First and foremost I understand this has nothing to do with video games.
Secondly as some of you may know there is a man named Joesph Kony
Mr Kony is a very very bad man in fact he is the world's most wanted man
He is the lead of the LRA (Lord's Resistance Army) in Uganda
He has committed war crimes and crimes against humanity
Rape, murder, forcing children to fight is his army - 50000 reportedly
I do not do justice to how evil he is but this videos does
also this website my give insight (alliteration ftw)
I'm not asking anyone here to travel to Uganda a personally shoot Kony in the head (if you could that'd be great)
Or even go out and protest, but what you can do is spread and share this (facebook, reddit, 4chan ect)
even email it to politicians in your country to send aid, or even principal or boss.
Thank you for reading I'm Morgan Freeman.

TL;DR bad man in uganda copy paste this all over the internet

13 years ago*

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First and foremost I understand this has nothing to do with video games.
Secondly as some of you may know there is a man named Joesph Kony
Mr Kony is a very very bad man in fact he is the world's most wanted man
He is the lead of the LRA (Lord's Resistance Army) in Uganda
He has committed war crimes and crimes against humanity
Rape, murder, forcing children to fight is his army - 50000 reportedly
I do not do justice to how evil he is but this videos does
also this website my give insight (alliteration ftw)
I'm not asking anyone here to travel to Uganda a personally shoot Kony in the head (if you could that'd be great)
Or even go out and protest, but what you can do is spread and share this (facebook, reddit, 4chan ect)
even email it to politicians in your country to send aid, or even principal or boss.
Thank you for reading I'm Morgan Freeman.

TL;DR bad man in uganda copy paste this all over the internet

13 years ago

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13 years ago

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mrlukecaptain,your post is idiotic ain't it?

13 years ago

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Hi Morgan, I'm Gordon. I think we have something in common.

13 years ago

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You all shouldnt take this so lightly..

13 years ago

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To use their words, we are trying to shine a light on Kony.

13 years ago

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My comment was directed at people that would want to come in here and laugh/make jokes and who knows what else.

13 years ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

13 years ago

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watcched whole vid

pretty interesting

13 years ago

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Africa is a touchy subject. The violence and chaos there are more of a product from the local culture, among other things. I'm definitely not in favor of the guy, but the chances of somebody taking over his place once he goes down is high.

Taking Joseph Kony under arrest may make the situation in Uganda a bit better, but the situation in Africa in general is much, much greater than just a single man telling other people to do bad things.

13 years ago

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That is very true tyrant begets tyrant, but that doesn't mean we can't remove them all or even try :)

13 years ago

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So your rationale is basically that taking down one of the most heinous war criminals on the planet won't fix everything, therefore why bother. That's a very convenient excuse for not doing anything when even very small and simple actions will suffice to accomplish that goal when taken in aggregate. Whatever helps you sleep at night, I suppose.

13 years ago

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You're distorting what I'm saying. Yes, I've said that taking him down won't fix everything because it won't. I'm trying to say that this is only the beginning.

What most people will understand through this campaign is that "wow if we took out that bad dude everything will be fine", but that is not it. This is only the very start to fixing one of many problems in Africa, ladies and gentlemen. If you really care, you'll have to do more than just throw in a couple bucks a month.

13 years ago

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Understood. That said, it's a worthwhile goal. I don't expect the world to magically become a utopia because this one guy is dealt with. Getting people interested in this could be a lead-in to getting them interested in other issues in the region, though. I may have been a bit uncharitable in my initial response, admittedly, but there's a reason it rubbed me the wrong way. Enough people are going to look at this and adopt a "not my problem" sort of attitude without having other people hand them rationalizations on a silver platter. Not participating is one thing. Do what you like, as is your right. Discouraging others, on the other hand, seems rather unconscionable to me.

13 years ago

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Looks like the internet has some potential in bringing people together to make a difference.

