Apparently I have an excess of luck these past few days so I decided I will trade some of it. I will accept any good offers.
Proof, this guy contacted me and we chatted. He complained about his bad luck. As soon as we were done chatting BAM, he won in those two giveaways.

Edit: There was a giveaway hidden here. It is now over, a ninja was the winner. Thanks to my luck the ninja will soon win Skyrim, but don't be jealous because the other dareful users who paricipated in the giveaway but didn't win will never win anything again. On the bright side, the end of the world has been avoided, you will live past the 21st of December 2012, this is because the winner did not already have Skyrim. Lastly, in case you missed it, I was banned, again... only to quickly come back and troll you more:P

1 decade ago*

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Yes he have reason.
Thanks Noctis ahah :P

1 decade ago

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awesome luck :)

1 decade ago

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Holy! What a unbelievable luck, this guy won in 2 giveaways with 10 - 15 entries. He must be the luckiest guy on earth or he was just using his demonic POWAZ!

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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There's one person who's won the one and only giveaway that 'ey entered.

1 decade ago

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who ?

1 decade ago

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There are more who the first giveaway they entered but they went and entered more and lost that title.

1 decade ago

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I won 4 games in less than 10 entries


1 decade ago

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Give me a piece of your hooves. I DEMAND it!

1 decade ago

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I have to smile hard when people dont even get the most obvious irony talking...

1 decade ago

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Try this for obvious and see the results yourself. I was surprised as well.

1 decade ago

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I volunteer for tribute? :3

1 decade ago

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Tribute? Are you giving games or yourself? If it's the first then check my wishlist, if it's the second then how do you want me to slay you?

1 decade ago

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Are you really making people give you games for imaginary "luck"?

1 decade ago

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If it works (it does trust me) then it's not exactly a bad deal. They could even win Skyrim! There is nothing "imaginary" about my luck. But I'm afraid it will run out in 3 days.

1 decade ago

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Nice, reporting this thread.

1 decade ago

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Group giveaway.

1 decade ago

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Enough said.

1 decade ago

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Correction; two group giveaways that ended at the same time with same winner, who previously had very bad luck.

1 decade ago

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More like a coincidence than luck, but whatever.

1 decade ago

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Coincidence doesn't exist, but whatever :p

1 decade ago

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Luck as well, still whatever.

1 decade ago

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I had participated in 17 Giveaway with nine people before talking to him and I was not earning anything, I speak Hop I win :)

1 decade ago

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Yea, because winning a giveaway with only 12&14 entries is sooooo hard. :P Nontheless, gratz.

1 decade ago

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Correction; two group giveaways that ended at the same time with same winner, who previously had very bad luck.

1 decade ago

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Shut up already.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I will trade you one of the hundreds of 4-leaf clovers I find for some luck!

1 decade ago

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One is not enough. Sorry but I'm a little greedy. How about all of them?

1 decade ago

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Sorry, I ate most of them in hopes of getting luck.

1 decade ago

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I was especially winning the same minute.

1 decade ago

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What is becoming of this site....

1 decade ago

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I wonder myself.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

1 decade ago

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Wrong thread. Your soul alone is not enough for me.

1 decade ago

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I only have pizza. Is that an acceptable tribute?

1 decade ago

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For me, yes.

1 decade ago

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I have another pizza. You are free to come at my place for it. Although no guarantee that you will survive in my country.

1 decade ago

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I knew it! All those rainbows are an illusion. Ponyland is a dangerous place where human-eating small horses feed on the fools that fell for their cartoon.

1 decade ago

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You didn't already know "Ponyland" is inside Russia?

1 decade ago

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I knew our little pony is a comrade. But before that post I thought Ponyland was just another fairytale that was created to make money, not some real place.

1 decade ago

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Stop e-stalking me :(

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Nothing is pathetic ;)

1 decade ago

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This is. It's nonsense superstition. It's like saying that I took a shit at 4 o clock yesterday and won, so I must take a shit at 4 o clock everyday.

1 decade ago

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You are really L ahah :P

1 decade ago

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No he is not. L wouldn't reach a conclusion while he was missing a crucial piece of evidence. You've missed it too, TDOTN.

1 decade ago

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Your luck rate is nothing compared to Xarabas one. Deal with it.

1 decade ago

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Contact me when Xarabas is selling his spare luck. In the mean time you will have to make do with me.

1 decade ago

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There's a difference between selling and sold.

1 decade ago

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I think I was right in using sellling, no?
If you mean thta Xarabas has already sold his luck then it's even better for me. No competition, monopoly and then... World Domination!

1 decade ago

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I mean that the fact that you are willing to sell your luck is near meaningless, until any has been sold.

I could tell you I will sell you CS:GO for $1000, but you would never pay such a price, and I have none to sell, anyway.

1 decade ago

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I think my profile would like a word with you. :p

1 decade ago

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What about your profile?

1 decade ago

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Gentlemen, please, this is not an e-p**** comparison thread. I will not be giving you any discounts just because you believe you are well-endowed.

1 decade ago

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What about my pro- Oh I see what you did there.

1 decade ago

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Everyone freaks out over this. His win rate is the same 4-5% as the rest of us.

1 decade ago

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The win rate may be the same but the absolute size is bigger. Most wouldn't notice the win rate.

1 decade ago

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Then most are fools.

1 decade ago

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Would you accept some goat blood? I can also throw in some air fresheners for cars shaped as palm-tops if you want.

1 decade ago

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Goat blood is good. Don't you happen to have any facepalm shaped air fresheners? Fish shaped cake with fish shapped ingredients will do fine too.

1 decade ago

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I have a secret for you.

It has now been told.

1 decade ago

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I just smiled at you. Thanks for the luck.

1 decade ago

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Sneezed in your general direction, cheers for the luck.

1 decade ago

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huwat is luck?

1 decade ago

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....... is this funny? i dont get it!

1 decade ago

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My brother came back from Cancun recently, brought me some sugar-free candy (sounds strange if you're in the US: goat milk and pecan candy, but it's really good), and you can have the rest (I only ate one) for some of your luck.

1 decade ago

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I don't like sugar soaked sweets so they'll do just fine. Unfortunately I don't even know my own address (it hasn't been revealed to the public) so I cannot ask you to mail them to me. Mail them to Square-Enix instead and tell them to hurry up, this throne is not so comfortable after 6 years.

1 decade ago

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[H] Copious amounts of unluck, anti-luck, and negative karma

[W] To spread it with everyone like the freaking plague.

1 decade ago

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Xarabas thread.

1 decade ago

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I find your lack of bad luck... disturbing

1 decade ago

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A copy of this game?

1 decade ago

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So I just Google'd the deluxe edition bonuses...and...well...

1 decade ago

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I am the creator (lucky you!) so I'll gift you 2x copies for friends then :)

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Noctis149.