Can't win anything since i got a 1 month suspension after making a some kind of a joke back in 2013

I don't really care, just wondering about that

1 decade ago*

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It does not affect your win chance. Every win is random, and based on luck.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I think it really says something about the human psyche that people continue to be able to make up stories about how win chances aren't fair. It's remarkable.

1 decade ago

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I have had suspension once (Made a joke but Admin thought I was begging.) and it lasted for 3 days. Now I don't make such jokes :)

1 decade ago

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That's like the saddest story ever... :'(
I feel sorry for you bro. hugs

1 decade ago

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I'm sure you don't deserve it :[

1 decade ago

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hahahaha same story bro ;)

1 decade ago

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Here comes the feels train.

1 decade ago

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Let's all focus on the fact that the ban was for begging which wasn't begging.

1 decade ago

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The admin didn't think you were begging, you're just not allowed to make jokes about begging. No misanderstood, you ignored the rule.

1 decade ago

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happend the same to me... and the funny part is that i had the game on my library, i guess it take too much work to check that...

1 decade ago

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Same, have not joke begged since.

1 decade ago

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My laggy internet connection at work made me post spam in one giveaway. I never knew about it until I got suspended for a week or so. I've won a handful of giveaways since then.

1 decade ago

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Never got suspended so i wouldn't know...but i bet it does decrease your chances...

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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On February 29th, he meant.

1 decade ago

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Never, ever, ever in my entire life.
They tried to, but i was too fast for them.

1 decade ago

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Right. You've been stepping up your shitposting lately, maybe another one soon!

1 decade ago

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Sir, you suck!

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Since you're not letting me help you the regular way, i'll help you the only way i making newbs, trolls, scammers and other shitposters feel bad about themselves and stop doing such shameful acts.
Maybe i exaggerated when i compared myself with Batman a few weeks ago (btw tell jade i'm not holding any grudge) but the least i am some wolf, keeping the forest clean by eating the corpses carrying diseases and so...
One day you'll be proud of me.

1 decade ago

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Steamgifts doesn't deserve you.

1 decade ago

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I'm not the hero SG deserves, but the one it needs right now...

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Well it's possible your decreased win chances are only due to a lot more people joining this site all the time. Being out for a month could see a significant change in people who use this site.

1 decade ago

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Nope, won smth during my suspension.

1 decade ago

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you cannot win during a suspension. There's even been a case where Ga had 1 entrant and he didn't win it because he's been suspended.

1 decade ago

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Then i was lucky enough to fit the window just before it. Thanks for the info.

1 decade ago

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Well then mr. Fatt must be wrong since i know i read somewhere when he said that you should reroll if the winner of your giveaway is suspended...
Not even cg knows better than The God of Puzzles.

1 decade ago

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In those cases, the user was suspended after they were chosen as the winner of a giveaway.

1 decade ago

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cg knows better, but aparrently a certain stupid troll doesn't ;)

also as bobo explained - if user is suspended after he won but before you delivered you may ask for reroll.

1 decade ago

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You can call me a troll, an asshole, douchebag or whatever you want, but please don't call me stupid, cause i'm not fucking stupid.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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It's the Karma.

1 decade ago

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Somebody made a thread about him giving away a game, i said i want it and got banned for 4 days.

1 decade ago

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Asking for smth is same as begging.

1 decade ago

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Deppends on interpretation, he said he WANT it, like i WANT coffee right now, im not asking you to get me coffee im just saying i WANT coffee, i dont know the context but, expresing you want something and asking for it are two diferent things. But, again... context.

1 decade ago

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Sure thing.

1 decade ago

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Probably that wasn't the case.

1 decade ago

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"I don't really care"
Good day to you sir.

1 decade ago

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Aww beat me to it. lol

1 decade ago

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Not really caring, yet makes a tread to question the gods of RNG. My brain hurts on this one. I also agree with the previous statement of karma.

1 decade ago

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I mean, seriously. Do people even think?

1 decade ago

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Scientifically proven!!!!!

1 decade ago

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Yes, it does, however, what many people don't know is that every time you create a dumb topic like "Am I the only one X?" and "My CV is X", "how to increase my chances of winning?" or "is X overrated?" you'll get 1 Magic Point. Once you collect 50 Magic Points you'll receive +1% RNG luck. Some members of our forum have around 100% RNG luck already! Join them today!

1 decade ago

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I don't know what made me laugh the hardest, the picture or the Magic Points. Thanks :)

1 decade ago

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lol wtf man

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Quite a few people wouldn't mind getting strapped into a machine like that....

1 decade ago

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I win 1 game per year, and I dont care

1 decade ago

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I don't think so. Got 5d suspension in 2nd half of June, won 12 games since then.

but remember that if GA ends when you are suspended you cannot win it - in this meaning during suspension you have reduced chances - reduced to zero ;p

1 decade ago

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? only during the suspension, after that all giveawys are random

1 decade ago

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If you check the source code the chance modifier is indicated, but since you don't really care whatever.

1 decade ago

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not sure what "significaly" is, but no

1 decade ago

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How can you decrease something that is already 0 percent ?

1 decade ago

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Hide you wife, hide you kidz...

1 decade ago

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With that number of entries, you've won an average amount of giveaways, and more than many others have.

1 decade ago

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Yes, we carefully handcraft voodoo dolls of every user we suspend and, through careful pin placement, influence them such that they have a reduced rate of wins.

Also sometimes bleeding from the eyes.

1 decade ago

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Doesn't it also cause music to play backwards and random seizures?

1 decade ago

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.ƚuodɒ ǫniʞlɒƚ ɘɿ'uoy ƚɒʜw ɒɘbi on ɘvɒʜ I

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Welp. That explains a lot. :S

1 decade ago

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So that explained why I'm bleeding out my face holes!

I don't think that it actually affected my chances to win.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

1 decade ago

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It actually does. What's even more interesting is that permanent ban actually increases your chances of winning by 300%, but, obviously, you can't take advantage of it, because it prevents you from entering giveaways. You can still use good old ways of increasing your winning chances, such as volunteering to be cg's personal pet slave for a while, learning drunk kung-fu or eating a lot of fiber.

1 decade ago

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A suspension from Steamgifts actually goes on your permanent record. I was trying to apply for a job once and it was going great, then the interviewer was like "but according to our records, you were banned from Steamgifts for two days in 2013." I sort of stammered a bit, then they glared at me and asked me to leave in a disgusted tone.

1 decade ago

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Damn im pretty screwed then

1 decade ago

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Its about Karma

1 decade ago

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