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That's not what I meant. How can you considering 30 copies being given away as abuse...
Remind me again why Skyrim and Borderlands 2 aren't on the bundle list?
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Yes they were. Borderlands 2 was 97% off and Skyrim was in a bundle, about 96% off during the holidays last year.
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Those were short-term pricing errors where most copies were refunded, no?
Also some users have given away ~10-30 copies of Kane's Wrath themselves so please check your facts before claiming "how can you considering 30 copies being given away as abuse".
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I went though everyone who gave away Kane's Wrath with the "1 year ago" tag. Here's the list:
15 Omishi
9 cutlet
5 mszu
4 Hichigo
4 iCookie
3 XeroS
2 PapaSmurf
2 cilfred
2 Relac
2 Delevion
2 deathkid12
2 SevereFlame
2 Alan4iTo
2 TheShobo
There are two people that you could consider abusing it. Apparently that ruins it for everyone else? And here I thought you only included widespread abuse, rather than abuse because of one or two people. If so, why haven't you added Spore Creepy and Cute Parts Pack to the list yet? It has the same discount in the Russian Steam store as Kane's Wrath, and there is one person who gave away 24 copies of it, another who gave away 8 copies. Essentially, it was abused the same way that Kane's Wrath was "abused" in July 2012.
At any rate, do you remember when CV was implemented? If this occurred before CV came around, you can't consider any of this abuse, because there was nothing to abuse at that time.
With regards to Borderlands 2: there were two price errors on two different sites during the holidays. One last about an hour on Newegg, the other lasted almost the entire day on GamersGate. I personally know 2 people who were able to get 20+ copies of BL2 from these mistakes. If they had given all the copies out on sg instead of trying to sell, you would have put BL2 on the bundle list?
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Oh, while you're here, I thought I'd just tell you a couple of games that you missed adding to the bundle list this month:
Bundlestars - The Blaze of Glory Bundle
Commander: Conquest of the Americas Gold
World War III Black Gold
East India Company Gold
WWII Panzer Claws 1 & 2
Indie Jam 3 Bonus
Humble Weekly Sale - Hothead Games
DeathSpank: Thongs of Virtue
On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness, Episode One
On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness, Episode Two
Groupees - Be Mine 9
Eador Genesis
Indie Gala Colossus
Talisman Prologue
Build a Meridian4 Mega Bundle
Bridge Constructor
Greenlight Bundle 3
Megabyte Punch
Indie Adventure Bundle
Jack Orlando
Build a Greenlight Bundle 2
Be Mine 8
Build a Greenlight Bundle
Salvation Prophecy
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I appreciate the attempt at an excuse, but unfortunately if time was a factor, then Just Cause and other short lived price errors wouldn't have been added. As for the "refunds", I bought a Borderlands 2 4pack from GamersGate during the price error and received it while many others got in on the Bethesda bundle.
As I've said before, it really comes down to whether enough people abuse it and if those who couldn't, whine and bitch enough as to get it added. No one would have complained about the increase of Borderlands 2 or Bethesda games. Instead we'll just be grateful that we aren't the ones who have to embarrass ourselves by relaying these lame excuses.
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if the date on the bundle list is set before the actual date of the bundle: then people who bought it legitimately to gift aren't getting full credit it for the game (unless it's part of their 20%)
if the date on the bundle list is after the actual date of the bundle: then people who bought it cheaply could be getting full value for any giveaways they created even if they bought it through a bundle/deeply discounted sale
(this assumes that the date listed on the bundle list reflects the date that steamgifts uses to determine whether some giveaway was made before or after something was bundled, which seems likely)
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Hmm, that is odd...
Also, it still seems odd to me that just because 75% off in Russia is equivalent to 95% off in the U.S. that counts as a Bundle/Exploited game. Russians always have games cheaper than we do.
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Ive gotten games form greenman, amazon or even US steam at that same discounted rate. Where does it end? Its not a bundle game so it shouldn't be in the bundle list.
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Maybe you should have made a ticket before calling out support on the forums for what was probably an honest mistake.
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Taking a look at the bundle list I see they've set it to July 3rd, 2013
It's not 2013 but 2012.
The "original" steam sale with 75% off was on 2012/07/03:
And yes, they changed date because of my ticket.
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Could have made a ticket before first before spilling it here. Although I could see a problem if you consider basing your price for the 95% threshold in Russian steam store.
You know what, I think the date was changed from sept to july due to an anomaly (yes I'm calling this anomaly) in the graph which occurred @ july 24
P.S: Holy fuck, that 84% sale upfront sale in RU steam store ahahahaha. WTF
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I really dont agree with making a game a bundle * even when it hasnt been in one just because of a regional price. But hey the retro active stuff has been going for a while like with the weekly sale decision later and several other instances as well, this being one of them. It makes CV kinda pointless when you dont know what will change in the future that will effect the past. I think with these changes we have seen far fewer high CV giveaways. People have stopped caring about CV and just reserve themselves to private groups it seems.
I personally liked the idea of CV and I liked that people gave out things based on that merit. But the more people farm it the more others complain and then things are adjusted most often retro actively.
I think this really disenfranchises people with CV in general. For the record I also think game prices dropping over time degrading CV is a horrible way of doing things as well. I think most of the support staff would agree with that but I dont think there is much they can do based on the system.
But really... on to a new topic. These situations are just happening more often and it seems like its not even worth arguing about. That's been my takeaway from any type of CV discussions.
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It has been pointless ever since that stupid crazy machines giveaway craze. It just went downhill continuously after that. Also seeing on your givweaway habits, looks like you already gave up on the idea of CV months now (all giveaways on group, with a few exceptions of CV requirements)
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Yep and if you go back to the beginning of my history you'll see almost every GA I did in public was CV based to reward those people. After they started wavering on the system I stopped caring about CV and IMO most of SG did as well and just kept to groups.
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I just noticed they switched the date on C&C 3: Kane's Wrath and was curious if they're just picking dates at random now. Taking a look at the bundle list I see they've set it to July 3rd, 2013 which doesn't really make sense to me.
Taking a look here, we'll see the price history of C&C 3: Kane's Wrath. You'll notice on July 3rd, the game was $19.99 on Steam which is full price! On July 11th it dropped to 50% off which would be the RU price at $1.56, but that's still above 95% off! It wasn't until July 25th when the game was 70% that the RU price would have went past the 95% off threshold. Then in September when the game went 75% off, people started abusing it and it was thrown on the bundle list.
I'm assuming they pushed the date back further to cover the original 70% sale, but it wasn't July 3rd like the bundle list says!
I wonder if there are any other games with incorrect dates on there?
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