I don't think it will make it on the whole greenlight process and likely get pulled but can't say 100%
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I think that it might get pulled by valve granted it isn't as explicit as I forget what game it was I think that what it implies is why
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I don't think it matters.
Even the creators understand the substantial risk of trying to get a dating sim past the Greenlight process.
"Other issues could arise specific to this game due to the nature of the content. It's possible the game could be restricted from being distributed through certain platforms because of suggestive content."
There are very few dating sims on Steam, most stay to the safe side (Magical Girl, Analogue, Cherry Tree Comedy) The riskiest game is probably Agarest and even that is pretty tame. Please correct me if I'm wrong (I'd like to buy anything that I missed.)
I think Steam itself despite wanting to be an open market for games, would like to keep most of its game 17 and under friendly. Not to say their aren't boob's on Steam, there's Duke Nukem, Metro Last Night, and probably GTA5 eventually, but their "Dating Scenes" aren't the focus of the game.
I'd love for this game to get past Greenlight, I just have my doubts due to steams current collection of dating sims.
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To my mind, it seems crazy that it is so much more difficult to publish a game with sexual content than it is one which involves killing countless [sometimes innocent] people with guns, lasers or some other piece of death-dealing weaponry.
The controversy surrounding the GTA "hot chocolate" mod sums up the stupidity of the censors (and those who write angry letters to them, demanding action to protect us all from ourselves). Aside from it being something which could only be activated by "hacking" the game, the main issue that threatened to erode the immortal souls of gamers was not running over scores of pedestrians, shooting old ladies in the face, or assaulting drivers and stealing their cars. What got these people all hot and bothered, and the point at which a line of decency was incontrovertibly crossed turned out to be the depiction of sex between two consenting adults.
I have scoured the net, but was unable to find a facepalm jpeg epic enough to sum up my feelings here.
Anyway, I've gone way off topic. Apologies, and as you were...
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Steam = US company. US = no sexual content, but murdering rampage is a-ok.
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It's because he is more of the same, really...not sure why the general public can't see that, more are starting to see it but its sorta to late....
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I'm not sure how your reply relates. And being fat here is definitely not okay. People who are obese are still looked down upon in most places I've been to.
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Although I'll admit to never having played one of these games, I get the distinct feeling that the dudes who design them have never actually been on a date in their entire lives...
Am I being unfair?
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I guess what I mean to say is that looking at the Kickstarter page, I find the whole thing a bit.... well - kind of creepy?
As you say though, each to their own :) I'm sure there are many who would find the number of hours I have clocked on the various iterations of Football Manager over the last decade somewhat unhealthy, and maybe more than a little obsessive!
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I'm a 29 year old single guy who has never dated and have played the occasional dating game.
Also, there is a female on the team. Maybe more. I was so amazed seeing they had one, I stopped looking at the rest of the team.
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Looks like 4 females on the team. None of whom are involved in script writing, though.
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Dudes??? You do realize that some of the designers in this genre are women, right?
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Stretch goal: moans and groans voice acting.
So immersive.
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I like that one of the bonuses is a box of tissues.
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Eh, close enough. Considering the genre, tissues may be something people would keep around anyway. They let you theme them. :P
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And by getting all boxes you get an AMAZING!!! DISCOUNT!!!
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I will work with you to get all the details for your custom artwork ironed out. We do however have to request that you refrain from being totally gross about it.
How boring! LOL
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Welp. So much for the Boogerman 20th Anniversary kickstarter. :3
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Am I correct in assuming you're not making giveaways for the foreseeable future because you've dumped your life savings into this Kickstarter project?
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To everyone else in the chain, I will still create giveaways, just on my usual tight budget. On top of that, I am going to be giving only non-bundle ones, but don't go fantasizing about the dates. I actually had reserved some funds just for this KS when I found out about it, so it won't disrupt my usual lifestyle at all, except for the trip to the bank.
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Attila's girlfriend: Hey hunie, made you some cookies!
Attila accidentally chose a wrong conversation text and killed by his girlfriend.
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Then I rather wait them in steam. When I saw their kickstarter 5 days ago, they were already backed @ 25k
Since they are already backed, It's either:
I congratulate them for having a successful kickstarter and wait for it to go on steam
Wait for the next bonus to be reached (or near reaching it) which interest me (which is he bedroom minigame) before taking the risk of backing them without any assurance that steam will accept their game.