13 years ago

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I know that you obviously feel that this is a worthwhile campaign, but anything that this campaign does is pissing in the wind, as far as actually removing Joseph Kony goes. I love that they've included Stephen Harper on their list of policy-makers to contact, but not David Cameron or Nicolas Sarkozy (more influence, bigger/better armed forces). Why is Bill Clinton, ex-president, on the list and not Bill Young, Chair of the Defense sub-committee of the House committee on Appropriations? Or Norm Dicks? Or Hal Rogers? Why ex-president GW Bush? Why ex-secretary of state Condoleezza Rice? The list of "culture makers" is just hilarious. Remember when Bono eradicated Africa's debt? Or when Angelina Jolie stopped the genocide in Darfur? No? Nor do I. Funny that...

While raising awareness of genocide and war-crimes is worthwhile and gives us all the warm-fuzzies, the chances of this campaign further influencing decision-makers in government is 0. Moreover, DuckieMcDuck is bang on the money. There are thousands of people willing to take over from this guy should he be caught or killed. That's Africa. Are you old enough to remember Darfur? Rwanda? Sudan? Somalia? Zimbabwe? Idi Amin's Uganda? Ask yourself this, why hasn't he already been caught?

The international criminal court has already indicted him. Barack Obama, in Oct 2011, committed funds and troops(!) to help the Ugandan government capture/kill him. Short of invading (not going to happen), there's not much more that can be done.

13 years ago

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I think they were trying to reach out to household names that everyone's or most people have heard of. The sad truth is that most of society is ignorant and doesn't know who Nicolas Sarkozy is. But they know who Bill Clinton and Kim Kardashian are.

I can't believe I put Kim Kardashian and Bill Clinton in the same sentence... it hurts me as a human being.
13 years ago

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Heh. Not such a leap, Kim Kardashian gained fame after making a sex-tape and Bill Clinton gained infamy by having sex with an intern.

I can understand "household names" for the vacuous celebrity part of their "campaign", but the point of contacting policy-makers, surely, is to get them to make policy.

13 years ago

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I consider the argument that there will just be a replacement waiting in the wings to be irrelevant. It's similar to arguing we shouldn't arrest people for murder, because other people will just continue to commit murder. While it may be true, it's utterly ridiculous to base choosing inaction on such an argument. It's also worth noting that if such people are regularly punished for their behavior, fear of reprisal will eventually diminish such activity, if not eliminate it. Even if it only serves to end one instance of such crimes, that's one less in existence. Choosing to ignore it is morally equivalent to turning your back on the situation and declaring it isn't one's problem, regardless of how you slice it. Doing even a little good is better than doing nothing at all. As far as the campaign, the purpose isn't even to force further action, but to ensure that the U.S. maintains its support instead of backing out because no one knows enough or cares to pester politicians enough to keep it up. It's not about initiating new action, but maintaining what's already being done. In that sense, the battle is half-won already, and the goal seems well within reach. Unless one believes this should simply be allowed to continue, no other conclusion can be reached but that something must be done. If something must be done, then one need only ask a couple of very old questions: "If not us, then who?" and "If not now, then when?"

13 years ago

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I'd rather see people spend time raising money for Africa or local food banks, not arresting one jerk that no one paid attention to because they and the media were ignorant until now.

13 years ago

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People are doing just that and have been for quite some time. Lucky you!

13 years ago

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Yeah, I got that Einstein. My point, was that a) the U.S. and U.N. are already doing everything they legally can to eradicate him. (Without any prompting from documentary film-makers BTW.) and b) the campaign is impotent.

I'm ignoring the campaign because I don't think it adds anything to the cause/society/mankind. There are people who care about genocide in Africa, who already know about the egregious shit that goes down there. There are people (hipsters,film-makers,dilletantes) who will care about this campaign until they move onto their next fad. There are people who will never care. Set 1 are the people who Get Shit Done. Set 2 are great at copypasta and set 3, while ignorant are at least consistent.

Anyway, you are obviously very confused and think that criticising this campaign is the same as attacking their aims. If you're still reading and thinking straight: It's possible to care about a cause without respecting the methods of every other Tom,Dick and Harry who cares about it too. It's the reason there are groups campaigning for animal welfare other than PETA.

