It was pretty good, I wish it had a dragon in it though, people like those right, in books and such?
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I honestly do not value a lot of work of Kotaku with high regard. Will give this a more thorough read but I am expecting a lot of vague suggestions and only kotaku-is-da-best-website-evar comments
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True but its some first hand impressions, I am not a fan also but yeah still interesting to read about how it works.
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It seems good, except for one fatal flaw - You're still only using 4 fingers.
On a keyboard and mouse you get to use at least seven fingers - All five on the left and two on the right.
On a controller you're limited to two thumbs and two index fingers on the shoulder buttons.
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You realize it is not suposed to replace KB+M, right?
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You do realize that the three fingers you use for WASD are replaced with one thumb ?
Anyway i don' t get why more fingers = better controls.
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Not necessarily better controls, but I was looking at the 'example bindings' for portal 2 that they have on the page, and if you were, say, running, crouch-jumping and shooting a portal, it might be a little bit difficult with only two fingers.
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It's always possible to rebind controls if you're not comfortable with actual bindings. On 360 Portal 2 plays find anyway, so no problem with that. For more complex games, M+KB are always there.
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If only it used five fingers. Then you could get a discount.
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I don't think you understood what they meant.
It essentially means you can tear your controller apart and modify to do whatever you want.
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People mod xbox and ps3 controllers to give them more buttons or to make it easier to use the triggers. I assume it would be a lot easier to do that with this. Although it already has a lot of buttons, so I don't know if it would need anymore.
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yeah, I read it yesterday and he has some points.
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It's ugly but as long as it works nice I don't really mind. I'll leave my opinions to when I get to use one.
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WARNING: Link is to Kotaku.
EDIT: YAY! You added my warning Hillary.
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Oh, come on, stop with the Kotaku hating. They're not that bad.
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Controllers are a lot more relaxed and laid back. I don't have to be sitting in front of my keyboard I can lean back or even lay down on my bed while playing games with a controller. I like using my xbox controller for some games, but not for every game.
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Thats what I hope this fixes honestly, at least enough for FPS games to be played well, it doesn't need the exact accuracy of a mouse but close would be more then amazing for a controller.
I have come to hate sitting in a chair with my face against the screen, I know I can take my mouse and keyboard into bed but its to uncomfortable to me....
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So, you are implying, correct me if I am wrong, that controllers are (only?) suitable for children who do not know where the letlers are on the keyboard/what leters are which?
Well, on my KB, you will not be able to tell where WASD is as they are completely erased by me using them, but I still fancy a controller once in a while.
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'If you were to ask me to choose between Steam Controller and a 360 controller, I would choose 360. Don’t take that as slight to the controller though because it’s more about the comfort of familiarity over functionality.'
Pretty much no reason to switch to it, exactly what I was expecting.
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You zoned into one part of the article and ignored everything else, like the part where it was better for FPS games, which is what I care about and other people probably care about.
About comfort of familiarity, that comes with time, so of course an old style controller will feel better at first.
Just my opinion on it, I hope it turns out well because sometimes I like to lay down and play games and many times they are FPS games and well I really can't stand it to be honest. Anyways thats why they are looking for feedback, for tweaks and such.
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Actually he never even mentions FPS games. Plus if you are laying down and playing chances are you are just playing casually and not in an environment where a little bit more precision would make a significant difference anyways.
About familiarity, that's the issue. Are the new features enough to switch from something that not only works great but is also comfortable? Imo, no. I don't need nor want more precision in a controller, that's what my mouse is for. If I'm trying to chill out on my couch I'm not going to play a multiplayer FPS, and if I'm playing a SP game, the current controllers are good enough.
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You just have different needs and wants, thats fine really. I must have misread, I thought I read he said it would make FPS games more precise, maybe that was just speculation. Me personally, I would love more precision even in single player FPS games while on my bed relaxing, its not about staying competitive in online games for me, I seriously hate playing even something like Fallout New Vegas with a controller and I really want to relax with a games like that.
Does that make sense, I am bad at explaining things sometimes :-/.
So basically any upgrade to precision on a controller is really welcome to me.
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Lambe did. "Valve's Steam controller, Lambe added, "makes FPS gaming more comfortable in a gamepad form factor, and translates other genres (anything where you'd need precise mouse control for gameplay or user interface) to the living room.""
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Good for him, I wasn't quoting that article though.
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I doubt it will be as good but it seems like a step forward for controllers, I don't think we will ever get to the accuracy of a mouse but hell if its better its better, lets hope its better :-D.
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If I try hard enough I can get a headshot with a controller, I have gotten headshots in halo while people were speeding by on vehicles. Its just aggravating and if this makes it simpler to aim thats all I really want.
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I was referring to the fact that there are also games that you play offline, meaning, there is no one else in the server (that is not even there) playing with mouse and keyboard to headshot you. :)
The less fast faced twitchy games are ideal for controllers for me. Games like Fallout (3 and NV), Borderlands, indies... And now I am just talking about games that actually can have a disadvantage with using controller over kb+mouse. There are also games where controller is actually better (racing, probably football games).
So yeah, I was just trying to make a point, that not everybody wants to be all 'CoDlike' with playing games. After all, you play a game for your fun (at least I do) and not for your e-penis (unless you get your joys from grwoing that thing maybe).
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Oh I know,I was just saying even in competitive ones this would be at least better then what we have now with analog sticks(God took to long for those to be improved upon).
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"[...] We configured the controller to play like an Xbox controller. So the left circle pad was once again used for the directional buttons, and the right circle pad was used as A, B, X, Y buttons in the orientation that you find on an Xbox Controller [...]"
This, coming from Team Meat, combined with earlier comments in the article about the "uncanny" tactility of the circle pads (feeling like actual buttons or trackballs or whatever -- totally feasible if they have the precision haptics that it sounds like they do), does a lot to assuage my worries about the controller. The physical AB button placement is awful without this knowledge that the controller can be used in this way.
Edit: From the paragraph following that quote though, sounds like Refenes still prefers the X360 controller, mostly for the physicality of the buttons.
And what I'd really love to see is Valve bringing in top notch fighting game players -- to me, that type of game is the biggest test of a controller.
Edit 2: Looks like Surfix helpfully linked Tommy Refenes's full post on the controller earlier. :)
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It looks cool. That's why I want it. Thought it would end up gathering dust... I prefer mouse and keyboard precision :)
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Meh... Looks next- gen, im just gonna stick to mouse and keyboard.
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I have never used a gamepad, could be the first gamepad I'll use.
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It sub par at best...sadly as a PC gamer its the only logical solution now.
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Hey, Hillary. Can you use your political influence to help us get into GabeCube beta?
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No, I honestly don't get how someone can say that a controller is better then a controller they personally have not even held yet since it not out, its obvious he went to the future and used it and knows the PS3 one is better :-D.
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Do you think they will be good for controlling your drones Hilary ? ;)
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that is the task of an interface designer^^
the four buttons near the touchscreen are for stuff which is not often used or in situations where the player doesn't need the closest trackpad
you can't compare the four buttons in the middle with the four buttons on the left side of a xbox 360 controller. therefore are six other buttons on the steam controller: four on the shoulders (like these of the xbox controller) and two more on the back, which aren't on the xbox controller
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Like I already said in some places but apparently not here (yet), I need dis!
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It could be a good compromise for playing FPS and RTS with a controller, it could be nice to be able to sit in your lounge and play these games on a controller that isn't completely useless, but it'll still never replace the mouse+keyboard on my desktop setup.
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Oddly I am ok with this happening in real life.
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Sounds good so far but also seems like it might need tweaking
WARNING: Link is to
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