So I won a warhammer 40k GOY giveaway....was sent the product code for titans quest by the gifter...I emailed the gifter back several times to tell them of the mistake and recieved no reply. I am kind of new to this website but I marked the gift recieved as a NO. I gave the sender close to a month to remedy this....The reason I marked it no was because it seems to me that since titans quest is half price of warhammer 40k game that it could of been a ploy to up thier contributors amount while not actually giving as much...i figure most people would mark it as recieved because they got a gmae without really checking. Was I wrong to do this? Also as a side note if the gifter would of responded with a whoops my fault I would of gave them a YES for recieved but not getting a response to my emails seemed kinda fishy.

11 years ago*

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Did you make a support ticket about this?

11 years ago

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Frankly, Steam should tell you what they key is before you click on final Submit for it.

11 years ago

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Are you sure about that? As far as I remember, you click "redeem", and there's no confirmation - the next prompt only allows you to continue with installation of the game, or cancel the install. But once redeemed, there's no going back.

11 years ago

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I think you read that wrong.

Steam SHOULD tell you what the key is first.
They don't.

11 years ago

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OK, I misunderstood you there :) . I totally agree - they SHOULD tell you that before you actually redeem it :)

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

11 years ago

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Did you contact support? If not, I'd do that ;-)

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

11 years ago

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In your shoes, most will not mark as received, because they didn't get at minimum what they won. Just let him have the negative feedback until he gives you the correct game.

11 years ago

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I had this happen, well the key failed so he gave another which worked but happened to be a different game of equal value - mentioned it to support, weeks down the track got a temporary 1-2 day ban block for not activating your (gifted) game... Whatever you do, don't tell anyone or support about it, they will just ban you as morons report you completely ignoring the actual issue and that it wasn't your fault! Oh wait, you already have already mentioned it, bugger.

11 years ago

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Well, if it's the gifters fault, don't take his blame, mark as not recieved and you'll be fine.

11 years ago

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To be fair, if you marked it as recieved, that was your own fault. We don't check through tickets 99% of the time for such a simple issue unless we have reason to believe there might be more to the situation than meets the eye.

11 years ago

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Yanno, I just looked at your stats and I gotta say I have very little sympathy for you. In four months you've entered over 1,700 GAs and commented ONCE? You've won four games and given ONE game and now you're complaining that that your fifth win was not as advertised?

Srsly, take your complaint to support instead of here cause i have got very little for you....

11 years ago

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I agree that one should thank the gifter, but this is not required. Rules are rules. Take your complaint over lack of comments to support instead of complaining that a user has obeyed the rules but not a nonexistent rule.

11 years ago

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wow you are right... 1 comment XD thats probably a record xD

11 years ago

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probably not but the guy is a dick and he deserves to be effed once in awhile for being one ;-p

Just sayin is all...

This place runs on good will, right? When we can't act like civil human beings that can't be bothered to thank gifters for FREE effing games well...whatever, I think I made my point.

11 years ago

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Wait, you are calling HIM a dick for not spamming insensible "Thank You"s in chat? Wow.

Sure, he has won 5 giveaways, commented once, and given away one game. That does not make him a dick though. He posts on the forum for guidance on what to do in this matter and whether his current choices, which he has chosen, are right.

You are not required to give away games to win games here, nor are you required to give away games or comment on giveaways to receive friendly feedback on the forum.

I do sense that there is a doucheback, or dick, as you would call it, nearby. It is not the OP though. I believe we both know who I am referring to.

Good day.

11 years ago

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Yeah, I am. I've been here a month and I get that this place runs on the good will of gifters. Right? Those that show up, enter, never comment, give little DO NOT make this a better place. I think you'd probably agree if you thought about it a bit but hey, bash the newbie who gives a lot and goes out of their way to thank peeps for giving away games AND takes the time to voice an opinion about how the OP is kind of a jerk- it's so very nice of you, thank you!

