Actually this is not correct, I had so many issuies with my BFBC2 when I played it.
I contacted EA support by skype and talked about my problems with the game, ofcaurse the guy from the support don't know shit about how to fix my problems so he offered me free game, BF3. I took it.
The other day I had a problem with BF3, another guy gave me FIFA2012, and so on.
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we’re going to offer you a free PC download game from the EA portfolio.
That's all I know.
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Most likely a 20 and under game thats EA branded. Thats my best guess.
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EA Sports comes in for the save. All the Europeans/South Americans/anyone not from the United States will get Madden! All the North Americans will get FIFA! Oh, god I hope this happens. Can you imagine?
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When people moan they will be like: "Wait but everyone loves sports!"
Will be lovely.
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How about taking away the Always Online DRM?
But there is a Tropico 4 sale, pretty sure i am getting that to fill my desire of city building ...
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They won't take away the always online DRM because that is the model that big companies want to go to in the future. They view it as the final solution to piracy and they believe that it will give them total control over the players. Which it will, effectively.
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They are wrong. You can reverse engineer it and make your own server. It will take some time but it can be done.
Such a move in fact increases piracy because someone that started gaming when such DRM did not existed can simply decide not to buy their game and play it when a pirate version will be available.
Let's take my case I bought starcraft,d2 but I didn't bought starcraft 2,d3 because of the always online req. The always online req made me blacklist blizzard. It's just an example. And you can bet that I'm not the only one. Funny part is that I played sc2 campain :D (and blizzard can't do a single thing because I can always say I'm Elvis dispate the fact that I'm not :p).
Every time I read we didn't expected so many players... It's actually funny. They Know How Many Keys They Made Available So They Can Expect That Number To Be Online From The First Second!
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They are not telling the truth as the reviews are saying the contrary, except for the websites they are known to pay like IGN. I haven't played the game myself so I won't give my opinion of it, but this is making me cringe. EA is the very definition of hubris.
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Every critic is saying it is a good game, when you manage to actually play it. Unless you are believing those who left all the 1/10 and 1 star scores? IGN hasn't even rated the game, and at the moment they are telling people not to buy it.
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For what I've seen (I have not played the game) it seems quite a solid, entertaining game. It's true though that the DRM makes it almost unplayable and that limited city size is a major drawback. Having said that and if they don't go The Sims way I think that the game is gonna be quite good.
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Yeah, they've been hit hard and now they are trying to minimize the damage in any ways possible.
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When you get pass the server issues (which have greatly improved, I've been playing for about 5 hours with no issues on the European servers), the game is actually rather good. This is what reviews are saying. The gameplay is great, but the game is ruined due to bugs, the DRM, and smaller cities.
And no, I am not from EA, lol.
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I know, I was just being cynical. But you see, that's what's wrong with reviewers nowadays. This game, as it's far from being an improvement (and quite the contrary from what I read here and there), doesn't deserve such "high" scores from so said "professional reviewers" (I'd personnaly compare them to fan fictions writers rather).
Still, that's not what all the reviews are saying. Destrutoid, for one, made a good review.
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Truth be told, it ain't about video games. For a starter, I've never played a single Sim City game as I'm not interested in those. This is about morale and the behavior of such greedy corporations. If I were to speak about food, I'd pest about Nestlé. If I were to speak about my concern for the environement, I'd pest against Moonsanto. Now, EA has won last year's award of the worst corporation, and that's the reason I'm so pissed off at them because they earned it.
They have become financials. There is not passion left anymore, it's a business.
I am spiteful both at movies and video games. They are doing everything they can to cash in some money, getting away from art by a huge fucking step by the day.
You accept it? Well, I ain't. It's the same for books lately... I fucking hate capitalism.
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Please read the reviews instead of spouting nonsense you made up.
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There is only two reviews there saying the game is not fun at all.
I think everyone is misunderstanding me. The critics are saying the gameplay is good, but ruined by the fact that you cannot even play it (which isn't as bad anymore).
"SimCity (the game) isn't the pinnacle of the series, but it's super fun. SimCity (the service) is a disaster."
Giant Bomb had a mixed view. They now the game has good aspects, but they are ruined by all of the issues.
"An incredible simulation and a joy to play, SimCity is tragically hobbled by the consequences of its always-online requirement."
IGN are still in the process of scoring the game. They have said it is a good game, but do not recommend buying it because of all the issues.
So please, where is the nonsense I made up?
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Personally I wasn't a fan of any of the Dead Space, Dragons Age, or Mass Effect games. That's a good set though, because I can see the appeal. Sim City 4 I also wasn't a fan, I'm a SC2K purist. NFS: HP was good on PS3, but not on PC, in my opinion. And I forgot the original Crysis was EA. Crysis 2 (haven't played 3 yet) lost it's appeal after Crytek left.
