It's quite improbable that someone bought indieroyale for 1 cent because that is not how the price system works. It's not humble bundle. This is a different organization. Everytime someone buys the pack at the lowest price it raises the price a little. Anytime someone buys the pack at a higher price it will lower the price for the next buyers. Amazingly the price has floated between 4 and 5 bucks.
A bunch of people would have to buy it at the highest price to push it to 1 cent.
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I don't think the first rule really makes sense here considering the price not only exists, but is also getting higher by the minute.
EDIT: That also means the more people buy it the more money the bundle will make. So allowing it is the better option here.
EDIT_02: H..Hello? Am I invisible? Oh, y.. you're just going to ignore me, huh? awkward pause Ok.
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well the pricing system is a bit complicated. if you pay over the minimum it lowers the price for everyone else, the more you pay the more the price goes down
so if notch comes along and donates a few thousand dollars the price will probably just go back to 0.01 for a while
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A couple people will pay the maximum amount to be placed on highest payer for advertising for their twitter.
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Ok, I think I got it. The gold star is 8 times the highest donation(????), the silver one is some percentage of the gold one etc. So the only way to cut the price down to 0.01€ is for 5 or more people to donate 500€, 501€, 502€, 503€, 504€(in that order, otherwise it's a silver star)...
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But there have been giveaways for it already o.o
in fact, I entered in a few of them.
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IndieRoyale did mention they are aware of the Steam key issue.
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IndieRoyale updated that they are aware of the Steam key activation problems. They say to contact them.
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The other point of not allowing these bundles during the sale is to avoid the initial flood of these giveaways. It's not just about "cheating the charity", but to avoid 100 Sanctum keys being submitted by the end of the day. Considering a lot of people received a Sanctum key through IGN Prime trial or when it was on sale, a lot of people will probably have a Sanctum Steam key laying around.
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I don't think we'll see a flood of keys, the only reason we did for HIB was because people could pick it up for 1 cent.
With this they have to actually pay a few dollars, while not much it's probably more then sufficient to dissuade the mass piles of people that would pick up 20 bundles and pay 20 cents and distribute them.
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I agree that it is a lot harder to cheat them since they set a rising minimum price, but at least on the first day, there's also that thing about supporting the indie developers? Seems like a lot of people are glossing over that because the overused word "charity" wasn't included in the product pricing.
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IndieRoyale updated their Twitter account.
Still looking into the Steam key issues, hang tight!
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This is the first of a couple of these bundles, can't wait for the rest!
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Due to popular demand, and the nature of the IndieRoyale giveaways, seeing as you have to pay the minimum or better of the sale, we will allow these bundles to be submitted while they are still being sold. cg will put them in the dropdown menu and you will only be able to submit unused giftable URLs as a giveaway.
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Just Posted on the site
PLEASE NOTE. We are having some issues with Steam keys. While we resolve the issues, we have disabled all Steam keys. If you have already purchased a bundle, or purchase one at this time, you will receive Steam keys once the issue is resolved.
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Please follow their Twitter account for updates!
They will hopefully get to the bottom of the issue soon. If the Steam key issue persists 24 hours, we will see what will do then.
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They won't, it's reliant on the person running the giveaway not telling an outright lie if questioned about it.
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They had posted on their Twitter earlier that they intended to add Gemini Rue Steam keys to the bundle, but I just noticed that their post about it has been deleted from their Twitter feed. I hope you're able to get a response from them about Gemini Rue.
Comment has been collapsed.!/indieroyale/status/129411379747749888
Confirmed will be added after the current bundle's conclusion
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Aw nuts I feel silly now... should have read this before making the giveaway. Remove this one please:
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Due to the number of copies of Sanctum and DLC, ARES, and Nimbus being submitted from the IndieRoyale bundle, I will comment on your giveaway asking if this is a key from the bundle. We ask that if it's not a key from the bundle, such as a Sanctum key from the IGN Prime trial, if you could please update your description. If I cannot contact you before your giveaway ends, it may be removed.
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Greetings community,
Just a reminder that the policy for Humble Bundles apply for the new IndieRoyale Bundles. You may only submit unused gift URLs and not separate Steam keys from the bundles themselves.
A reminder for the rules:
When you submit an IndieRoyale Bundle, it is only acceptable to have an unactivated gift URL to provide to the winner. Members giving away Steam keys and the like will be warned, have their giveaways removed, and if they continue, may result in a suspension.
These rules also apply to additional keys within the Humble Bundle. Please do not giveaway separate keys, such as Sanctum, or create a giveaway for the leftover Desura keys. Unused URLs for the original Humble only, please.
Thank you for your cooperation.
If you are having issues with activating your Steam keys, please contact IndieRoyale.!/indieroyale/status/129272142482247680
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