11 years ago

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"Goes out of their way?" "Takes the time?" If we're inconveniencing you, then you can fuck right off, you gigantic chucklefuck.

11 years ago

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Well yanno, dropchuckletheeffingdodongohead, I did exactly that and I suspect a LOT of gifters do the same as me - NOT GIFT YOU. Enjoy your forum full of the same, crappy bundle games ;-p

11 years ago

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Same bundle games you offer in group giveaways. Stop hating on the bundles, if it weren't for them, point accumulation would be scarce and the chances of winning something would be non existant.

Winning an indie game from a bundle is better than not winning anything at all.

11 years ago

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"Enjoy your forum full of the same, crappy bundle games" and gave away 90% bundle games.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

11 years ago

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At least he made a giveaway to give back. That's a lot more than I ever made, just sayin'

11 years ago

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"Hey, I'm giving away games, and he isn't, obviously that means I can be a dick to him."

11 years ago

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The guy is a dick for not commenting, but you acting like a fucking asshole like you have the right makes you a perfectly cool guy since you have a high post count, right? Makes legit sense.

11 years ago

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Nice comments, thank you WAR DEATH FUN! BTW, what are your stats?

I just checked - nice ratio! Are all of those comments as "community building" as the one above? Oh and I am not a guy, wardeathfun. I'm an female and yeah, calling me a "fucking asshole" is very special and oh so welcoming to someone that's been here a month. You and the OP might consider creating your own group - the "I have exactly no manners and I don't give a GD".

11 years ago

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Being an attention whore is worse than not making useless comments. OP-1 U-0

11 years ago

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And that makes you what exactly?

11 years ago

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His stats are way better than yours. Do you know how I call a guy who enters a site and just in one month he spends $71.96 on games for others? Yeah, that's right! A spoiled moron who wants to show his wealthyness to others! Sorry, it's the truth. Or you just giveaway games from Gameminer, Gameblink and Tremorgames...

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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You can't be serious. First of all, $70 is not a huge amount of money; second, no one spends the actual amount they have for their CV. Most people give away game they got in a bundle or at 75+% off.

Therefore, someone with $70 CV likely spent $20-25 (unless they are giving away brand new releases, etc). So you think that someone who spent $25 on giveaways is some kind of "spoiled moron" trying to boast? Get real.

11 years ago

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Oh, my apologies. You're a female, I guess I gotta sniff your vagina to see if your fertile so we can breed. Nothing has changed, you been here for a month and already act like you know how the place works. Pretty disturbing. How do you know this guy never says thank-you to the gifts he receives? I don't know about you, but I always send a reply in email or in Steam chat a message that shows some form of gratitude. So I do not see how you feel the need to act like an ass hat to someone for not being grateful when you have no proof that he never shown any gratitude to anyone.

11 years ago

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Well to be fair Momo could have lurked a lot before joining. It's what I did. This whole comment thread is full of assumptions anyways :)

11 years ago

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Yup, even I assumed it was a dude I was butting heads with. Here I was thinking I was having a penis size contest with someone in the forums and it turns out to be a woman. At least I know for sure I won this time.

11 years ago

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You don't need a real penis to have an e-peen size contest ;)

11 years ago

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Sorry to tell you, but you seem like the biggest dick here . . . Just sayin is all.

11 years ago

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Really? How do you know whether he thanked the gifters or not??

I haven't won too many games here, but I always thanked the person who sent me the game. And I admit I enjoyed it when I sent a game to someone and that person thanked me in return.

You seem to be confusing "giving thanks to a real person" with "randomly spamming <thank you> messages that most people don't even read". You may want to consider that before calling names...

11 years ago

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entered over 1,700 GAs and commented ONCE
OMG, he is not spaming useless comments. What a shame.

11 years ago

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Which is exactly why I'm not doing GA's for jerks anymore ;-p My FREE games for which you can't be bother to post a copy/paste "thank you" are exactly why only crappy bundle games are on offer for most peeps.

