The game has been made available for free by Penny Arcade, and thus, the game has been added to the bundle list AND been removed from the dropdown list until an undetermined date.

Please do not make giveaways with the keys you get from their promotion. Apparently they're being cycled from a key list, and the key you see on the website may be already used. At this point, we don't know how many keys they're planning to give away.
Also, please do not offer these keys for trade offers, or trade with users who are offering these as keys. Chances are they're duplicate, and you'll most likely face problems with them.

For users that have a copy of the game in their Steam inventory, we understand your frustration, but until we get a clear idea about how big their promotion is, the game will not be added to the dropdown list.

For more information:
FREE Penny Arcade’s On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 3 TODAY ONLY (5/20)
Zeboyd's Official Announcement
Penny Arcade's Giveaway Page

11 years ago*

Comment has been collapsed.

Closed 11 years ago by Crossbourne.