Just curious, does this effect the steam gift selling stores like g2a & kinguin etc. Ive bought quite a few things off those sites and it often leads to a steam gift from a different region person. What about their current stock or is it only the newer items purchased from now on.
Im from the UK, and im worried about prices now.
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I'd like to see Valve saying the true reason just once rather than hinding behind these lies (fraud/scam prevention, low value of rubels). Just man up GabeN and say that you don't want people to circumvent your often unjust regional pricing!
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I think that should also apply to people who really want to get stupidly cheap games and/or make profit from keys and you know, not hiding behind lies.
The explaination mentions "people taking advantage" even though to be more exact people have been taking advantage of the ruble for a really long time (too long really)
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i'm in EU2 and no region lock here, can't speak for other regions
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Southeast Asia
South America
I saw it here: http://www.reddit.com/r/SteamGameSwap/comments/2pj8zj/psa_all_gifts_are_now_regionlocked_if_bought_in/?sort=new
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The deepweb will always be there to help those who used the pirate bay, also there are alot of free malware there! be happy!
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what if all this region lock is just a trick to make people sell their keys so they can have a lot of money on their steam wallet for the winter sale, then after the winter sale when people spent all their money they just unlock the games O.O
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To you perhaps but I doubt it'd affect the majority of people who aren't aware of such region abusing price hijinks.
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So they lock SEA and SA because of Putins glorious policy?! Makes sense.
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it´s not really a single decision like "lets lower the oil prices"....its combination of price politics, global increased production ( for very short time..cause all this fancy fracking stuff will only last a few years) ...reduced economic growth in china...and last but not least ..the demand in europe for heating oil is less, cause the last winter was very mild and this winter is until now also very mild.
and of course the actual ruble is also a result of sanctions...cause less export from EU to RUS = less energy demand and so on
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IIRC Africa = US store, so no, it's not affected.
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Changing their policies how?Unless they create a fair regional price range there's nothing they can do to make up for the shitstorm they created.
Eastern europe is more expensive than USA and same as Western Europe.Western Europe is more expensive than USA and so on.
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Is gifting affected too? before only trades not allowed, if so then what will happen to giveaway community?
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Steam has gone too far, this is madness something damned wrong with them.
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The way I understand this is that an affected package can only be open within the account where it's stored already, regardless of where it came from. But if traded/gifted to a different (higher priced) region, it won't.
So what's going to happen to, say, all currently open GAs? Sure many of them are from people in affected regions. What will happen to winners when they'll try to activate now-locked games/keys?
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Well, I have quite some gifts left in my inventory. Gifts I bought this year.
Some of them I bought have the "Gifts become tradable 30 days after purchase. This gift will become tradable on xx Dec. You can still send the gift at any time by clicking the "Send gift..." button. Only trading is restricted."
The rest seem unaffected: "Tags: Tradable, Not Marketable"
I bought most of them from Russian traders. Looks like I can sent them anywhere I want.
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Warning when you try to buy something
Apparently can still trade after the 30 days lock, the thing is, it permit that ppl exploit trading still. Unless it display a message when you see the gift in the trade window and inventory or don't let ppl add it to a trade when trading with ppl outside those regions.
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The "piracy paradox" will prove itself to have more implications. For the same reason that Denuvo protected games did not show massive sales numbers, steam sales will not massively increase because of cross-region trading lock. In short for me: more backlog play, less impulse purchases, good news for my wallet. But probably a bad news for SG...
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Oh well, fuck you Steam... I live in Bulgaria and here our salaries are the lowest in the EU. And what we get? 59 euro for a AAA title, which is 1/3 of the minimum salary... "Fair prices" <- Total Bullshit!
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If they keep hurting honest users, they will only get pirates in the end.
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Nice idea, but it need a high cost depend on place. As more nice things we can just use VPN software, right?
Do we need to discuss it is safe or no? i don't know.
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Bull****!!! Brazilian prices aren't cheaper, games cost more than US!!!
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Response from dev forum:
"As most of you know, our developer tools suggest pricing based on market research and purchasing power parity. In the case of territories such as Russia, Brazil, and SE Asia, we suggested pricing that is lower than the direct USD conversion. This is based on our assessment of actual pricing of comparable products in that market. Recently Rubles have hit an all-time low which has been a concern of many game developers. We are still assessing the market to see if suggesting new prices in Russia is right for customers who live in that market. We do not think that pricing based on currency conversion only is the right way to approach the Russian market necessarily.
What we are doing immediately in response to the Ruble drop is limiting trading and gifting from Russia to prevent people from taking advantage of the situation. We have been applying a gifting and trading lock of this type on all newly created packages on Steam since mid-2014. Today we have propped a change that will affect all packages on Steam which will not allow them to be unpacked to an account, if gifted or traded from a lower priced region to a higher priced region. This change is not retroactive and only affects new purchases. It also will not affect customers in that region from gifting a copy to other people in that same region. All customers will have proper warning when they are purchasing a gift prior to checkout in those regions as well. We will continue to assess the situation and make changes if necessary in the future. If you have any questions please feel free to write us via the contact form via the Steamworks Development site - Documentation & Help -> Contact Steam Publishing."
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