Response from dev forum:

"As most of you know, our developer tools suggest pricing based on market research and purchasing power parity. In the case of territories such as Russia, Brazil, and SE Asia, we suggested pricing that is lower than the direct USD conversion. This is based on our assessment of actual pricing of comparable products in that market. Recently Rubles have hit an all-time low which has been a concern of many game developers. We are still assessing the market to see if suggesting new prices in Russia is right for customers who live in that market. We do not think that pricing based on currency conversion only is the right way to approach the Russian market necessarily.

What we are doing immediately in response to the Ruble drop is limiting trading and gifting from Russia to prevent people from taking advantage of the situation. We have been applying a gifting and trading lock of this type on all newly created packages on Steam since mid-2014. Today we have propped a change that will affect all packages on Steam which will not allow them to be unpacked to an account, if gifted or traded from a lower priced region to a higher priced region. This change is not retroactive and only affects new purchases. It also will not affect customers in that region from gifting a copy to other people in that same region. All customers will have proper warning when they are purchasing a gift prior to checkout in those regions as well. We will continue to assess the situation and make changes if necessary in the future. If you have any questions please feel free to write us via the contact form via the Steamworks Development site - Documentation & Help -> Contact Steam Publishing."

10 years ago*

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Oh, god damn them if they did this on top of the other bullshit.

Edit - Valve this month

10 years ago

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Watch tonight on TV: How The Gaben Stole Christmas.

10 years ago

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All Hail Gab for helping make players all pay what their suppose instead of abusing the system.

10 years ago

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I've seen markups of 450% here. **** that, I can get cheaper on consoles for some of these games.

10 years ago

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I would like to see some proof of that.

10 years ago

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At this point, that ripoff isn't available any longer, but it was one of the Call of Duty games, available for US$90 in the Aus / NZ region while it was $20 for US users. We still have rather large prices on some of them though. An example is Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, which goes from US$20 for Americans to US$50 for Aus / NZ. 250% price. Several of the other titles in the series aren't much better.

That is also ignoring other series with the Aus / NZ tax. Activision is one offender, though have given us better prices on some games, though I don't think any of them are still on Steam, all of them having been licensed games. 2K games also tend to mark up our prices locally.

10 years ago

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Pricing should be even, not marketed up for more cash i have also seen shit market up by 6,200% which is just bullshit

10 years ago

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Yes you're right, there should be pricing parity. Russians should have to pay 99 years salary worth for the privilege of playing Bad Rats, rather than the 99.84% discount they enjoy now.

10 years ago

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Totally fair for even poorer regions paying US price.

10 years ago

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In some cases regional pricing is bs, take EU for example... if you're gonna do regional pricing based on adquisition power of each region... you just can't generalize in eu... I live in spain and the spain economics are fucked up atm, still we have the same pricing as countries like germany or UK which have way higher minimum wage...

10 years ago

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the uk don't have euro.

10 years ago

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no neither does many other member eu member countries. the eu is a trade union, and the common currency was implemented way later to ease trade in the "internal market".

10 years ago

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yes. i just wantet to say, that the prices in uk and germany not the same.

10 years ago

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But in Romania the prices are the same as in Germany. Wages however are not. Nor do we use euro... Oh well, at least we have GOG and "fair price" there.

10 years ago

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Totaly aprove with that.

9 years ago

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Shred of evidence would be nice.

10 years ago

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It was a joke, you know.

10 years ago

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Even if i understand how it affects a lot of ppl the new changes with trading and also having all games being region lock will surelly cause problems , i dont get why all are so mad at valve for taking that action and not at all mad towards the people who abused the system and forced valve to take that action. Tbh i cant believe it took them so long to take action

10 years ago

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I'm mad at such an action because I live in New Zealand, where video games are traditionally marked up extensively. This has included titles on Steam at times, to about 450% on some. They have been making a lot of moves I don't like, but combined are basically out to squeeze every cent they can from customers and reducing options for other choices. I'm already expecting them to introduce more locks once more regional currencies are introduced to the rest of the countries.

I already know that this is on Valve, rather than devs / publishers, since I know even devs that were wondering how to unlock their game for all regions.

