Hey everyone, we pushed a few updates live over the last day.

First off, the option to create contributor giveaways is now available to everyone. Head over to the create a giveaway page, and you'll see a new input box for contributor only. Simply enter an amount, and only users that have successfully sent that value or greater to other users in the community will be able to enter. The maximum amount you can enter is twice your own contributions. For example, if you have contributed $25.00, you can create contributor giveaways between $0.01 - $50.00. The option is disabled for users that have not contributed in the past. This option can be combined with both private and group giveaways as well. Keep in mind, group giveaways look at contributions in general, not for that particular group only.

Next, the display of giveaways has slightly changed. For example, take a look at lokonopa's profile. Contributor giveaways list the amount necessary on the right side. It'll be displayed in green if you can enter, or red if you cannot. Also, group and private giveaways are coloured. Once again, take another look at lokonopa's profile, this time, the won page. You can easily see private and group giveaways highlighted. These same display options are used on the homepage and general giveaway listings.

12 years ago*

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Puts on GLaDOS voice

cg you are doing a very good job of making this site amazing.
lokonopa...you make a good example.

12 years ago

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The maximum number of giveaways based on your current feedback score has been reached. Once your current giveaways come to a close, and gifts are received, you'll be able to post additional gifts.

Now I have to wait for three weeks... :(

12 years ago

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Awesome, cg! Keep up the good job :D

12 years ago

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Not sure how to feel about this changes but sure as hell miss a lot the search giveaways filtered by group both with firefox add-on or steamgifts-mobile app...
Not very happy this time guys

12 years ago

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Actually, after some time, I'm adapting and the contributor giveaways created by members seem to be working nicely.
Just hope bundle keys rule be more strictly enforced so the contributor isn't abbused. Grats on the Krater policy.
So far contributor giveaways seem to be free of some hundreds or thousands of leeches entering them.
Thanks for the good work. Keep-up

12 years ago

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Awesome indeed, congrats on getting steamgifts to where it is now.

12 years ago

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Thanks, cg.

12 years ago

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Interesting, thanks for the time you guys put into this. The UI changes to me are something of a drawback. It would be nice if we could choose to see only contributor, or only group giveaways at a time, like we can choose New, open and closed.
Visually, the additions are good, but I think they'd be better as additions, not a new format. I think that way, it would be more easily viewable.
Just my 2 cents.

12 years ago

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its amazing how much the contributor giveaways cut down on entries. even if theyre as little as $1.00.

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 months ago.

12 years ago

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Thank you very much cg really gr8!!! :) btw did u consider my idea for spot limited giveaways here ?

12 years ago

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Nice :D

12 years ago

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Looking at some of the required amounts (like 59.98), it seems that some people are making the contribution limit the maximum they are allowed to. Interesting.

I would like a way to hide the contributor giveaways I'm not eligible to enter but, now that it's shown on the front page, that isn't as important.

12 years ago

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already created 3 Xp

12 years ago

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I like the UI updates.

12 years ago

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I think contributor giveaways are a pretty shiny new feature, already created one. Hope to create more in the near future.
Thanks to loko and cg for all the great work you are doing for the site. :)

12 years ago

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I approve, its a nice feature.

12 years ago

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Love it, thanks

12 years ago

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Could you put a filter for Contributor & Non-Contributor giveaways, please?

12 years ago

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Great Feature!

12 years ago

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Ohhh it's a little uncomfortable. Can you make a feature to choose to old style? I mean it's compact and more nice but... if you checking through the giveaways, you can enter the ones that contributer only accidentally.

12 years ago

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You do realize that your browser has a back button that will alow you to exit the giveaway. Plus having people see what they're missing might encourage more of them to actually give back instead of just leeching.

12 years ago

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Look's like you didn't understand(or my thought is unclear). I want to have change option for the old style were (contributor/group/private){Game name}. It's very uncomfortable(mostly for eyes) to review is it contributor or group.

  • Checked on iphone app for steamgifts. You can't even see if it is contribute or whatever giveaway right now.
    P.s i see the point you mean, but it won't work on all people and some will be pissed because they didn't see the (contributer) mark.
12 years ago

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Hello everyone,

This is probably going to be a longshot, but I might as well try anyway.