11 years ago

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You could also make a giveaway with a requirement that entrants have to post their favorite food in the comments. It doesn't make people feel insincere compared to forced tys and might foster discussion.

11 years ago

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It would need to be a private and have the rule confirmed by Support first, which is a lot of trouble.

And sadly, people still won't read the description.

11 years ago

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Most people read private giveaway descriptions. And those that don't won't be allowed to win anyways. Just a bit more work to get the rule approved and potentially rerolls.

11 years ago

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Not mine. I never got many bananas.

11 years ago

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Dawww. Well, then. Here you go: Moar bananas for you

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

11 years ago

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They very well could be. lol

11 years ago

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Wow.. Get some glasses - those are drawn man..

11 years ago

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You're an idiot.

11 years ago

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Do you know that saying....the one that goes "It takes one to know one"? You might want to memorize it ;-p

11 years ago

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Laura plis, stop trying to grab all the boyz attention here.

11 years ago

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For me this «copy/paste thank you» is just a useless spam which I have to look through in case some one has a actual question to me.

11 years ago

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So yeah, now you spit on someone's else generosity ("crappy bundle games") and you call someone's else a dick? You sure are a piece of work.

11 years ago

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... You just said it yourself - you expect people to copy-paste a useless, hollow gesture of two words, which means exactly fuck-all, as if it's some kind of sign of gratitude. Yup, sure. You know, when I was a kid, my mom would always look at me and say "thank yoouuu" suggestively whenever she did something for me or gave me something, as if to say "come on say thank you now". Which only made the thanks I gave seem facetious and forced. Think for two seconds before you post such asinine comments.

Aside from that, you're acting like an entitled windbag and using horrible argumentative form to defend yourself. DropTheDodongo makes you out for an "attention whore", and the best you can muster back is "and that makes you what exactly?"???? Really?? A good old bit of tu quoque ad hominem "argumentation"?

11 years ago

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+1 - Why spam ty comments for the sake of it on every single entry? Too full the database with rubbish no one will read anyways? I'll prefer maybe just a few 'thanks' but really only the winner's ty counts in the end!

11 years ago

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Chill out, man.

11 years ago

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I'm not a man, I'm a mother and I taught my child manners. Apparently that doesn't actually matter here, right? What's your comment ratio? when it's higher than your entries, please correct me and tell me to chill....

11 years ago

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Chill out!

11 years ago

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You too - your ratio isn't any better in the thank-you or giveaways. srsly ;-p

11 years ago

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I am looking down on all of you noobs! :P

11 years ago

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Meh, I comment more, even if I can't pull a Divide By Zero moment.

11 years ago

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The ever important comment ratio.

11 years ago

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Given how easy it is to take part in the forums, knowing that people are quite happy to come here only to mooch their free games while not giving a damn about the community providing all of this can be sad.

Now you, start posting in more topics. 9 months and so few comments? That is barely more than 1 a week.

11 years ago

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It says something! It says "Hey, this human being is giving away a free game - the least I can do is effing copy past a thank you comment."

But hey, whatever - it just drives gifters to private groups where their gifts are actually, i dunno, appreciated? Where the entrants spend five extra precious seconds of their lives posting a basic, human comment like "Hey, thanks man!"

Cause yanno, that doesn't feel good to the person gifting a free game when less than 10% of the entrants can actually be bothered...nope, no need to even try to make gifters feel like peeps care less or anything...

11 years ago

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I'm in the group of people that feels most of the comments on giveaways are spam. I much prefer reading actual comments in my giveaways. So I don't copy and paste a thank you in every one I enter, nor do I use a script like some people. People that take comment ratio too seriously are part of the reason these script users are here.

But I sure do thank each giver when I receive the gift, and make sure they know I appreciate it very much.

11 years ago

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I'm also with many of the thanks being spam, and doesn't help when I see obvious thank script users. I'll ask people not to post thanks, but to use interesting comments, either by asking a question in my opening post or asking for images of some random object.

Still, the forums are here, and I've gotten over 7000 posts in this part of the site. Isn't difficult to have a decent post count.