10 years ago

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US region is still open for you at least

10 years ago

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The people mad at it are the ones who forced the changed in general.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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getting worst

10 years ago

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I just realized something. If you bought a game from the Russian Store even though you were living in another country, you were being a cheap ass. Why? Let me explain you something. As example I'll use Russia (and the Russian Store) and Germany (and the German Store).

The average wage in Russia is around 382€.
The average wage in Germany is around 2054€.

Let's take a random game which is currently not on sale: Bloons TD 5.

Bloons TD 5 in Russia: 249 RUB (3,79€)
Bloons TD 5 in Germany: 9,99€ (619 RUB)

Now let's calculate how many times you could buy the game if you would buy it from the store of your country (Russia -> Russian Store, Germany -> German Store)

Russia: 382€ / 3,79€ = 100,79 = ~ 101 times
Germany: 2054€ / 9,99€ = 205,60 ~ 206 times

As you can see, you are able to buy Bloons TD 5 a lot of more times with your average wage in Germany than in Russia. This means that compared to Germany, the games in Russia are way more expensive for the Russians compared to their average wage. Let's calculate how many times you could buy the game with your average German wage if you would purchase the game on the Russian Store.

Germany: 2054€ / 3,79€ = 541,95 = ~ 542 times

This means that you would have been able to buy the game 441 times more often with the average German wage of 2054€ when buying from the Russian store than the people which live in Russia with the average Russian wage of 382€.

In the end, we shouldn't complain that Valve region locked the cheapest countries. Don't complain that it's unfair for users which don't live in Russia. We were abusing a loophole and we were getting games extremly cheap compared to our average wage. And well, we are still able to buy more games with our average wage than the people in Russia, which is still nice.

10 years ago

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let me explain something:

average wage in Uruguay: USD 600
steam prices we get in Uruguay = USA

i used to buy games in 3rd party sites from russians all the time, now that's gone...
i wish i would get region locked games like in russia.

10 years ago

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Thats another problem. And shal be dealt in another manner (creating more regions with dif. pricings). Not by alowing loopholes such as this.

10 years ago

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Romania 398 euros average wage, game costs 9.99 euros = We can buy it 39.8 times. Fun...

10 years ago

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don't buy from steam, use codrin example he only get it from g2a

9 years ago

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I don't trust G2A. And G2A prices are high compared to russian prices. G2A prices are about 75% off regular price so it's usually just a matter of waiting for a sale.

9 years ago

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wow. will you post this everywhere? have some balls to admit you're gaben in cover. i mean, you have to be gaben. i can't see any other reason to be a fanboy of regional pricing.

10 years ago

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And then there's Spain with 650 minimum, 1600 average and price still the same as Germany :P

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

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it won't retroactively lock. as long as you bought the game before this happened.

10 years ago

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oh no you don't....

edit: if it's official they will lose tons of costumers, and this sale will be the worst sale for them

that's not a wise decision valve

10 years ago

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So you know more about their market than their 6 and 7-figure salary economic advisors stocked with countless market data that you can't even access? Amazing...

10 years ago

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key went from 2,01/2,30€ to 1,80€

Tell me the secret master. ;D

10 years ago

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yeah, suuure. So you think that they will earn something from those cheap games, when rubel is pretty much fucked?
No, they know what they are doing.

10 years ago

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well they will sell less games now be sure of that

10 years ago

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but selling games for pennies on the dollar isn't a business model so they aren't losing anything really and if just a handful of people that were taking advantage of the system buy games in their region they win.

10 years ago

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"handful of people"


10 years ago

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I guess I missed the joke. Is it really necesssary to be fully literal at all times? How about this: if just a small quantity of people that were taking advantage of the system buy games in their region they win.

10 years ago

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well it must have been substantial enough for them to go through all this trouble

10 years ago

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Read my OP again. It's not a handful of people cheating the system, there are a metric ton of those people. I said that if just a handful of those people (the region jumpers) bought games through their home region then Valve would come out ahead even if the rest stopped using steam completely.

10 years ago

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Oops my mistake. Didnt read it carefully

10 years ago

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You do know its not really Valves fault, its the governments. They want their correct tax. God forbid governments dont profit off our work of stuff they have no idea about.

10 years ago

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Do you really think it's that large? That it's the world wide governments collectively saying they need a proper tax from Valve Corp? It's not just valve and game developers, but the entire worlds government collectively?

If it were truly that, I don't see why they wouldn't be forcing states to register tax from out of state. Because that's currently not happening.