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if there was user-defined conditional contributions i bet this game would hit that 40k would be hit in no time.
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Note lots of generalizing in this comment
So me and MDuh are both in the same boat.
We both would contribute if we knew it would hit the 40k stretch goal. Otherwise its not worth it to us.
Now if we contribute we are gambling that it hits $40k.
This kickstarter (not all kickstarters in general) would benefit if kickstarter inc introduced a mechanism to allow the user to contribute under certain conditions. Similar to how a normal kickstarter only gets funded if enough people back it.
In this case an obvious user defined condition would be the 40k stretch goal. If all conditional contributions including my own will push the total over 40k then make the contribution for me. Otherwise don't. This way I don't have to check back on the last day to see if they'll hit 40k.
The fact that other people like MDuh are doing the same thing, mean we are still not getting the full picture of everyone who is interested in the game. Imagine the game hits 35k. But there is a huge number of people willing to back if it hit 40k. Its just that we have no way to communicate, so we cant collaborate to make it hit 40k. A user defined conditional contribution would fix this problem.
There are some obvious drawbacks to this, so I don't think its for everyone. But in this case I think it would be beneficial.
It's a weird mix of prisoners dilemma and game of chicken to be honest
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The idea of conditional investment is a good one.
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I always find games that are pretending to be Japanese weird. Just be yourselves.
Also "Hunie" = "Hoo-nee", and that's just a weird name too. I am pretty sure they are going for "hunnie", but that's not really the way English works with what they have there.
Site without the referral link: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/huniepop/huniepop-a-dating-puzzle-rpg
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Kickstarter has referral links? I thought they were just pointers, like on Amazon.
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Well said.
That game tries to imitate Japanese games but, nah... That feels not right (in the end they aren't Japanese).
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Oh nice, it's been funded! Let the anime babes commence!
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I immediately voted for it whenever I noticed it in Greenlight, fun type of game to play for those that aren't held down by a overly jealous partner.
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The url works just fine without the ref part though, so might as well exclude it www.kickstarter.com/projects/huniepop/huniepop-a-dating-puzzle-rpg
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Just change it to something of your choosing to confuse their data monkeys?
"?ref=steamgifts" or "?ref=omgwhyisthishere" ...
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I used to have a userscript that would take a random word from a list you gave it, and change all those "?r=" and "?ref=" tags in the background. Since I'm someone who believes in 'subtle monitoring' (you can always just capture the referer of the page), I do what I can to make tracking data less meaningful.
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Well, it doesn't directly. But, I'll answer with a question: What's hiveworks? Why would I want them to think my click (which was from this thread) came from there? What makes that preferable to giving them something unexpected?
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It matters for the same reason I tick the 'do not track' option in my browser, and enable AdBlock to prevent tracking scripts/cookies: They don't need to know WHY I'm there, or where I came from, in a way that makes it obvious to me.
Add to this the fact that the results they're collecting are, at best, inaccurate. Clearly anyone clicking the link in this thread is marked as having come from 'hiveworks' - however, they haven't. They probably don't even know what that is (like myself).
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Personal preference. And, to be clear, I did visit the project page and I did actually pledge it (for $1, just for the lulz) ... but I also did change the link.
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You could say the same things about giving away games on SG. My wallet will forgive me, it knows it's for a good cause. In this case, so I can show 'I backed this!" on my backer profile. :P
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When posting giveaways on my website, I (or rather my excel spreadsheet) habitually replace the name of the game with efreak-wuz-here in the signature.png url. This is more because it amuses me than anything else, though.
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Nice :) Something I'd do - much respect. I would probably go one step further and customise the giveaway link too. Anything after the giveaway code can be changed. When I post links on the forums here, I try to make them like /giveaway/xxxxx/this-is-not-skyrim or somthing. :) I thought you may have put /efreaks-[game name] ... At least then if you see a link somewhere, you'd recognise it as yours? IDK. :P
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lol from the Greenlight page.
I don't have a problem with this game being on Steam but there are pretty clear reasons why people would. Some of the images are basically softcore 'porn'.
I wouldn't buy it, unless it was in a bundle or on sale for a dollar.