Basically, I have some concerns over the new contributor giveaways:

  • For one, I'm concerned we'll begin to see a majority of contributor giveaways - and a large majority at that, something in the 80 contributor for 20 normal giveaways. If things continue this way, we'll reach 100/0 and basically there'll be no difference between a contributor giveaway and a normal one. Also, new users will have a hard time getting accepted since they'd have to give something away before entering. I'm seeing about 40/50 contributor/normal giveaways on the front page, but it might just be because it's a new feature and everybody wants to try it.
  • Secondly, it seems there's apparently a limit on how much you can ask for people to enter your contributor, but I would like to make sure that's correct. I mean, I find it hard to believe I have to have given away 100$ of games to enter a 50$ game - at that point, I could have bought the game twice instead of entering a giveaway. Even needing 50$ in your account to enter a 50$ game is, I think, counterproductive.
  • Third, I would love an option to filter out the contributor giveaways I can't enter.

Other than that, it's a very good addition, I just hope it doesn't create the vicious circle I described in my first point. I do have one last concern, and it's that I'm making an enormous amount of points - and by that extent, everybody does. I think I make more than 100 points per 8 hours. The problem is that I'm entering giveaways for games I don't necessarily want, so that I keep making points.

12 years ago

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Your 2nd point is invalid. That's like asking why would someone give Skyrim away when he could keep it for himself.

The day you will start to contribute to the community you will understand why people make contributor giveaway instead of public.

12 years ago

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Agreed. Actually, I think it's sad that I can make a contributor giveaway with limited value of entry to twice as much as I gave already - like I once said, the more options, the better and if I want to make a giveaway just for certain people with X$ given away then it's my damn right. I'm tired of people who didn't give a shit discussing how should I spend my own money.

12 years ago

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all valid points. Everyone should be entitled to giveaway a game the way they want and to who they want; as long as it isn't in exchange for something in return... that wouldn't be generous at all and defeat the purpose of SG, in my opinion.

There'll probably be a mass decrease in public giveaways, but at least they'll be appreciated more (unlike some previous cases where people would be self-entitled to the point of actually COMPLAINING about the game being cheap!). In turn all the greedy leechers will be forced to actually give away something in order to gain access to the contributor giveaways. I just hope that beta keys don't count for the sake of those who actually paid for their gifts.

inb4: "look who's talking. You're a leecher as well. "

I'll be giving away soon enough, but my intentions won't be to be to gain access to "better" giveaways, but rather a way to say "thanks you guys".

12 years ago

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As someone who has never made a giveaway, and is unlikely to ever make one:

1 - That's a possibility. If the public giveaways are mostly contributor, then it means I have an easier time entering all the giveaways I'm allowed to. So I'll start entering for a wider range of games. 100% of public giveaways being contributor will probably scare off a lot of new people to Steam gifts, but remember that the current limit forces someones first giveaway to have no contributor requirement, which will keep off that problem for a while. So lets worry about that only if it comes up.

2 - The limit forces the existence of low contribution giveaways, which create more temptation for someone to make their first giveaway than if they were all $1000+ contributor giveaways.

3 - Grab the SG Enhancement Addon to filter them.

12 years ago

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Please make a "Contributor only" everywhere! I hate freeloaders, who dont create giveaways!

12 years ago

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Not everyone can contribute back, so it wouldn't necessary be fair. I like the idea of having the opportunity to thank the people who makes gifts but I don't want this to turn into leaving out the people who can't or don't want to. You can make all your giveaways contributor only if you wish, but some people are generous enough to make some for the whole community.

12 years ago

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So why not make it so that you can only see giveways you're eligible for?

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 months ago.

12 years ago

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I just noticed that when typing a game's name on the upper-right search box, the old format is used instead of the new layout. (Plus it doesn't even tells you if it's a contributor's giveaway.)

12 years ago

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I think it's a good idea, but for some reason I think this can be exploited easily too, but I digress since I haven't contributed I don't have a say yet xD.

Nonetheless I think it is good for the people who do contribute out of free will.

12 years ago

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very nice :)

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by cg.