encouragement to actually fight the zombies! It will be more useful outside combat.) And if it's not a knife, then leave your desk and head to the kitchen to get some sturdy one (not necessarily a big one).
4) The tissues (to put under bandages). You may run out of them soon, though, so you may need to resupply on the go. Try not to get injured too much.
5) (Can't really see that well on the photo.) If that's a lighter, take the lighter. If not, take the tape.
Also, if those are car keys and your gas tank is full at the moment, you could take everything (possibly including the table), load it into your car and enjoy the ride. I doubt you will have problems refilling gas, since gas stations should remain more or less functional even if the staff get eaten. Just don't get into any traffic jams, if there are lots of other people trying to get away.
Good luck, and may you survive at least a week or two!
(Also, when escaping Germany, try not to go east, you would drag the zombies more-or-less directly to us. At least take the north-east or south-east route. Thanks.)
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I'm keeping this short, because you don't have time to read walls of text, I assume.
a knife,
your keys
and watches.
I suggest you getting to Sakura first, so you have a medic on your team. Travis can stand up for himself and Clansman will parkour his way out of zombies' reach for the time being :D
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I hope i'm not too late..
You should take:
1 Your glasses
2 Water
3 Keys
4 Wallet
5 Memo pad
You should take Sakura with you, she might not be able to fight but she can heal. Using this you protect her and she heals any damage you take. Its win-win :D
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OK, so here's what I grabbed:
I also took my wristwatch; it didn't take that much space.
According to the poll, I'm off to get Travis now. See you in a few minutes!
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I would suggest taking Travis.
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I left my home carefully, constantly scouting around for the undead menace. Fortunately there was no Zombie in the immediate area - I think they got bored after eating my neighbour. Man... I liked that guy. No time now, I have to get my ass back indoors! My car has a full tank of gas and it seems most of you want me to use it, so I hopped in and off I went to Travis.
When I arrived, I could tell that things have not went well. His front yard was crawling with Zombies, some slain, most trying in vain to get through the door. I solved the problem by applying copious amounts of Fahrvergnügen.
Zombie experience number 1: Zombie dies when run over again and again.
After spreading Zombie paste all over Travis' door, I carefully made my way inside. Travis lives on the first floor and - man, I love him for that - he put a large board over the stairs, denying the Zombies access.
Zombie experience number 2: Zombies don't have great mobility.
The few that made their way up the stairs lay broken and scattered - Travis had obviously dispatched them with an axe. One more bend around the corner and I wasn't alone anymore.
Now the two of us need to get the other two. You guys decide again while I raid Travis' flat for anything useful. In the meantime, Travis will explain what happened to him.
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Yup. Also, if Travis got bitten and is hiding it, she'll probably find out faster than Clansman would.
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Sakura now, and it seems others agree so far.
Also I guess everyone thought the same or similar to me: Travis first for the short term survival and long term survival in case everything falls apart, then Sakura for a potential solution now that short term survival isn't an issue and that not acting fast could result in the loss of the most defenceless person.
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And here i thought my day couldnt get any worse. Yesterday my girl ran away, my car broke and because of that i drank myself to oblivion. And the next thing I know, Zombies are invading germany....
Good thing i read the manual for "How to survive a zombie apocalyps" written by the international Center for deases control. The stuff you know.
So I build some makshift barricades, counted my rations and prepared myself to defend my home and life. What should i say. The first undead creature appeared almost at the same time my barricades were finished. I took them out with my air rifle. Or so i thought. Apperently on bullet per zombie isnt enough. After i was out of bullets i switched to my trustet Axe, Blitzkrieg time.
I dont know how much of them killed, but during the fight my Weapon must have been damaged and so the axehead flew off and I hit myself in the right knee.
I limbed back inside my home, cursing and swearing. I firstaided myself, and waited. After 20 minutes or so my phone rang. Finally some good knews. OGrady was coming to pick me up. I gathered my gear(a kitchen knife, a Katana, my old atlas, a lock and a crutch) and prepared to move out.
Its game time!
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I think you should get Sakura next - I hope she's managed to fight off the invasion this long.
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But then OGrady would have to defend both himself and Sakura, as she has no fighting skills. By meeting Travis first, the two of them should be able to fight their way to Sakura and protect her on the way to Clansman.
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No zzuzzi, you don't get the point.
What I am saying is, if both of them try to reproduce, their son and daughter can't. If you're so gross to think to let them reproduce with the rest, it's still impossible. They will still be children from the same mother, therefore they can't reproduce. Not only the fact one of the three might die due to infection or other death.
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(Of course, there might still be some medical facilities where the cooling systems were kept intact, and they might contain enough frozen material to enable the continuation in vitro. In which case, poor Sakura would probably end up only as a sort of a "carrier". Or a "mothership"? I always get that Protoss terminology mixed up.)
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take those:
glasses , u will need those to see :O
knife , really useful when a zombie try to bite u
watches, it will be really useful like to schedule a meeting or determining position
car keys, for easy run
mobile phone, for calling anybody in urgent
i recommend to pick sakura first, she can increase your change on surviving
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Obviously you should have taken the desk itself.
It can be dismantled and rearranged into various other things that might turn out to be useful. You can also hit zombies with it, use it as a shield, sleep underneath it when there's rain and on top of it when there's sun. You may also use it as a support to climb on taller places where secret loot can be found and as a ramp for relocating water supplies.
The possibilities are endless.
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It seems you've already successfully managed to meet up with Travis. Get to Sakura next. The two of you should be able to fight your way to her, and then the three of you can go get Clansman. Sakura is the best choice because of the medical abilities she possesses. Although she has no fighting skills to speak of, you and Travis should be able to protect her adequately while she tends to any injuries you may sustain.
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Now go to Sakura, she has less chances on surving alone. She might have something better to vet Travis' knee, too.
And if you're able to contact Clansman before your departure, he could search for useful things in house.
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Glasses, Keys, Gym Membership Key Card, Brace, and Razor.
Can't see without your glasses, and you definitely need to see if you are going to drive to that fortify-able 24hr Gym complex. It's hard to run on a bad knee, so you better grab that knee brace. Oh and don't take the last one wrong, but there are a hell of a lot of better ways to go than becoming a Zombie Nom Nom . . . so best pick up that retractable razor :-(
Now get your ass out the door and pick up that girl first so she don't become a Zombie Snack. The guys sound like they can fend for themselves. . . for a short bit at least.
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Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Guys, I'm really sorry, but this week the giveaway won't happen. Why, you ask? Because of the stupid Zombie Apocalypse, that's why! Whatever did we Germans do to deserve that?
Anyway, I'm kinda busy with the whole saving my skin stuff, and I suppose if you guys want Left 4 Dead 2 you'd better keep me alive through all this crap. Here's what I know:
So, yeah. I kinda want to survive this crap. The undead are not yet attacking my house, but I have no doubts that they will soon. I need to get ready to move out.... I'll grab some basic gear - food and water, mostly - and head out to get help. First of all, in addition to food and water, what else should I grab? I have room for about 5 items. Here's what's on my desk right now: http://img190.imageshack.us/img190/9168/01desk.jpg
As for my personal skills.... I have some skill in grappling and hand-to-hand combat and I can use small melee weapons quite well though I lack skill with the larger weapons. Potentially I am a decent shot, but I have no gun at my disposal. I have a decent level of fitness and some training and experience in leadership.
After we've decided which items to collect, I need a destination. I have three friends I trust with my life and I'm sure they'll stand with me through the zombie apocalypse:
Decide who I should get first and tell me which items to grab from my desk. My preparations should be done in about 2 hours tops.
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