Yes, it is that time again, where everyone works together to share Fortix with any users who haven't yet won a copy. Previous topics have had 162 copies and then 280 copies, and this ended up with 228 copies of Fortix, and 32 copies of Fortix 2. Plus 5 copies of Skyrim.

The giveaway list

10 copies with no CV from DeltaBladeX
25 copies with no CV from Timmaeh
1 copy with no CV from QETC
10 copies with no CV from Misskpavd
1 copy with no CV from Thomen
1 copy with no CV from wuut
1 copy with no CV from Cha0sSt0rm
1 copy with no CV from EthylMethylEther
1 copy with no CV from LucasC
1 copy with no CV from bobofatt
2 copies with no CV from le4slie
1 copy with no CV from Princess Jade (read the rules first)
1 copy with no CV from Princess Jade (read the rules first)
1 copy with no CV from mecorx / jatan11t
3 copies with no CV from TheNamlessGuy
25 copies with no CV from Dsc
25 copies with no CV from Dsc
1 copy with no CV from susv
1 copy with no CV from Foxpile
1 copy with no CV from SeanBahamut
1 copy with no CV from UraniumFalconPunch
1 copy with no CV from TerryNachtmerrie
1 copy with no CV from zelghadis
1 copy with no CV from sttr7
1 copy with no CV from patetico
1 copy with no CV from Steamlover
1 copy with no CV from Probrotector
1 copy with no CV from ellegi98
1 copy with no CV from ki11fr3ak
1 copy with no CV from esq393
1 copy with no CV from likehelly
1 copy with no CV from Tani6128
3 copies with no CV from Nanabanana
1 copy with no CV from Princess Jade (read the rules first)
1 copy with no CV from UrbanThief
1 copy with no CV from SamuraiShien
1 copy with no CV from daijalod
1 copy with no CV from tallpaul02 (read the rules first)
3 copies with no CV from ThePsYkOKinG
1 copy with no CV from TartFlavor (read the rules first)
1 copy with no CV from Tsukiruka
1 copy with no CV from Gramis
1 copy with no CV from Dig
1 copy with no CV from Angel9RakouCobra
1 copy with no CV from buLkhead
1 copy with no CV from SubjectLambda
1 copy with no CV from buri
1 copy with no CV from Mercer88
1 Copy with No CV from Grauntgar
1 Copy with no CV from Karim44444
1 copy with no CV from Qarabaqinho
1 copy with no CV from Inflim
1 copy with no CV from huerguita

CV required
1 copy with $500CV from Crazee
10 Copies with $1000 CV from Khune
1 copy with $30.01CV from Aserith
1 copy with $3,734.26 CV from Princess Jade
1 copy with $30.01 CV from Princess Jade (read the rules first)
3 copies with $44.44 CV from SoularoS
1 copy with $30.01 CV from irwinner
1 copy with $30.01 CV from Princess Jade (read the rules first)
10 copies with $0.01 CV from Zharwyn
1 copy with $1000 CV from KillingArts
1 copy with $7.77 CV from LordMonty3
5 copies with 100$ CV from Jelly
1 copy with $200 CV from Xiangming
1 copies with $666 CV from Nonos
1 copies with $0.01 CV from angelc581
1 copy with $50 CV from Veteranu21
2 copies with $0.04 CV from Painik
1 copy with $250 CV from bmh67wa
1 copy with $227 CV from bart227 (read the rules first)
3 copies with $0.01 CV from Olddan
3 copies with $100 CV from kOROMOShYdOpOlOuS
1 copy with $33.33 CV from Ishmaeel (with love)
1 copy with $0.01 CV from MrD
1 copy with $0.01 CV from arr0whead
1 copy with $3.00 CV from haexxlor
1 copy with $77.77 CV from Noctis149
1 copy with 100.00 CV from jaimerider
1 copy with $0.99 CV from Merciana
1 copy of with $30.01 CV from LordThanatos
1 copy with 30.01 CV from Erik108
1 copy with $250 CV from Air73
5 copies with $0.01 CV from Dravem
2 copies with $30.01 CV from ozo2003
1 copy with $30.01 CV from ArmadX
1 Copy with $77.77 CV From Ayce
1 copy with $30.01 CV from Ydrisselle
2 copies with $30.00 CV from Darkkahn
3 copies with $100.00 CV from xygon
1 copy with $111.11CV from aElder
1 copy with $50 CV from ExzoSSG
1 copy with $30.13 CV from Aly

Fortix 2
1 copy with no CV from Ev11
1 copies with no CV from NB264
1 copy with no CV from antoniossomatos
1 copy with $2000 CV from KillingArts
1 copy with $0.99 CV from JLleego (read the rules first)
1 copy with $53.99 CV from LordMonty3 (read the rules first)
1 copy with no CV From Foxpile
1 copy with no CV from Mthdraken
1 copy with $01.00 CV from biodelic
1 copies with $0.01 CV from angelc581
1 copy with no CV from Steamlover
1 copy with $1600.69 CV from Efreak
1 copy with bonuses, $32.00 CV from godprobe
1 copy with no CV from zufuru
1 copy with $30.01 CV from alpshrk
2 copies with $0.01 CV from Olddan
1 copy with no CV donated by Kogepan, who had no more giveaway slots. :P
1 copy with $158.32 CV from aforce273
1 copy with no CV from xKomachi (read the description please)
1 copy of Fortix 2 with $333 CV from DyeHardZ
1 copy with $43.21 CV from BryanWolf
1 copy of Fortix 2 with $30.01 CV from Khalaq
1 copy with no CV from tallpaul02 (read the rules first)
1 copy with $5.00 CV from haexxlor
1 copy with no CV from Tsukiruka
1 copy with no CV from Gramis
1 copy with $100.01 CV from hke12 (read the description)
1 copy with $1.99 CV from Merciana
1 copy with $250.00 CV from aeighwoupe
1 copy with $30.01 CV from Ydrisselle
1 copy with $100.00 CV from prus666
1 copy with no cv from Grauntgar
1 copy with $30.03 CV from Chiasm (read the rules first)

Fortix 3

AKA The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Legendary Edition with $777.77 CV from Steamlover
Base game with $100 CV from esq393
Legendary Edition with $666 CV from Olddan
Base game with $500 CV from kerepekman
Base game with $33.33 CV from fiftykyu

11 years ago*

Comment has been collapsed.

Closed 10 years ago by DeltaBladeX.