10 years ago

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showing the same thing for me :(

good bye trading

10 years ago

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Good bye SteamGifts.... :(

10 years ago

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that too :(

10 years ago

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Goodbye Steam. I'm perfectly happy with consoles, and if they are going to region lock anyway, I'll stick with Sony. They have treated my country better than other companies.

10 years ago

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yeah cause console games are so much cheaper.

10 years ago

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I find waiting for sales works wonders. Just so you know, they aren't exclusive to Steam. PSN have had multiple sales with $1 games, the PS3 games I bought have region free except for one game (Atlus didn't want the Persona 4 fighting game region free), and since hardware is always the same, I don't have to deal with the occasional game that just refuses to run no matter what I try.

10 years ago

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Console games in third world countries actually are cheaper.

10 years ago

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Really? Could you explain that for the sellers here in Brazil? Because they are selling PS4 and Xbox One for $800 each, and the games costs $90...

10 years ago

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Just ignore this junkie, he is a faggot with no life apart of smoking weed attempting to troll.

10 years ago

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actually sometimes yes, for the playsation anniversary there were quite a lot of games at discounted price, I bought Ni No Kuni for just 5€ on the psn, plus here there's a local electronic store that does great prices on games. I'm waiting for them to restock and buy Kingdom Hearts 1,5 hd remix for just 10€. In the past I've even bought games from them for just 2,5€ (sonic 06, split second) and much more, like Catherine for 5€, all brand new and sealed :3

10 years ago

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Sonic 06 is not one of the worst games ever? XD

10 years ago

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yep! but you must own it :D

The same thing goes for Ride to hell retribution, but I don't want to spend 5€ on that shit XD

10 years ago

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lol i guess thats true... i do own bad rats and other shitty games on my steam library xD

10 years ago

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Where can I buy Sonic '06 for PC? I really want it!

10 years ago

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Lol XD i dont think there is such thing thanks to god xD he was talking about PSN

10 years ago

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sarcasm much?!

10 years ago

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Oh? So all gifts on SG are from russia? Pretty damn sure none of mine were :>

10 years ago

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SteamROWKeys sponsored by GMG.

10 years ago

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Same for Russia... which was pretty logical actually(((

10 years ago

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Yup, got confirmation from multiple sources earlier. Store-wide lock

10 years ago

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all your fault

10 years ago

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What are you faulting him for?

10 years ago

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just because

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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I agree. It's all that guys' fault.

10 years ago

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Will the tf2 keys price drop since it will not be used anymore to buy games from Russians?

10 years ago

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Games that are bought before today still don't have region locks

10 years ago

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More money u earn more greedy u became . Valve is great example

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Gabe is*

10 years ago

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Do none of you kids understand that Steam/Valve/Gabe do not set these things? It's the developer and producers aka Steamworks Partners.

10 years ago

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Hahahaha suuuuuure.

10 years ago

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This is a store-wide change put in place by Valve. All of the past changes that have affected trading have been put in place by Valve.

10 years ago

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you know shit about economics. Rubel is fucked, nobody wants to sell products for such low currency, that would be suicide.
Go thanks to mr.Putin

10 years ago

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What does the Rubel (Russian currency) have to do with South America/Asia and Turkey ?

10 years ago

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nothing, they already had implemented "AllowCrossRegionTradingAndGifting=Yes" parameter, so while rubel felt pretty fast, they just changed this parameter to "No" for all games. Pretty much lazy bastards.
They had two options - lock trading or change RUB to USD, but that way there will be no russians which will buy games (because it looks like they will have pretty hard times).

10 years ago

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No it's nothing changed this new lock comes from the steam store, on steamdb the games are still unlocked...
This is just an excuse so they can region-lock all games from cheap regions.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Same in South America. If at least, we had the same cheap prices as in Brazil...

10 years ago

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Yeah they did it only to Mexico, but not to other countries, I have a friend in Costa Rica, even Origin sell them games cheaper, but not Steam.

10 years ago

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Mmm, actually no, we don't have any special region prices. We pay the same prices that people from the US pay. Not even in Origin, or U-play.

10 years ago

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Not anymore, Central America pays Mexico's prices but in dollars, that's in Origin's case. Which had us paying in euros with EU prices, can't think how someone thought that was the brightest idea, Origin is not the smartest but now is the fairest.