11 years ago

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Ok, fair enough but I found that getting a thousand people entering for a giveaway with 50-75 commenting felt like a slap in the face. Hey, that's my personal opinion and frankly it made me decide NOT to do public giveaways. So I don't think my, as you call them "spam" thank you comments have little meaning to other peeps - I really don't. Especially when the winner couldn't be bothered to even post that much...

Life with people runs on good will and manners and those things actually do matter. Srsly. You may think generic thank-you's are spam and you're free to post that for your GA's "no need to post a spam thank you", but frankly I think most gifters are plenty pleased to be thanked no matter how spammy or canned those thank-you's appear. The words still have a real meaning....

11 years ago

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Especially when the winner couldn't be bothered to even post that much...
I thank with email if I receive key with email or in Steam chat if I am added in Steam. No post required.

you're free to post that for your GA's "no need to post a spam thank you"
I tried. Does not seem to work.

11 years ago

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Yep, but this "thank you for the game" doesn't necessarily happen in the comments. I always thank if I win, after the contributor sent me the game. Sometimes I say thank you in the comments too.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

11 years ago

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Because it really does have meaning when I take the extra five seconds to scroll to the bottom of the page and thank you gifter. It has meaning to me. Really.

And when I first did a GA and over a thousand people entered but maybe 66 took those extra five seconds...well that said something to me. It said, "Hey, eff you. I can't be bothered to do a simple human convention like thanking you for giving me a chance to accept a gift from you."

Does that make sense?

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

11 years ago

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Excellent point! But do peeps actually come back and read those? After all, there isn't a mechanism to notify peeps here when someone has responded to their comments...

11 years ago

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Yeah, that's one of the things I really want to see implemented. Sometimes I post something pretty long, or ask a question in the giveaway, but I always forget about it.

11 years ago

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+1. So many potentially beautiful conversations in giveaway threads going to naught. :(

11 years ago

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That's why I often have a shitload of tabs open. Takes forever for Firefox to load, but at least I can go back and see if I got any replies to a post that I made in someone's giveaway. Would be nice if a feature was added that allowed you to track replies to your GA comments.

11 years ago

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We need to keep making support tickets for this feature. I have to check my entries to find the comments I've posted; sometimes I lose track and never know there's a reply =/

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

11 years ago

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The lack of a "Thank You" ESPECIALLY ON THE INTERNET, does not equate to someone being a dick.
It's like saying if your parent doesn't hug you that they don't love you. Maybe it's just not their thing? At least they're not going around calling people dicks for ridiculous reasons.

11 years ago

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I've heard that there are even thank you scripts for this site, where a program just types "thanks" for you. Even if they just type it, it doesn't feel sincere at all. I giveaway my games on steamchat. If they don't say thanks during then I can get pretty mad, but who cares about the comments, especially ones with a script, meaning that they used literally no effort in posting it.

11 years ago

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Don't get me wrong, I like to thank in all of my giveaways and have never (and will never) use a script to do so. I see it as being polite to thank people for the gesture of giving an item away and for the chance to win it.

That being said, I will never attack or persecute another for not following the same frame of mind as I do. People are free to do as they please provided they are following the rules. Stating your opinion on the matter is one thing but you would do well to avoid lashing out at people who don't meet your "comment ratio" standards.

11 years ago

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+1 The FAQ also states, "Be considerate of all users at all times related to the site/chat, etc." Pretty sure the OP is going to wake up to this shitstorm of a thread and never make another post again or something horrible.

11 years ago

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You taught your child manners? Are you sure it wasn't the father? I ask because the very comment chain this all came from starts off with a post of you showing very little to no manners. I hardly see acting like a snobbish bully telling people to go to support instead of making a thread here because you have no sympathy for them can be considered anything close to manners.

11 years ago

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She just said she taught the kid manners. Didn't say they were good manners.