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Fanbases, yeah, you're right. Just personally I don't really like any of The Sims games after #1. C&C was never my bag either.
And really, if it wasn't for their sports contracts, I don't really see EA as strong as they are now.
But I stand corrected. ;) I wasn't thinking holistically.
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I think this is EA's strategy. It's probably a game that activates on Origin, thus helping EA further drive market penetration. They're probably planning their next fuck up so they can do this again.
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Yeah, kinda logic fail there. "Lets get all people playing SimCity on origin to start using origin by giving them free origin game". xD
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There are a number of people who use Origin only for a handful of exclusive games. I'm talking about getting people to expand their Origin libraries and over time more consistently and willingly move away from Steam.
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For that they would have to stop ripping people off. Also they almost never do sales and when they do, it's for like 10 games and they act like it's such a huge deal. They had like 1 or 2 good sales since Origin launch (I even got few games there when bunch of games was for 5€).
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Didn't EA already give away it's entire Origin library a few months back?
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I think that's a very nice gesture and a great response.
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You'll probably get a crappy game as compensation.
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The Saboteur is awesome, easily one of my favorite games from the last decade. One of the few games I bothered to get 100% in. I love the story, the setting, the visual style and the wonderful soundtrack. Sad that we will never see a sequel though :(
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EA: "a lot more people logged on than we expected."
Really? Surprised people played your new game based a beloved series? Me really me to, looks terrible compared to 4 if you ask me. Lets all remember this would be a non issue if it had an offline mode.
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It still forces more people buying instead of just pirating. Even with all the people who didn't buy it because of this always online drm, they sold more copies than if it was available for pirates. In the long run they got a lot more money from this because even pirates bought the game because they want a new (good) citybuilder experience. This whole "we want to provide the best possible experience and that is online with other players" is bullshit and everyone knows it. Its just to prevent piracy. Same with other games and "tacked-on Multiplayer"
I didn't buy it and although i would love to play it, the always online drm with Diablo3 taught me a lesson and i won't support this kind of drm.
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DRM shouldn't affect paying customers. If it does, especially to extend in which they can't even play the game, it's just unacceptable and there is no excuse for it. Also piracy should be fought by providing demo, fair pricing (we all know 1€ isn't $1, so 50€ = $50 or even 60€ = $60 is just wrong, not even talking how Australians are treated), well made PC ports and more sensible pricing, cause I don't want to blow 50 or 60 for game that can be finished in under 10h, sometimes 5-7.
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and dont forget the fucking micropayments which are implemented in C3.
Also EA has announced to implement micropayments in all of their coming releases.
That alone is more than enough to pass all their coming games in near future.
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Crysis 3 fell into that boat too? Surprise surprise.
Don't even get me started with the fucking micropayments. Who in their right mind decided that was a good idea? It doesn't matter if they're non essential dlc, it's still an attempt to milk customers after they pay for the game. What sort of business model is that? It's pathetic.
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The people to blame for the micropayments are the people over at Zynga, they pretty much started all this crap. Micropayments were pretty much exclusive to crappy foreign f2p games till Zynga showed up.
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The difference between Steam and EA being: Steam will never, ever offer a free game in place of a busted product they sell in their store. And getting an actual refund through Steam is impossible -- at least EA will normally offer a refund on a shoddy game if you push them enough.
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Yeah and they apologize and that.
Here’s a quick update on the problems we were experiencing with SimCity – and a little something extra for people who bought the game.
The server issues which began at launch have improved significantly as we added more capacity. But some people are still experiencing response and stability problems that we’re working fast to address.
So what went wrong? The short answer is: a lot more people logged on than we expected. More people played and played in ways we never saw in the beta.
`OK, we agree, that was dumb, but we are committed to fixing it. In the last 48 hours we increased server capacity by 120 percent. It’s working – the number of people who have gotten in and built cities has improved dramatically. The number of disrupted experiences has dropped by roughly 80 percent.
So we’re close to fixed, but not quite there. I’m hoping to post another update this weekend to let everyone know that the launch issues are behind us.
Something Special for Your Trouble
The good news is that SimCity is a solid hit in all major markets. The consensus among critics and players is that this is fundamentally a great game. But this SimCity is made to be played online, and if you can’t get a stable connection, you’re NOT having a good experience. So we’re not going to rest until we’ve fixed the remaining server issues.
And to get us back in your good graces, we’re going to offer you a free PC download game from the EA portfolio. On March 18, SimCity players who have activated their game will receive an email telling them how to redeem their free game.
I know that’s a little contrived – kind of like buying a present for a friend after you did something crummy. But we feel bad about what happened. We’re hoping you won’t stay mad and that we’ll be friends again when SimCity is running at 100 percent.
SimCity is a GREAT game and the people who made it are incredibly proud. Hang in there – we’ll be providing more updates throughout the weekend.
Hate below this line
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