10 years ago

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This guy Nino2mg from Mexico says the opposite, search his post here is down there 2 posts up from mine, he posted this

10 years ago

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I live in Costa Rica, and I would have to pay $59.99 (american dollars, that is) for Far Cry. Certainly it isn't cheaper for us. For Mexicans maybe, since it seems they can pay in Pesos. But for us, no.

EDIT: I just checked Origin, it seems that we do have the games cheaper over here. My bad. Not in Steam though.

10 years ago

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im from Chile, and Enhanced Steam tells me that my prices are the same that the ones in the US. Guess I need a brazilian friend now.

10 years ago

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I could buy Dragon Age Inquisition from Origin for $27 but I have USA prices in Steam... if things keep going like this I'm afraid EA will be my favorite.

10 years ago

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Does this apply to the rich regions as well?

I can confirm everything I attempt to buy as gift now shows the region lock warning.

I wonder if this is just to spook people or SteamDB has not updated yet.

Well, goodbye trading and gifting. I can only gift non-locked CDKEYs now...

10 years ago

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Can confirm that "rich" countries are not affected. At least not Europe Tier 1 countries.

10 years ago

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EU1 nothing new for Octodad.

10 years ago

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EU2 region is not locked. But heck - I won't be buying games for western prices earning eastern salary... -.-

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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1) wait for sales
2) buy only what you will actually play
3) play less
4) ??? Profit

10 years ago

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buy only what you will actually play
is actually gonna reduce buys to almost nil, lol

10 years ago

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But thats not bad IMO. We were almost like girls when they see handbags on sale.
This way we will spend less on crap games, almost win-win situation

10 years ago

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it's actually what I intend to do now as well (except keep buying bundles, lol)

10 years ago

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Are you twelve?

10 years ago

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I wish

10 years ago

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Not gonna happen - as much as I love having all my games in one place with digital download, auto updating etc - I'm not overpaying 1/3 or even 1/2 for them compared to retail.

Let me give you an example - brand new AAA game usually costs 50EUR on steam. Boxed copy for it in retail store on day 1 will cost you usually 120-140PLN (28.5-33EUR). To buy it cheaper on Steam you'd have to wait for 50% sale - and till it happen it will cost 19-23EUR already in retail stores. As avg wage in Poland is 650Eur (now try comparing it to 2000+Eur you get in Germany, France or UK) PL retailers set price afordable for polish consumers. Steam sets the same price for Polishmen as for Germans who earn over 3 times more than we do.

So no - even with waiting for sales no Steam purchases by me anymore, because Steam pricing in my country is just ridiculously high.

10 years ago

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In France, the average salary is close to 1000 euros. 2000 euros is right, but it is before all the taxes that our "lovely" governement is taking from the salary.

10 years ago

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I based it on wikipedia clicky and all numbers shown are without taxes. 650Eur for PL as well. After taxes polish avg wage is ~460EUR.

10 years ago

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But the costs for simply living, like the appartment, electricity, water, food and other stuff are also significantly higher here

10 years ago

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yes but these cost tend to distribute proportionally - if your country wage is twice as big as mine usual living costs will be up to twice as big as in mine (also not all, as for example petrol will have similar price and it's a part in cost of for example food). So avg frenchie will still have significantly more to spend than avg pole.

10 years ago

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I am your neighbour so I am on the same boat. But for me it is not a big deal cause I have no problem to wait 1/2 of year after some game is released, or even more. I am not I-must-have-it-right-now kind of guy, but I understand what you mean. As long as there will be still sales with 50% and more, I have no problem

10 years ago

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Exactly my point. The differences in purchasing power across all the different EU countries is big, extreme in some cases, and is not properly reflected in the 2 tiers system. At all. Many EU2 countires, based on their incomes should get near to Russian prices.

10 years ago

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In Hungary the average is 828 euro but you only get 542 euro after tax.
It's the same bad amount of money

10 years ago

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I'm in Canada and when i added a game to the cart, there was nothing new. Pretty expensive region (not more than Europe) but definitely more than USA :P

10 years ago

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Vietnam is considered a rich country and so we don't have that region lock here ;)

10 years ago

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oh the irony - if anything, it should be singapore that shouldn't be region-locked, lmao

10 years ago

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I know the feels.

10 years ago

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No such message in the UAE.

