They probably do purchase through fraudulent means. Humble Bundle charges the exact same prices to anyone no matter where they are in the world. So how could they be selling at a loss? Well, they probably aren't. So trade with the people who have actually legitimate prices (1 key for non-BTA, 3-4 keys for BTA) if you don't want any risk
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I hope this is not too offensive but I am taught not to trust Turkish people. I know not all of them are bad but if I travel to Istanbul I would be really vigilant and cautious.
So those turks mentioned by you probably acquired a number of fraud credit cards and buy a lot of humble bundles for trading.
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I would be vigilant and cautious in any major city. Just like everywhere else, Istanbul is full of both wonderful people and opportunist cocks.
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What about bitcoins? Please do pardon me for being uninformed about this matter.. But I heard that you can't request for a refund with bitcoin payments?
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OK, I don't think that I can explain it, but I'll try. It is true that some of the turkish people "do illegal" things. In which case I don't think that there are more that in any other nationality!
The humble prizes are the same to us too. If someone gets it for 6$ we also get them for 6$ (the currency in Turkish money chances!), also in which case I don't think that it's a good think to accuse people with "stolen goods".
I'd prefer to try to reach the ones who do that and ask in person!
Yes, I'm also turkish (In one way or another!) So for starters..:
If you ever wanna come to Türkiye (trying to go agains the shitty turkey joke!) I can reassue you that you'll have the time of your life without being vigiliant or cautios! True there are places where you shouldn't go but isn't that the same in the whole world?! I don't remember any friend of mine who came to Türkiye regretting it (still my friend went to amsterdam 2 weeks ago and they stole his backpack!)
What I wanna say is that don't accuse people before actually you know one of them. I personally had never any prblems with trading, giveaways or any other stuff. Maybe it's just me. But please guys don't acuse the people of a country only bases on a knowledge of "news"...
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Sorry if my previous comment means any offense to you. My uncle went to Istanbul and got mugged, beaten there so it left a bad impression on him and he's quite a huge influence to me. Of course not everyone in city or a country is good or bad, it's just a psychological thing for me.
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+1. I've been to Turkey too, just not Istanbul, but Marmaris and I loved it. Turks are probably one of the best trader's people and due to this, they are extremely welcoming (most of them of course, but this is true for everything). Just be stubborn and you'll get everything much cheaper than the price written on the label :P
Even when they are neighbours and we don't like the country Turkey for a huge number of political reasons, I can't say anything bad about the people there. I have good friends who are turks and that fact doesn't stop me to value them as people.
As for getting robbed - when abroad, always stick to the group of people you travel with, especially at night (if you travel alone you'd best be a good mixture of all the action heroes of the 80s and 90s to be sure no harm can get you). Use common sense where to go and where not and keep your belongings safe and money spread on several places (pockets, bag, suitcase, why not a shoe if you must). A bag of a friend of mine was stolen in Russia and I still can't say anything bad about Russians as I've seen some of the most kind people just there.
Try to never judge a nation by some bad impression it left on you for whatever reason. It stops you from actually seeing the people as they are.
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I guess it's reason. But i don't know explain that.
Only I say that ; it is a far cry from stolen credit card or similar thing. :)
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They simply and utterly scam. They buy a lot of the bundle at first, then they trade with someone, and once the trade is complete they send the person the gift URL and after they had traded all their copies they just refund it from Humble Bundle and HB kindly refunds it to them meaning that the URL a given person has been gifted with is no longer accessible, its pathetic.
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I experienced it. Take a look at this.
Also the guy who traded me deleted me about a day after the trade was done, I am guessing he ran out of keys. I also gave him minus REP on ST and someone else happened to suffer from the same scam.
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Search on steamrep. There are quite a few people who posted there about this scam. Also there were some threads on Steamtrades about this 1, 2. There was even a thread open just yesterday on steamgifts complaining about the scam.
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Turkey, Russia, China... the evil seems to be in the east... or the best proxies and the countries a lot of people who do illegal stuff tell you they are from knowing you will not think about sueing them because these countries have strange justice systems...
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Agreed, but its true that its pretty much impossible (or pointless) to attempt to prosecute any of them from those regions. And hey, these humble bundles we're talking about ain't that expensive anyway.
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Strange justice system.... Yeah, occupying a country to bring democracy, detaining people on foreign soil so they have no rights, to bring freedom...
But if you go to the East long enough, everyone is to the East. So I guess it is true all evil sems to be in the East.
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That's racist! And you should feel ashamed of it! What would happen if you'd born one o these countries? Are "everybody" living there are like you think? I think not.
I wonder how many pages have you read of such countries (not from foxnews etc. lol, I mean real objective articles).
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Yea what's with all the racist hate on those whiteys in Russia and Turkey!??!
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for full clarification: I'm a Turk currently living in Turkey. And this message is intended for every person who thinks he/she got clue about the whole world.
I have created 17 confirmed giveaways (16 received, 1 waiting for confirmation). Most of them was bundle leftovers, one of them is a price error (Sleeping Dogs), a few of them are spare copies of cheap bargains. It is disturbing to hear that, just because I'm from Turkey I'm probably a scammer.
But I'm OK with that. You know why? Because I know who I am, and I'm not a scam.
Let me tell you something that you do not know
this list goes on and on and on and on. There are scammers all around the world. Most of them uses and exploits inefficient systems (digital/social/financial/physical/legal). Unfortunately in Turkey, we are not strong on every front on this subject, so many scammers around the world uses this as an opportunity. I'm absolutely sure we have our share of scammers, but assuming all of us is.. well, that is pure racism.
One last thing, racist people do not consider them racist.
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Hello, I'm not particularly being racist or attacking/insulting turks as a whole. Its just that I noticed most of those trading humble bundles cheap are from turkey, and some person asked a guy if he got his bundle from a turk (that guy's bundle was revoked or something, its in another recent thread on steamgifts). I actually wanted to know if there's any possible exploit or benefit turks have in purchasing humble bundles which allow them to trade them out cheap. (And I didn't want to believe that everyone trading these bundles cheap got them through fraudulent means)
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I decided myself not to trade with turkish people anymore. One guy cancelled a trade after making me buy what he wanted, he got mad at me and he made 7 friends leave negative rep on my profile. I dont want that to happen again, since it is stopping me from doing trades
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Not every Turks are like what you think, you know?
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I am Turkish and no there been any regional discount ever on HB or similar.
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regional hotspot for scams/fraud similar to Russia. Many people are reporting losing their bundles they traded for right now, because they were originally obtained with credit card fraud.
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I've seen quite a few turks trading humble bundles for dota/tf2 keys at a low price (some trade for games too). Do they have cheaper regional pricing or what? (I asked a turkish trader - he said no) Anyone knows the reason why they can do this? I don't believe all of them purchase them through fraudulent means (stolen credit cards etc.)
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