Thanks for the info. I can confirm that you will not get a game key (I checked my purchase history, where Steam keys for other games I bought on gamefly are listed).
Seems you need the gamefly client to download the game.
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No Serbia fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
and no on Steam fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
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No Puerto Rico Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
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Usually this amount is for check the card details, and they will cancel this charge to your VISA.
More info in your Profile -> Card Detals:
You may see a temporary "authorization hold" of £1.00 on your debit/credit card statement. Rest assured - this is NOT a charge. Most banks will release this temporary hold within 3-5 business days.
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Good thing my bank allows me to make new CC numbers with limited funds.
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Credit cards are not very widespread in Germany. So as good as nobody has them, and not a single store requires them. So no deal for me. :(
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What? You don't have debt cards? ATM cards? How the hell do you use your money from bank account - like in last century, come to bank and take money personally? :P
I think you just don't know, that you can buy things on the Internet with other cards than CC.
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Here the short version: We call it "Elektronisches Lastschriftverfahren". Basicly:
You get a EC card and you can use it in shops and it directly debits your bank account. Moar here
Also you can transfer money to and from every bank account automatically. For example I just go to and say "Bankeinzug" and they charge me from my bank account. It's a German thing, but the EU will (or not, you know how they are) make it available in the whole EU. Main advantage: It's as good as free and there are no risks for fraud. (6 month time to charge back, bank is liable)
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We have cards but they are not credit cards, they are cards for our bank accounts and they are only for getting money at these things. But you can't use them online, there you have to give them your bac account details (account number and which bank) and then they transfer the money from you bank account but this takes some days and that's why it isn't often used online.
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Infernotoni, Brotbaum:
Those are (or at least sound like) the equivalent of a debit card, also called an ATM (Automated Teller Machine) card. They are not really any different than the ones in the US, EXCEPT that the ones in the US frequently come with a 'logo' from a credit card company that allows you to use your bank cards online. If you don't have the logo, you can't use them online.
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I didn't say that they are different than in the US but debit cards are not the same like credit cards and credit cards are not very common in Austria or Germany. Here the cards are only debit cards without any extras and you can't pay with them in the internet.
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Das war sicher ne kleine SB Tanke, wie man sie auf dem Land oder neben manchen Supermärkten findet, die sich die Kosten sparen wollen (die Teilnahme am KK Zahlungsverfahren ist ja für den Verkäufer nicht kostenlos).
Jede Tanke der großen Ketten akzeptiert Kreditkarten.
Es gibt übrigens mindestens 2 Bankunternehmen, die Kreditkarten gebührenfrei herausgeben (also keine Gebühren für die Ausgabe und auch keine laufenden Gebühren; ggf. Gebühren beim Einsatz im Ausland).
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Okay, Thüringen ist ländlich, was nur beweist, dass ne Kreditkarte mir da nicht hilft. ;)
Außerdem: was heißt "gibt mindestens 2"? Namen braucht das Land! Meine Bank machts nicht kostenlos, soweit ich weiß.
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Ing-Diba (VISA; hatten früher ein tolles Bonusprogramm: 50 Cent Gutschrift beim einem Umsatz ab 20,- Euro, hat sich für mich super beim Tanken gelohnt; Bonusprogramm wurde aber auf "Umsatz ab 50,- Euro" angehoben und mein Auto hat nen kleinen Tank)
DKB (VISA; mein Favorit, da ich an jedem EC Automat, der Visa unterstützt, ohne Zusatzkosten Geld abheben kann; R+V Banken und Sparkassen haben aber nicht überall einen Vertrag mit Visa)
Beides sind VISA Debit Kreditkarten, d.h. es wird schon nach 3 Tagen bis 2 Wochen das Konto belastet, nicht erst nach einem Monat, wie bei "vollwertigen" Kreditkarten.
Barclaycard (VISA) hat momentan ein Angebot, dass dem der DKB ähnlich ist, aber mit der Bank hab' ich keine Erfahrung.
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Zuerst einmal: Danke für die Antwort! So wie ich das sehe, muss ich dann immer Geld von meinem Konto auf das DKB/DiBa Girokonto überweisen, um dann die Kreditkarte nutzen zu können ohne in den Dispo zu rutschen. Das finde ich ziemlich umständlich, nur um die paar Euros zu sparen, zumal ich mir nicht sicher bin, ob die nicht Studenten einfach mal ablehnen ^^. Ich bleib dann doch lieber bei meiner EC Karte.
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Nein, das sind keine Guthabenkonten, die nur positiv geführt werden können (zumindest DKB nicht), aber ich will ja keine 14%+ Überziehungszins zahlen, also hab ich immer einen kleinen Betrag drauf, eben für solche Onlinegeschichten, die eine Kreditkarte benötigen (und früher eben fürs Tanken mit der Ing-Diba Karte). Für mich ist die KK auch die einzige Möglichkeit bei Amazon USA zu bezahlen.
Mich haben beide Institute als Student angenommen.
Ist auch immer wieder interessant zu sehen, wie die Schufa um einen Prozentpunkt nach unten rutscht, wenn man eine Kreditkarte bewilligt bekommt (nur durchs bewilligen, auch wenn man sie noch gar nicht genutzt hat. Ich schau mir meinen Schufascore jedes Quartal an) - steigt dann aber auch langsam wieder.
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Why would I pay for a shitty cc, if I can do can do free with my EC card?
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Yes it needs creditcard info indeed. There wasn't any fee for me. I live in Hungary but I purchased from them before. Maybe it's just for verification if you use a card in their store for the first time.
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Same here for Canada. Added the game to my account without a problem.
Will probably never download it from them since I already have it on Steam though.
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Yep confirmed for Canada as well.
Nice to have the option.. have BS1 in inventory.. debating opening it or not.. now I have options
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downloading now its free the credit card is prolly to verify your age lol
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This title is available for purchase in Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and United Kingdom.
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Used an old gift Visa with $0.12 on it as my CC. >:D
Any DRM on this version? Can't seem to find info on the page.
Edit: The client downloads the installer. I may be wrong but you can just back up the folder containing the installer. Gamefly activates the game on first run I believe, but you don't need the client for this. And no GFWL as far as I can tell.
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No steam key! Credit Card required!
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