10 years ago

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What the f***, this is getting serious. Hopefully I can still trade with any north american since that's the only way then to get uncut games.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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i just bought my freakin 20 keys :'( "10 minutes ago"


10 years ago

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Same same, I feel your pain

10 years ago

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Dude I have bought around 60 keys and don't know what to do with them. :(

10 years ago

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the prices are getting lower and lower and since cross trading is basically gone now, they will prob continue to decrease. maybe you should sell them before the keys drop in price.

10 years ago

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it also can return to normal after the initial panic

10 years ago

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I know you guys couldn't know such things, but it's a question that has to be asked: Is it also the end for shady key resellers/retailers?

Otherwise rename Steamgifts to Bundlegifts.

10 years ago

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Looks like this only applies to countries with local prices, as other countries/regions where prices keep the same as on the worldwide store, there is no region lock, so we can still send gift from those countries.

10 years ago

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Gotta rethink the whole "bundled games only count 20% of your non-bundle value" lol

10 years ago

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This region lock is mostly likely due to the fluctuations of the russian ruble, even apple had to cancel its sales in russia due to that.

10 years ago

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The way its worded, this may be temporary. If the ruble stabilizes maybe Valve will remove regional restrictions.

10 years ago

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why lock every region then.., the ruble is just a pretext to lock all old games too

10 years ago

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Looks like Valve is trying to get gank trading outright.

10 years ago

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Oh I gave my keys to my cousin who lives in Russia so he could buy me games, if that applies to every game, this means no most of the games I liked to buy for me :(

Europe prices are the worst, all is ultra expensive :(

10 years ago

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I live in Canada and games are already pretty expensive for me. Can't imagine living in Europe with these stupid prices :S

10 years ago

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now try imagine living in central/close eastern europe ;p you get western europe prices with eastern earnings ;p

10 years ago

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no wonder you've turned into a criminal :P

10 years ago

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Not too shabby Croatian wage = 4€/hr, AAA game = 60€
US MINIMUM wage = $7.25, AAA game = $60

So yeah fuck that shit.

10 years ago

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still better than poland ;p After taxes PL minimum wage = 1,58€/hr, avg wage = 2,5€/hr. AAA game = 50/60€ ;p

10 years ago

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yeah, tell me about it, in Romania the wage is almost half of it and still same prices

10 years ago

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I guess I will need to wait for the keys price drop to ask my cousin to give me my keys back :( very sad.

10 years ago

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Sale prices are really reasonable in Canada (as far as I know we share the same store with the US, we just have to deal with the small difference in exchange rates). At least we don't have to pay what Australians do for retail games (I hear $100+ for many new games).

10 years ago

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I'm in Australia and my currency is set to USD.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

10 years ago

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It's almost like enter in a store and buy a physical copy

10 years ago

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Physical store use to have games which cost 50€ on Steam for 5-10€ less, still a way more expensive than Steam sale prices. And some stores even practically do not sell PC games anymore, they sell 20€, 50€ Steam Wallet cards instead.

10 years ago

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it's a way to say it's rly expensive, i didn't meant literally

10 years ago

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"As most of you know, our developer tools suggest pricing based on market research and purchasing power parity. In the case of territories such as Russia, Brazil, and SE Asia, we suggested pricing that is lower than the direct USD conversion. This is based on our assessment of actual pricing of comparable products in that market. Recently Rubles have hit an all-time low which has been a concern of many game developers. We are still assessing the market to see if suggesting new prices in Russia is right for customers who live in that market. We do not think that pricing based on currency conversion only is the right way to approach the Russian market necessarily.

What we are doing immediately in response to the Ruble drop is limiting trading and gifting from Russia to prevent people from taking advantage of the situation. We have been applying a gifting and trading lock of this type on all newly created packages on Steam since mid-2014. Today we have propped a change that will affect all packages on Steam which will not allow them to be unpacked to an account, if gifted or traded from a lower priced region to a higher priced region. This change is not retroactive and only affects new purchases. It also will not affect customers in that region from gifting a copy to other people in that same region. All customers will have proper warning when they are purchasing a gift prior to checkout in those regions as well. We will continue to assess the situation and make changes if necessary in the future. If you have any questions please feel free to write us via the contact form via the Steamworks Development site - Documentation & Help -> Contact Steam Publishing."

