i agree, with you, im 24 years old and ive never had a friend before, in school i never once talked to another kid i was always the silent kid in the back of class no one notices, heck even during lunch time i would go to the library and read a book instead of being in a loud chatty human ridden cafeteria
this was what i did from elementary till after high school. never once had a friend, heck since i was like 8 years old i till now, i only leave my house once a month, human activity's and human friends and talking is so mainstream who needs that crap, then again my life is a wasted horrid shriveled creature. sad really
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When I meet someone I ask if they are on SG and I say Thanks for Skyrim.
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College is a relatively easy place to make friends. If you sit next to someone in a lecture hall, strike up a conversation, it does not have to be something fancy. Heck, it can even be a question on something that you did not understand or feel unsure of in regards to the lecture that you are attending. Then keep on babbling, small talk like where are you from, what are your expectations of the course and so on.
Also, go to parties. Parties are great for socializing. If you see someone sitting on his or her own and looking a bit uncomfortable (i.e. a person who is not used to parties), talk to that person, unless you feel like braving the big crowds. And then when you've been to a few parties, you'll start to know people well enough for it to be natural to just walk up to that person and say "hi".
And another good way to meet new people is to just do things that are social that you enjoy doing. Let's say that you are a really geeky person and love both Warhammer and Dungeons & Dragons, well, why not go down to the local game store, or see if there is a club in your vicinity that deals with such things? If you are on a college, there will be people who share this interest.
Getting new friends is not hard, you just need to get yourself "out there", and expose yourself to new people that you are likely to meet multiple times.
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I find that it's a lot easier to make friends if one doesn't create dozens of useless threads on an online forum dedicated to video games.
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Video games as an interest have always been a main part of my life, I just don't know where else on the Internet to go to other than here.
I also use this website to participate in fun giveaways, not just the forums and the community since they're cool also.
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I just don't know where else on the Internet to go to other than here.
MAL's forums say hi. That is, if you like anime, which judging by your avatar is a 'yes'. And Reddit, and Tumblr, and... well, I'd say GAF & /v/ but both have gone severely downhill in quality as of the past year.
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I make mine out of clay, and sometimes gummy bears.
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There is no such thing as "friends". The people you call friends are there when they need something but when you're the one in need of the help watch how 100 friends quickly becomes 1 if you're lucky.
If it's one thing I learned well from "friends" it's how people are only interested in a situation if they know they can benefit from it otherwise there is no point in wasting the time and effort.
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That's actually quite sad... :(
The group of people that I call "friends" consists of about 6 people (I have many acquaintances that I hang out with on a fairly regular basis, i.e. a few times a month) and I can count on those people for just about anything.
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unfortunately very accurate.
I think my friends are my missus, the dog, my car and lots of imaginary ones from games.
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Other than being shy, would rep and appearance (like the way you are online or the way you look for real) affect the people with negatives? Like if you choose that person to be your friend, he backs away from you after, that's what I always thought about and it's been a problem for me.
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Make another new JonTron video. Stop making all those GameGrumps videos.
And tell Erin to make a new Sequelitis episode. :D
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I just be me...and people are all like "YOOOO THAT GUY BE BROTACULAR, LETS BRO TO HIM AND BRO OUT"
Then we have a brodown and bro it out bro style.
Brofists and all.
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I run up to people and shout in their face: "can we be friends forever lols" and then I hand them a very professional looking business card made out of cotton candy and run away laughing. So far, this method has been very successful in warding off weirdos.
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My attempts to socialise while wearing a pair of Y-fronts on the wrong side of my trousers ended up in social freefall and multiple restraining orders.
Your mileage may vary.
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Oh boy another one of these threads. Though this one looks like your actually asking for help. so I guess it isn't that bad.(though it doesn't make you look at great.)
Friends to me are just people are hate less than other people. I hate everything, except some stuff, like hating stuff. It's a fun hobby.
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You make friends by finding people you can connect with. You know you've made a real friend when they start a conversation with you and ask how you are, whether it's been a week or a year since you last spoke.
And there are no rules on how to get a girlfriend. Women are only concerned with how you make them FEEL, so you can start by throwing logic out the window. And all women are different. The best possible advice is to be yourself; when you're mentally and emotionally naked in front of her and she STILL loves you, that is the best feeling in the world.
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Either online, in-games or in real life, how's the way you socialize with people (the kind of way that you would make a friend?) like do you choose who do you want to be your friend or someone to communicate with or it could be anyone? Like in public or private? Do you ever feel embarrassed or shy from like something?
Also could these tips also include or relate on how to make a gf?
EDIT: I also don't want random adds because of this thread, I'm just asking for advice, because you make friends by talking to them and developing a friendship, not so easily, so please and sorry.
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