As someone who has taken advantage of this many times and saved so much money I'm not really going to complain. At the end of the day Valve is a business, maximizing profits is the norm. I'm actually surprised it took so long for this to be implemented. Personally I rarely buy directly from Steam anyway, there are so many cheaper alternatives now. GMG, Amazon, bundle sites, Nuuvem and so on. I do feel sorry for those that were using trading as a source of income though as it seems like a decent way to earn cash in other regions. I will drink much vodka in your honor, good luck.
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Yeah, count me another who isn't surprised by this. More the timing really, new steam users likely heard of the insane deals, and now they'll just have joined to witness the end of them. Meh, Valve thinks it's all a-ok, so whatever. :P
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You'll still be able to trade with Americans. US prices are still better than Euro in most cases.
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Sure, but when greedy traders take their cut, price will be almost the same.
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it's not just about traders. If you're going to purchase using keys you must consider that when trader sells keys at the market to get his wallet back he pays 15% of key value as market fee. This itself dramatically change the price of a product up for trading.
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Has anyone noticed that the gifts that were bought before the change and region locked previously are now unlocked? Or is it a display bug?
Edit: Probably a display bug - the lock is there, as tested by someone... But maybe it's better to have more data.
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And I was planning to buy some nice games on this sale to giveaway, since I've been pretty lucky here recently... And now I don't want to enter giveaways because it's doesn't feel right, since I can't even possible give back to the community...
Ooh, well, I guess I still will be able to trade for non-locked games from expensive regions sometimes, but I've never traded before and don't have time to look into it right now, so I'll see you all some time later! I wasn't very active on forum, because I usually don't have much to say, but I liked lurking here, so I hope to find soon a relatively easy way to bringing gifts to this lovely community! But farewell for now, have fun and enjoy the day!
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I don't think it'd affect things too much considering most people usually use normal sales or bundles for GAs. What else to expect when you horribly abuse something? It's the same in MMOs; exploit a flaw or glitch hard enough and it'll get fixed.
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All prices are set by the dev/production company through their page at
Steam doesn't do anything with prices.
This was actually PUSHED by distributors, not by Valve.
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I'm not happy to say it, but this has been a long time coming. When I told some friends how cheap I was getting games on Steam, they thought I was lying. Then I showed them steamtrades. Common sense dictates, blah...blah...blah...
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Finally. I don't know why this wasn't done sooner. Good bye Russian leeches. Good bye Brazilian scammers. Good bye Romanian phishers.
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He is just a 12 year old faggot, don't expect too much.
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-1 Easy to call someone names when your a coward. @whiteknightbitch
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That is a lot? He won more than he gifted, and most are bundles. Then again, your own ratio is much worse, so maybe that is why you believe him to be generous.
Then again, the behavour of both of you seems to be rather rude here. You are agreeing with someone with a rather caustic and racist opinion. I'm honestly surprised the two of you aren't friends on Steam.
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You're one of the most derisive malignant posters I've seen on this forum. At this point I'm glad I've never involved myself with your events.
You think I'm a racist? Wow, out of left field kid and as ignorant a post you can make. Have fun wherever you go kiddo cuz the further you move from Steam the happier everyone will be.
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No one is obligated here to give anything. And bitching about someone not giving away free items to you... well.... yeah... exactly.
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Racist, no need to explain why you are one. Anyone can read and I would hope that they all think the same. Enjoy a life filled with hate, I hope one day you will be able to see each person as an individual, not just a human representation of their nation/ethnicity.
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Seems someone here is filled with hate, and hint hint: it's not me.
Countries have nothing to do with ethnicity. I don't hate anyone. Have fun making blind assumptions and referring to yourself as "God". You're ignorance is put on the table in your own post when you equate the terms "nation" and "ethnicity". Again, let me point out to you -- where you live has nothing to do with what your ethnicity is.
Have fun out there.
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Let's play a game. Select countries that should have their own zone EU3 and have NO PLACE in EU2:
Region 2:
Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Malta, Monaco, Montenegro, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Vatican City
I see more than half there which should have their own region.
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If they feel their money is getting out of their hands i bet they will rethink all the changes they made.
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Maybe someday this is gonna happen with steam just like EA has done.
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Why? They don't make even close to what Valve makes from Steam.
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Actually (as strange as it sounds...especially to me) EA is already better with it's Origin in some aspects and has improved much over the past year or so. Even their anti-customer attitude is getting better. Steam, at the same time, is doing the exact opposite. I'm not sure what has happened to Steam in the past 6 months. Sad really.
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Always wondered why they did all this complicated stuff like the 30 days trade lock or the 1 week key lock when it would be so much easier and effective to simply region lock everything.
On one hand I hate them for being so greedy, I'm sure they made more than enough money even from people who bought/traded the games for cheaper prices.
On the other hand it may be a good reason to finally stop hoarding games. If you can get most games that are 6+ months old for less than 5 bucks or even for pocket change if they are in a bundle it's very tempting to simply buy all of them. I didn't even bother to download demos anymore because even if I didn't like a game it wouldn't matter since it was so cheap. And I still have hundreds of games in my library and inventory I didn't play yet.
10 years ago I'd buy maybe 1 game per month (if at all) and I still had fun. That's probably a more sane approach and I will get back to that. But Valve will certainly not make more money from me and I'll still use Steamtrades since my region is the most expensive region after Australia.
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Does this new change also affect game keys? I thought no..
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Response from dev forum:
"As most of you know, our developer tools suggest pricing based on market research and purchasing power parity. In the case of territories such as Russia, Brazil, and SE Asia, we suggested pricing that is lower than the direct USD conversion. This is based on our assessment of actual pricing of comparable products in that market. Recently Rubles have hit an all-time low which has been a concern of many game developers. We are still assessing the market to see if suggesting new prices in Russia is right for customers who live in that market. We do not think that pricing based on currency conversion only is the right way to approach the Russian market necessarily.
What we are doing immediately in response to the Ruble drop is limiting trading and gifting from Russia to prevent people from taking advantage of the situation. We have been applying a gifting and trading lock of this type on all newly created packages on Steam since mid-2014. Today we have propped a change that will affect all packages on Steam which will not allow them to be unpacked to an account, if gifted or traded from a lower priced region to a higher priced region. This change is not retroactive and only affects new purchases. It also will not affect customers in that region from gifting a copy to other people in that same region. All customers will have proper warning when they are purchasing a gift prior to checkout in those regions as well. We will continue to assess the situation and make changes if necessary in the future. If you have any questions please feel free to write us via the contact form via the Steamworks Development site - Documentation & Help -> Contact Steam Publishing."
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