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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I was thinking about this too, that this was one of the biggest reasons. you get double rubles for 1€ than you could get last year. Obviously they had to do something, games become too cheap for ppl outside Russia if buying from Russians, 20€ is more than 1300 rub, it used to be like 45€ last year.

10 years ago

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They blame that, but last I checked, only Russia used that currency, yet they are blocking other regions as shown in the opening post.

10 years ago

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Yeah, seems they want to also avoid all kind of getting cheaper games. Cuz it will be unfair just locking it too Russia, and not to others.

10 years ago

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I guess they figure if they are going to make people angry they might as well make a lot of people angry

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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forces to invade Steam HQ are on the way

10 years ago

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well that sucks donkey shit

thanks for the official-sounding response, though, do you have the link to the page?

10 years ago

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It's a copy-paste from the dev forum, so there's no direct link available.

10 years ago

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Will it be permanent or only temporary while the Ruble price is that low? Pretty sure the first option but who know.. :P

10 years ago

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The second paragraph suggests it's a temporary measure until the Ruble price stabilises. Russian economy, however, does not feel like stabilising in the near future.

10 years ago

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So what exactly has the ruble to do with South America?

10 years ago

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Nothing. They wanted an excuse, not a good one.

10 years ago

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Seems like someone is extremely butthurt. I think I know why. It's because you added me to your blacklist for no reason! xP

10 years ago

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Every user on my blacklist is for a reason. Just because I don't have a record of why doesn't mean you didn't do something to get there.

And Valves 'excuse' is not a good one. If it was about Rubles, one country would have had all titles region locked. The count shouldn't be in double digits if it was the currency of Russia.

10 years ago

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It's about people manipulating the system in a way that was not intended nor ever encouraged.
And it's still a mistake of you putting me on there -- I have 100% positive rep on any site you can find me on.

10 years ago

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So, you are a fucking sheep that blindly follows the system? lel.

10 years ago

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How it is necessarily a mistake? For example you are on my blacklist for begging and since SteamGifts Plus only has a small amount of space in the memo field I can't refer back to the exact incident(s) that got you blacklisted, but that doesn't make it a mistake. It would seem that you've done more than enough to end up on them and your behavior probably has a lot to do with it.
Also, "positive rep on any site" means less than nothing. In fact it seems you have a lot of negative rep around here. Stop doing things to make yourself a target and you might have better success.

10 years ago

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ROFL Proof= or STFU ya lame.

10 years ago

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Just leave this forum fuckin bastard scumbag

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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It's a copy-paste from the dev forum, so there's no direct link available.
Posted as a response to an earlier comment.

10 years ago

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damn if they actually do that, even in same region , we have the same region lock as Malaysia,... but still have to pay with ROW price

10 years ago

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This is true. When I saw the news today about Russia's economy, my first thought was how cheap can I get games from them now... It's a mad world....

10 years ago

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The ruble has gone to shit. It's half what it was a few weeks ago. Apple have stopped selling on their Russian website. It's been coming for the last few days. The ruble is absolutely worthless. $1 is now 70rub. €1 is now 90rub. Fucking Putin and his fucking Crimea bullshit. That's the end of my gamecount march.

10 years ago

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So it's ruble fault? I think it's understandable if only russian get region locked, but for SEA, South America and other cheap region get locked too, I think it's just reason for "greedy act" from valve.
Damn I can't create giveaway for christmas :(

10 years ago

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The ruble was the catalyst. I think they've been wanting to do this for a long time. Now they have an actual reason to.

10 years ago

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Yea I agree with you. Its clear they've been leaning towards doing it (i.e. the locks that started this summer) but the Ruble tanking so hard makes it easy for them to say that's it and kill it.

10 years ago

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True story, this is like the perfect excuse to give the last shot to a dying body called Trading.

10 years ago

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Shut your fucking mounth dirty irish drunk

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Are you sure you aren't drunk yourself? @Alzgamer

10 years ago

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SHUT UP IDIOT. You sitting on your fat ass and dont know what's happening in world

10 years ago

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Just to let you know, the gift itself is not regionlocked. The message might be a deterrent.

Edit: It changed just after i typed his. people are now saying it is region locked on the actual gifts now. YMMV

10 years ago

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What? That's confusing

10 years ago

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Someone needs to prove that, There is Sanctum 2 on sale, if someone was going to buy it, he can try.