13 years ago

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Fair enough, but your condescension is unbecoming. Since you seem to have some greater insight into the problem, then please tell me what more I could do, or what more worthy methods my efforts and funds could be put toward, in regard to this situation. If you know of another organization or something of that nature that is making better efforts in this area, information, links, and the like would be most welcome. I'm all for doing the most good I possibly can, and if you can help me with that, I'd appreciate it. As an aside, venting the hostility you apparently feel toward this particular organization on me isn't exactly productive. I'm only trying to help a situation that has been brought to my attention, and lashing out at me won't get back at them for what I assume you view as their insincerity or ineffectiveness.

13 years ago

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Sorry, no, I met your ire with my own. All I was doing was pointing out the futility of bandwaggoning a cause that already has so many high-powered, influential supporters and I have no real enmity towards this organisation; they are obviously well-meaning. I just don't see the point. You can twist my words all you like but those are the facts. 10 years ago, how many people were sharing videos about the then-wanted Saudi terrorist Osama Bin Laden, campaigning for the U.S. government to do something, do something, think of the children and do something?

Anyway, as for better uses of your time, I don't know much about where you live, but I'm sure there are many more homegrown problems worthy of your attention that you can do far more about. Poverty and homelessness? Meals-on-wheels? Visiting the lonely elderly and infirm in your community? Volunteering a couple of hours a week at a charity shop? All would add more to society than copy-pasting a video about an already wanted terrorist, #1 on the world's most wanted list and being actively pursued by the U.S. government. FACT.

13 years ago

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Then do those things. Just don't tell other people that reposting something on the internet and spreading the word is a waste of their time. If it's that easy to do, then just do it if you're gonna be getting a midnight monitor tan anyway.

One thing worse than someone that doesn't give a shit: someone that tells others "nothing to see here".

13 years ago

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Looks like it may be a bit longer until I'm able to make more giveaways.

13 years ago

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This made me angry and sad

The bad thing is that we will forget

13 years ago

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This also made me angry and sad.

I really liked the idea of blanketing the world in Kony posters on one night though.

I'm gonna go to bed now.

13 years ago

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People running around putting up posters in the middle of the night in order to make a man famous so he can be arrested so humanity can become better so this one guy can avenge his Ugandan friend's brother's death.

So, who's going to clean up the mess of posters that these people are going to be putting up? Sounds like a fuck-ugly job to do.

Edit: lol at everybody responding to me. Just joking around here. I know that this is important, and I'm sure anybody with a moral compass knows that too. Just trying to lighten the mood here.

13 years ago

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It will as difficult as taking out regular posters for promoting amateur garage band shows, or even political advertisement. A small price to pay in order to help a whole lot of people.

Your attempt at humor would've been successful if the way you think wasn't so flawed and self-centered. Go read a book or two then return to this discussion once you've matured enough.

13 years ago

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There are times when trolling is a good idea. Then there's times when the troll needs to just chill under the bridge and make some change.

13 years ago

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Yes, because avoiding a little bit of litter definitely justifies the continued abduction, rape, mutilation, and murder of tens of thousands of children. God forbid we allow a little paper to clutter the streets for a day or two, or expect sanitation workers to actually do what they're paid for.

13 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

13 years ago

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I'm so glad I wasn't the only one.

13 years ago

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That's the point, it'll get more attention if people think he's a presidential candidate and hopefully they'll google Kony and watch the video.

13 years ago

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Several people on my facebook posting the video with a comment like "Vote for Kony 2012!"...

13 years ago

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They want everybody to know about Kony and make him famous so everyone will know about it and want to stop him.

13 years ago

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So your Aunt Betty now knows about him. What does she do? Tell her friends? Write her congress-critter? Kick him in the balls if she sees him walking down Main Street?

13 years ago

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My Aunt Betty would set him on fire.

13 years ago

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Watched the vid...donated $20 to help :D

13 years ago

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I applaud you. :)

13 years ago

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watched the vid also and donated 40$. Think to donate more in the future!

13 years ago

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why the hell is this all over youtube videos now? Also, i keep reading this is "Pony 2012"

13 years ago

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And now I feel like a complete jackass. I guess I should know better by now than to trust in something popping up out of the blue like this.



13 years ago

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man that kony guy is sick..i hope he rot in hell..

13 years ago

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At first I thought you misspelled sony...

13 years ago

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Closed 13 years ago by mrlukecaptain.