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Steam Trading Cards
Note: For a small FAQ and (possibly) upcoming trading card games, scroll down ;)
Official TC FAQ | Steam Store search for games with trading cards | Tatsur0's TC game list
Undocumented/Unannounced trading card games
as of July 25th:
Joe Danger
Joe Danger 2: The Movie
Star Wolves 3: Civil War
Costume Quest
as of July 24th:
Call of Juarez
PAYDAY: The Heist
Ittle Dew
Lunar Flight
Indie Game: The Movie
Tales From Space: Mutant Blobs Attack
PixelJunk Eden
as of July 23rd:
Beat Hazard
Call of Juarez Gunslinger
Cherry Tree High Comedy Club
DLC Quest
Dark Fall: Lost Souls
Day of Defeat: Source
Defense Grid: The Awakening
Divinity: Dragon Commander
Ether Vapor Remaster
Expeditions: Conquistador
Fortix 2
King’s Bounty: Warriors of the North
Magical Diary
Mount & Blade
Noitu Love 2 Devolution
Nuclear Dawn
POSTAL 2 Complete
Rush Bros
Secret of the Magic Crystals
Skyward Collapse
Sol Survivor
Soldier Front 2
Space Pirates and Zombies
as of July 18th:
Port Royale 3
Cities in Motion 2
MacGuffin's Curse
as of July 17th:
Mount & Blade: Warband
Dead Island Riptide
Dead Island
Ace of Spades
Fallen Enchantress: Legendary Heroes
Red Orchestra 2
as of July 16th:
Devil May Cry
The Secret World
Mark of the Ninja
Orcs Must Die! 2
Universe Sandbox
as of July 15th, Part 2:
Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion
Wargame: Airland Battle
Castle Crashers
Dust: An Elysian Tail
Organ Trail
Stellar Impact - we knew that already on July 11th, right ;)
Killing Floor
as of July 15th:
Kerbal Space Program
Eador: Masters of the Broken World
Total War: SHOGUN 2
Torchlight II
The Swapper
as of July 13th:
Tomb Raider
Resident Evil 6 / Biohazard 6
The Witcher 2
Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army
Mars: War Logs (yes, it's been announced twice, don't kill the messenger)
Kinetic Void
Hitman Absolution
Metro Last Light
System Shock 2
as of July 12th:
Surgeon Simulator 2013
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare
The Walking Dead
Anomaly 2
Sleeping Dogs
Tropico 4
Garry's Mod
Farming Simulator 2013
July 11th, Part 2, Summer Sale Day 01 clicky
Bioshock Infinite
Hotline Miami
Scribblenauts Unlimited
Toki Tori 2
Mars:War Logs
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Euro Truck Simulator 2
Saints Row: The Third
Sid Meier's Civilization V
Football Manager 2013
as of July 11th:
Dungeons of Dredmor
The Night of the Rabbit
Drunken Robot Pornography
Ion Assault
as of July 3rd:
Alan Wake
Gun Monkeys
Gratuitous Space Battles
War of the Roses: Kingmaker
Skulls of the Shogun
Endless Space
as of June 26th:
Binding of Isaac
Company of Heroes 2
Crusader Kings II
Penny Arcade's On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 4
The trading card beta is no longer a beta - trading cards are now available to everyone!
as of June 20th:
Guns of Icarus Online
Jagged Alliance - Back in Action
Zombie Driver HD
Offspring Fling!
as of June 18th:
Serious Sam 3: BFE
Super Meat Boy
Blocks That Matter
Brütal Legend
in other news:
Booster packs: Booster packs are additional cards for games that will drop periodically. Anyone who has collected all the trading card drops they can for a game and have used Steam in the last week may receive one of these booster packs. These packs contain three additional cards for the game, and may contain foils. If you receive a booster, you will get a "1 new item in your inventory" alert.
Game Collector Badge: There's a new badge which will grant you XP based on how many games you have in your Steam library. This badge replaces the "100 XP for having at least one product registered" message at the bottom of the badges page.
Profile Game Count: The number shown next to the "Games" link on the new profile should now more closely match the number of games shown in the Steam library.
as of June 13th:
Trine 2
They Bleed Pixels
Defender's Quest: Valley of the Forgotten
as of June 11th:
FTL: Faster Than Light
1... 2... 3... KICK IT! (Drop That Beat Like an Ugly Baby)
Strike Suit Infinity
Zack Zero
Tower Wars
as of June 6th:
Left 4 Dead 2
Sanctum 2
Go Home Dinosaurs!
Triple Town
Cubemen 2
as of June 4th
Monster Loves You!
Really Big Sky
Faerie Solitaire
Games that were already part of the beta before June 4th:
Team Fortress 2
Dota 2
Half-Life 2
Portal 2
Borderlands 2
Don't Starve
(Possibly) upcoming trading card games
Reddit thread: Titles with incoming Trading Cards
A Virus Named TOM - dev asking what cards the community would like
Akaneiro: Demon Hunters - maybe after leaving the early access stage
Dawn of Fantasy: Kingdom Wars - soon
Deadly Premonition: The Director's Cut - Greenlight page, scroll down
Dino D-Day - maybe
Interstellar Marines - in progress
Railworks Train Simulator 2013 - they are asking on their facebook page what people think about the Steam trading cards
Rochard - twitter
Sanctum - twitter
Smash Cars - maybe
Thomas Was Alone - link
Time Gentlemen, Please! and Ben There, Dan That! - soon™, after the Summer Sale
Unepic - twitter
Paradox games
A little Steam trading cards FAQ:
Note: Most questions are already answered in the official FAQ
Q: How many / Which Steam games drop cards?
A: See official FAQ, though this thread seems a bit more complete ;)
You can also use the advanced options in the Steam store search
Q: How many cards does game X drop?
A: Each game drops 50% (rounded up for odd numbers) of the total card number, it's also part of the official FAQ.
Q: What cards / emotes / backgrounds / arts are available for game X?
A: See either steamcardexchange.net, Steam Trading Cards Wiki or SG TC Art Collection (discontinued)
Q: What are Mystery Cards and how do I get them?
A: It's not sure what they do, but you can get them from crafting badges since the latest updated (July 3rd) more info
Edit: Mystery cards turned into Steam Summer Getaway Trading Cards on July 11th.
Q: What are Steam Summer Getaway Trading Cards?
A: Summer cards FAQ
Q: So now I know how to get cards, but how do I get backgrounds / emotes / XP to level up my Steam account?
A: By crating a badge (a full set of cards, see official FAQ)
Q: I've hit my card drop limit, how do I get more cards?
A: You don't. The only way to get more cards is by trading or buying them on the market. Exception: TF2 and Dota2 - you will get one more card drop for every $9 spent on the ingame store. However there are plans to improve this (see next Q/A entry).
EDIT: The recent update (June 18th) introduced Booster Packs
Q: Where are my TF2/Dota2/Warframe/other F2P trading card game cards?
A: You only get the cards for those 2 F2P games, if you either were TF2 premium or bought something from the Dota2 store before the beta started. Now you have to spend money in the ingame store to get card drops. For a more detailled information you should check out the games "How do I earn card drops?" link on your badges page or visit the game forum.
Q: Will I get card drops of game X, that's supposed to drop cards, if I don't own the game but play it during a free weekened?
A: Nope, Valve is not stupid, no freebies for you.
Q: How much is my card worth?
A: Check the market, the prices are changing all the time, depending on supply and demand - simple economics.
Q: I have a question that's not answered in this FAQ.
A: Well, that's not a question per se, but chances are your question is already covered in the official FAQ.
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