10 years ago

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I try buy ck raja of india and yeah, I got region lock gift.

10 years ago

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proof please?

10 years ago

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They could re-enable direct trading with no waiting 30 days, at least, if they did that big change, region locking every game. But Nope.

10 years ago

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Wasn't the official reason for this '30 days' thing that they wanted to keep steam users safe from scammers? So that's two different things. all adds together, though. Well played, Gaben.

For fuck's sake.

10 years ago

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Yeah g2a was very happy, since they actually sell Steam gifts too, I saw lots of Steam Gifts selling there after the Steam Autumn Sale ended. Since they just send it to email, it doesn't affected them at all that it had that 30 days thingy, they made tons of profit by buying for example Tomb Raider GotY at 2.5€ in Russia and then selling it for 4-6€ each.

And as for scammers, now scammers receive their games just for free since when someone gifts them a game, for Valve this means this person just made them a present, and giving free games to others is obviously not a scam.

10 years ago

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ROFL You think G2A buys Russian games and resells them? WOW You have no idea how things work.

10 years ago

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it's more stolen account i guess

10 years ago

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they've certainly done that too. What's their normal procedure then?

10 years ago

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why not? how they get cheaper steam gifts(not keys) then? if the only profitable price to get more money than then spent by selling it is Russia, g2a is a Polish website, it won't be hard to them to buy games from CIS and RU, well now since games are region locked they can't do this anymore, if they're not directly stealing games.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Might be because you are in America. They don't need to lock that region yet.

10 years ago

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Yes that's why :p Friend asked if it was locked for me too so thought I'd share not for people in US (not like we have great prices and store glitches anyways)

10 years ago

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We get glitches occasionally, but we are one of the more expensive regions so its not applied to the US store. Nor is it to the Euro zones or the UK.

10 years ago

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Seems pretty rare though. I hope I catch the next price glitch!

10 years ago

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Seems it is a handful of places, but it is the cheapest places.

  • Russia/CIS
  • Southeast Asia
  • South America
  • Turkey
10 years ago

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South America has the same price as US (except Brazil and Mexico) so the lock there it's just because they are lazy not because we are cheaper (?)

10 years ago

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yes :(

Well, actually, some Rockstar and 2K games (GTA and BioShock series for example) are cheaper here in Argentina, but, yeah, it doesn't make sense.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Do you trade? Do you have a trade thread on Steamtrades? I'm searching for an American trader..just in case I need uncut games

10 years ago

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I do trade. Sent a friend request if you want to discuss more since Steam Gifts isn't the place to discuss trading

10 years ago

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Shit! I live in the SEA region so this affected me too T_T
Damn Steam!!!!!

10 years ago

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EA is no longer the worst company

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Steam can't wait to be the worst :D

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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and you are no longer brightest kid. Try to learn something about economics

10 years ago

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It's called sarcasm. Maybe you've heard of it

10 years ago

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not really... maybe... it's classified

10 years ago

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Were they ever? Valve has always been worse, people are just finally breaking free from the cultish devotion to them.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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: (

10 years ago

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Well holy fucksticks, tickle my arse and call me Fred, that's not very good news. Got 18 keys, glad I didn't go through with my planned purchase of at least 10 more.

Don't know what I'm going to do with these now :( maybe, and buy up some of the old stock. Only thing I can think of right now, anyone got any better suggestions?

10 years ago

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If you wanted those keys to buy a game/games, run to steamtrades and buy it/them right now before the old nonregionlocked stock finish.

10 years ago

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I'll check it out now, it's just that most of my experience with traders on there were buy-on-demand guys who never held much of a stock. I'll see what treasures I can find.

10 years ago

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Also probably those TF2 keys will drop in value soon, so, i think you never had better reasons to trade them for games quickly! haha

10 years ago

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tickle tickle
10 years ago

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hai fred

10 years ago

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Since we're comparing regions I can tell you guys that there is none of this region locking when trying to buy a game on Steam in Australia.
Not that there would need to be what with the "Aussie tax" and all -_-

10 years ago

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I'm more worried about the reverse, I often have US friends buy me games from the US store that would cost more if I were to buy them as an Australian.

10 years ago

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From what I've seen, there hasn't been much region locking on the US area.

10 years ago

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