Greetings community,

Just a reminder that the policy for Humble Bundles apply for the new IndieRoyale Bundles. You may only submit unused gift URLs and not separate Steam keys from the bundles themselves.

A reminder for the rules:

  • When you submit an IndieRoyale Bundle, it is only acceptable to have an unactivated gift URL to provide to the winner. Members giving away Steam keys and the like will be warned, have their giveaways removed, and if they continue, may result in a suspension.

  • These rules also apply to additional keys within the Humble Bundle. Please do not giveaway separate keys, such as Sanctum, or create a giveaway for the leftover Desura keys. Unused URLs for the original Humble only, please.

Thank you for your cooperation.


If you are having issues with activating your Steam keys, please contact IndieRoyale.!/indieroyale/status/129272142482247680

1 decade ago*

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Closed 1 decade ago by lokonopa.