11 years ago

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heh, fair point

11 years ago

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+ le un

11 years ago

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"I taught my Children to have a good comment to entry ratio!" Good Parenting! :D lol

11 years ago

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I can see someone going to many many blacklists.

11 years ago

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Well, it is three games received and one not received, but other than that minor correction, I do agree with you. I'm not one for posting thanks in every single giveaway I enter though (though the smaller giveaways will get a decent comment), but I take part in the community here in the forums instead. It isn't that hard to comment, and the knowledge that this is one of the rare times the TC has chosen to speak here is sad.

Also, about your below link, might want to remove it, as it will fall under the Calling Out rule.

11 years ago

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Thank you for your comment and for advising me of the rules ;-)

11 years ago

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What about the automated Thank Yous? Do those count as acknowledgement? There is a script floating around that lets you comment thank you automatically. I will say, I don't know how it works.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Lol No arguments from me.

11 years ago

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Ok, well at least the peeps that install the script recognize that a thank-you has some semblance of meaning! amiright?

11 years ago

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Got me there. Not being sarcastic either.

11 years ago

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I know at least two people who had, for some time, a script that posted a thank you message on every single public giveaway created, even ones which the person did not enter.

11 years ago

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+1 comment

11 years ago

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  • SteamTrades comments count towards your SteamGifts profile
  • Support tickets count towards your comments
  • Forum comments count towards your comments
  • And finally, giveaway comments count towards your comments

So all this proves that he has very little activity and prefers to lurk. What a big deal.

11 years ago

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First time I've ever felt like commenting and defending myself..
I read the forums all the time, I read what each giveaway I entered have to say, be it their games are up for Greenlight (which I vote for if its a well made game) or they have a youtube channels to promote (watch a couple of vids, subcribe if their material is something I like) or random stuff.
I say my thanks all the time in chat. But honestly, I'm just a lurker and introverted. So I'd rather keep my stuff out of the limelight(that is until you've made my night with this crap, seriously).
So on my end, I don't understand what I do wrong. I'm glad and happy that many people have the chance to win other games that they maybe couldn't afford or have been on their wishlist for just to long. But I usually have nothing better to say to the creators. I am thankful, but I don't show it. Doesn't make me less awful than you.

11 years ago

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This thread is exactly why I joined giveaway groups and 90% of my giveaways are to group members.

11 years ago

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Just what the fuck does OP's reputation or how much of a dick you think he is have to do with the person he won a giveaway from not following the rules of the site? Nothing, that's what.

11 years ago

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Some men,or women in this case, just want to watch the world burn!

11 years ago

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True enough.

11 years ago

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Hey, how's my comment ratio? Am I entitled to comment on what you're doing here? Because I think you're needlessly being a sack of dicks spraying all over OP's thread where they asked a very good question instead of simply assuming they knew what to do.

11 years ago

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Correct to mark it as not received since you got the wrong game.

Start a support ticket.

11 years ago

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I don't think it was a "ploy" lmao.

11 years ago

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Was I wrong to do this?

Not at all, you tried to find a resolution and they didn't come through. In fact, never mark received unless you actually receive what you're supposed to, otherwise you could inadvertently get banned. A lot of users get reported for not redeeming the games they won, without knowing your situation, people could easily make the assumption you won it but didn't redeem it.

11 years ago

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Exactly this ^^^^^^

11 years ago

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^^ The force is strong in this one...

11 years ago

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It only takes one chucklefuck to ruin a good topic.

I think you got you answer despite, zombiejesus262. Now please close this topic so the attention whore will leave.

11 years ago

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Since you have managed to comment under practically every single comment I've made - and none of my original comments contained any curse words or "aim to inflame", like yours, I suggest that you are the one looking for attention, not me DTD ...or was that DDT ;-p

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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You are the one who insulted first...

11 years ago

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You're the one who entered a random thread and started to insult a completely random average guy who just wanted to ask for help on the forums. What did he do wrong? Is it wrong that he is just trying to test his luck and win a few games on steam? Is it wrong that he did not post a comment on every single giveaway saying the exact same word as 500 other people which I'm freaking SURE the giveaway creator is going to read all 15 pages of comments? You're the only douchebag here since you act like some kind of steamgifts police and you keep judging people just because they don't use the same broken logic as you do.

