You can share answers, solutions, links whatever. You can't solve this on your own.
Okay then,
Stage 1A, Q2: Micro Machines
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Q1 Jackal
Q2 Micro Machines
Q3 96
Q4 Naoki Kodaka
Q5 Imp
Q6 Battle In The Chopper
Q7 Albatoss/Vulture
Q8 Bad Street Brawler
Q9 Blades of Steel
Q10 Tengen
Q1 Athena
Q2 Berkeley Mansion
Q3 Go into one of the cabins by the lake
Q5 Bebop
Q6 top gun
Q8 Champion
Q9 Battletoads
Q10 Imes
Q1 Project Gotham Racing
Q2 Electrotool
Q3 Ghost
Q4 117
Q5 Bruce Morgenholt
Q6 Adam West
Q7 Barbara Schett
Q8 Golden Scarab
Q9 140
Q10 Eowyn
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Question 5 is from Final Fantasy (I think), just not sure what you would be fighting
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You do realise that it is from one of the NES games?
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Thank you! Not that I am help on this stage, anyway, it seems. I played Bop'n'Rumble on C64 and that's it >.> Maybe some other rounds will be more than me just sitting and waiting for others to answer :)
EDIT: But yeah, I wonder why these iframes don't work for me. Maybe too paranoid settings or something.
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I have a feeling that Q4 might be from Mega Man but I have no idea
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I hope one of those 2 is about to post here with what 6 is
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Thanks very much and to everyone that gave the answers.
EDIT: There's more lol xD
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Im done with answering the puzzle and i answered it all so whats next?
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1B-Q3 is from NES version of Friday the 13th I think, but no idea on the note.
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Happy belated birthday!
Are you a long time gamer?
Maybe you're a master of puzzles?
I've got a challenge for you.
Let's see how much you really know.
This is your chance to solve puzzles as a group.
Organize your notes carefully.
Not all clues can be used right away. 08016248
There were a total of 34 giveaways, 200 trivia questions, 210 sprites, 9 puzzles and 9 hidden giveaways. For the trivia stages the community did a good job of collecting the answers.
Stage 1 - No Puzzle
Players were provided with a direct link to stage 1 trivia:
Stage 2 - Terraria armor sets
The clue contains a link to an image containing 8 armor sets from the game Terraria. If you take the first initial of the name of each armor set in order, and format their capitalization as specified with the xxXx formatter you get the code:
Stage 3 - Six degrees of separation
The clue is a six-degrees of separation style listing of a game, followed by the steamgifts winner, followed by a game that winner gifted, followed by the winner of that giveaway, etc. When you connect Illbeans to Rand, you have eight answers. Take the first initial of each answer and you have your next itstoohard puzzle code:
Stage 4 - Achievement double string
The clue contains a link to an image containing a list of steam achievement icons. The clue hint contains a count list of the number of achievements for each game used in the list. Using a site like SPAH you can fairly easily identify the icons. Alternatively you could also chop up the image and reverse image search them as most if not all of them will show up on google. Once you have identified the icon you can take the first initial of each game to create the sentence WHO LEADS THE TUNNEL SNAKES. You can also use the first initial of the NAMES of each achievement to spell out an alternate sentence SHE WORKS FOR ALBERT WESKER. The answers to these two questions are Butch and Ada creating the code:
Stage 5 - Common themes
If you read the first initials of each item it spells out LOOK FOR THE COMMON THEME IN THESE LINKS. Each line contains a series of links to giveaways with a common theme that can be reduced to a single character or digit.
Format each answer to create the itstoohard puzzle code:
Stage 6 - The sprite grid
The clue contains a link to an image which contains a grid made up of 210 different video game characters. Identify the 8 characters specified in the hint to create the next itstoohard puzzle code:
Stage 7 - The keys
The clue contains a link to an [image]() which contains a barcode and the words FINALKEY. If you decode the barcode (lots of free phone apps can do this) and combine 32507096 with the word to create another sprite grid code: F3 I2 N5 A0 L7 K0 E9 Y6. This unlocks the last of eight different keys and gives you the format for finding the other 7. In previous stages there other 8 digit numbers that can be combined with 8 character words to form more sprite grid codes.
Once all 8 keys are opened, you get a link to the next stage:
Stage 8 - Sudoku
The clue is a sudoku puzzle. The 8 digits represented as # are the 8 digits you need to create another sprite grid code. Combine it with the giveaway game "Stacking" to create the sprite grid code: S3 T6 A2 C5 K9 I8 N4 G7. This leads to the itstoohard puzzle code:
Stage 9 - The stone grid
The clue contains a link to an image. All previous 16 trivia questions presented the user with a 3x3 stone block image with colored corners. As hinted, if you bucket fill (using Paint, PSP, etc.) the arrows within each block you will reveal the hidden digit. To solve the puzzle you fit these blocks into the frame such that the colors of each corner line up and read from left to right, top to bottom the 16 values which form another sprite grid code: A7 L1 J4 T5 R3 H4 F9 C0. This leads to another itstoohard puzzle code:
Stage 10 - The invisible clues
This stage is another key stage. The last of the 5 keys is hidden at the bottom of the giveaway, hidden as two separate space characters (ascii 0x20 and 0xA0) There are 16 sets of 8 characters. If you treate 0x20 as 0 and 0xA0 as 1 and convert the binary values to ascii you get the sprite grid code: H0 S7 C2 K0 L5 Z1 U4 W9.
Once all 5 keys are opened, you get the link to the final stage:
The Hidden Giveaways
The Complete List of Giveaways
Thanks for playing!
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