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I actually own that game >.>. But I feel that while these images are suggestive they aren't as 'bad' as this. It's also just some fanservice that pops up every now and then (look at the screenshots on the store page to see what you spend most of the game looking at) in comparison to a game in which you try to woo girls by playing a match-3 game until they are scantily clad, slightly pink, and making faces. coughcamel toecough
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I get what you are saying, but these devs will provide censored version if necessary. Same with Vanguard princess (which is actually hentai).
That's why I haven't really decided to back this kickstarter. I think I'd rather play a VN that goes over the top. Although I like the idea of doing the hard work first to proceed with the route
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I know I shouldn't be saying anything as you have explain the whole referral part, but just in case as it can still be called it... you are able to just remove the "?ref=hiveworks" and the link still works.
Edit: I know you say it doesn't matter, but you can not turn around and tell someone else off for posting a referral if you post a link which does not require it either as that is hypocritical.
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I didn't make the post to belittle or anger/frustrate you, however reading back over it i understand how it can be misconstrue. Apparently people have been suspended and banned for less so I thought it would've been nice to point it out. I did see the image you posted, however, i was confounded by the fact you went to the effort considering it would have been quicker just to change it.
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i know i shouldn't be saying anything, but are able to just capitalise the first letter of your sentences?
edit: i know you might say it doesn't matter, but it annoys me and you can not turn around and tell someone else off for something if you are not prepared to edit your own posts either to satisfy people's whims, as that is hypocritical
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My apologies that i offended you by stating something that i believe is a logical fallacy. I didn't know that was against SteamGifts law especially considering it was a referral link none the less (it was not an issue of whether he was gaining something but the fact it takes 1 minute to edit the link compared to 10 minutes writing back to everyone). I shall make sure to never state something like this ever again considering i have been told people have been banned for less (one such example is being banned for log out links, however, that is not stated in the FAQ rules and guidelines, whereas, referral links are stated in the FAQ rules and Guidelines and i would have to assume in all forms).
I would now like to make my second point about hypocrisy. Hypocrisy is the act of blaming someone for something they have done incorrectly or wrong whilst completing that same act yourself. CHTonRage has a link with the referral command line in it and later in a post wrote this: "If I didn't know better I would say that is a referral link. Remove it at once." therefore stating the fact that they know better to post referral links in all cases. That is a direct act of hypocrisy whereas I never indicated that he needed to fix any grammar or punctuation, however, you did. This would make an illogical fallacy in itself as you are calling me a hypocrite for an act i did not commit.
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The referral link was not one from which anyone was profiting, unlike the sort referral links which the rule is clearly designed to outlaw. It's not a genuine referral link any more than http://www.steamgifts.com/forum/jXC3K?ref=AtomicWoodchuckscocaineandsexytimesfund is....
I'm sure you realised that your grammatical lapses didn't actually cause me any offence whatsoever. We both know that, like the one above, the "referral" in CHTonRage's link is redundant since nobody anywhere is making a cent from it. It's simply a personal preference that you don't like seeing it.
There is no logical fallacy here, unless you're mistaking officious legalism for logic. Officious legalism might rear its ugly head in the form of an obsession with the letter of the law as far as grammar and capitalisation rules go, or perhaps as a compulsion to enforce the letter of any given rule without due consideration of the reasons behind it (ie stopping avaricious twunts from flooding the site with spammy Gameminer/Playblink/Gamersgate referral links, and abusing Steamgifts for their own personal gain)?
I wasn't especially offended, but I shall magnanimously accept your apology nevertheless...
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Explicit Content confirmed and apparently a Yuri mode in a later comment.
"Also, I am completely sold on this needing to be an explicitly adult game. It is across the board the number one most requested thing. So we can put that to rest. If the game is greenlit, obviously the steam version of the game would have to be SFW."
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oh no, don't get me wrong i'm quite happy for this, ill probably contribute now
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3,685 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by FluffyKittenChan
Dating Sim + Puzzle = This
What do you guys think of it?
Edit 1: I don't mind conversations, just do not try to nitpick on the ref part of the link.
Edit 2: The evidence to show that it isn't a referral is here. So there.
Edit 3: Around $12.1k for the last Stretch Goal(#5) on KS alone. This will update every amount I see to the closest next $100 whenever I am online.
Edit 4: Stretch Goal #4 has been fully funded. If you still are on the fence for this, I recommend getting it now.
Edit 5: While the KS event is over, you still can pledge here. According to the latest amount tally, there's $53,536 just in KS alone and $2315 in Paypal when the KS ended. That leaves $4149 left for the last goal.
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