11 years ago

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No, don't do that... I hate when I make a well thought out post/reply and someone comes and closes the thread.

The discussion may have derailed but shutting it down is no better. If you're done with the topic just move on.

11 years ago

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No popcorn at night curfew in order to improve your health, papa. I support closing this thread; people will continue going in circles until someone clamps down.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

11 years ago

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i received a wrong game once. but this "wrong" game was also in my wishlist, so i marked it as "gift received". i said to the sender that u gave me the wrong code, and luckily she/he replied and apologized. so in the end, all were happy... :D

11 years ago

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I'd contact the support now, because if they will backtrack the giveaway one day, they will find out you don't have the game in your account even when you won the giveaway and marked is as received. That could lead to ban or something D: (because few friends could just make a giveaways for each other and mark it as received to boost their contributor value)

11 years ago

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+1, mods could ban you due to "non activating gift won".

11 years ago

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As he said.

11 years ago

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So which DLC is it so I know what giveaway to delete?

11 years ago

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You should give a copy back of the game you already activated in your account and then to receive the game you won. Is just fair for both parts. Or you accept the game already activated, because if you like so much the game you won, you should own it with money.

11 years ago

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So you win a contest that you entered for free and they give something other than the stated prize. You then have to go out and purchase that exact reward they gave you and give it back... How is that fair?

And marking the gift as received when it was not received is not the answer either. I do a contest for Call of Duty Ghosts and then give you Fortix and because I gave you a game anyways lets just have you mark it as received and i earn $60 CV for giving away a $1 game. Again, this is not fair.

11 years ago

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Do you really understand how this site works?

11 years ago

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Just FYI, if you're sent a code you have no way of knowing what it'll be. No reason to question what it is either. You paste it in, and voila, wrong game. This is in NO way the winner's fault and marking as not received is in my opinion exactly the right thing to do.

11 years ago

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Yeeeah, that's not how this works. If someone gives me a key for BioShock Infinite instead of Fortix, that is not my problem. That is either their fault for not being careful enough with their keys or it's lucky chance thanks to a third party site messing up. I am not required in any way to compensate them for BioShock, nor would I even attempt to. Either way, either they request the giveaway be changed by our admin to BioShock and all is good, they give me Fortix as well or they don't give me Fortix and I mark it as not recieved. Those are the three options.

11 years ago

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Palm + face = this post.

How on earth is the recipient suppost to tell, simply by studying the serial key, whether the game is Dawn of War or Titan Quest?

11 years ago

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I've won Fortix once, but submitter has sent me Skyrim Legendary Edition by mistake. I've reported the shit outta him and had to contact Steam support to get it deleted. Silly submitter, you can't get away with my Fortix ^_^

11 years ago

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Now that's how it's done!

11 years ago

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damn i can't wait to win a copy of fortix...

11 years ago

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What kind of a clusterfuck of a topic is this?

11 years ago

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Basically, someone was sent the wrong game. They came here looking for guidance on what to do. Some user named Momo freaked out that he doesn't spam "Thank You" on every game that he vouches in for. Because the submitter always reads each and every thank you, instead of just the one from the actual receiver. This whole thread if a huge cluster of stupidity.

11 years ago

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Well, if you want to be technical, he didn't even post in the ones he won, either.

11 years ago

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I like how you imply there's no e-mail or private chat, only Steamgifts.

11 years ago

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This has happened to me. I was supposed to get Titan Quest but instead I ended up getting Saint Row 3 duplicate. I emailed them back and a week later I got my key. Its good that you marked NO, and be sure to create a support ticket.

11 years ago

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Closing thread as it's technically calling out. Users can find which giveaway the OP's talking about. Please create a support ticket if you're having problems with a gifter.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by zombiejesus262.