Нет никакой разницы между раздающими и теми, кто по каким-либо причинам не может раздавать. Тут не цифры в профиле роль играют, а то, что ты за личность и как себя ведёшь в коммьюнити.
Обычно те, кто ничего не раздали или раздали очень мало, плохо третируются контрибуторами - теми, кто постоянно раздаёт игры и имеют трёх-четырёхзначные цифры в колонке "сумма отданного". Что-то вроде "мы тут деньги вкладываем в раздачи, а вы все личеры неблагодарные".
Глупости всё это. Просто следуй правилам сайта и будь активен на форуме, в чате. Просто будь хорошим и интересным человеком, этого достаточно.
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So what I gathered from this is: everyone sucks equally, and my hatred should be spread out among you all. I'm not sure if I have enough hate for that at the moment, so I'm going to go click on random creationist youtube videos to charge it back up.
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I'll never get why people acting different over the internet. I mean you don't have to be totally the same person as some caution never hurts on the web for example, but really acting different is another story...
Also what maybe should not be forgotten is the language barrier. Maybe I (and some others) would be more active on the forum if English would be my first language, but its not, so writing in mothers tongue is much more convenient to be honest. Still I am grateful for this community and I hope my 'thanks spam' isn't that bad. Still better than saying nothing imho.
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Well, if I could come up with an original comment (in a foreign language) for every GA I enter, I'd hopefully be able to make a living from this blessing of originality ^^
Seriously, whats so terrible with an honest "thanks"? I'd prefer it anytime over a "ty" or no sign of gratefulness at all.
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Giving away is just one way to participate yes, but it's still the most important way on a site like this. If the site itself created giveaways based on ad revenue generated by active users, things would be different. However, as it is right now, the only reason things work is because people volunteer their own games.
As a result, leechers are just that -- leeches. There's nothing wrong with it, but leeches really shouldn't be complaining about anything they dislike until they elevate that status.
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This is however a minimal amount of games. 99.9% is from site users.
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Ahh, then I stand corrected. Of course, there's still the matter of how much (or little) those ads actually generate in terms of giveaways, considering cg only makes about one entry per 1000 user-submitted ones. That said, you have a point.
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not sure, if i got your message correct...
yeah, i haven't played everything i won=( but i don't understand, why you tell us, we better talk on chat/forum, than giveaway. that's ridiculous. i post on forums from time to time, yet the forum is ridiculously overwhelmed with useless flood. i just don't have enough time to be active in THAT...
honestly i would love less people to be active in the forums...
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Unfortunately I know similar people to the person you are describing too :<
I don't particularly care for contributor/non contributor status. If I put up a giveaway, I'd rather someone who is really looking forward to play the game wins it (even if they haven't contributed much or at all) than someone who just wants to let it be a +1 to their library (and contributes or spams posts). I've seen requirements of contributions, I've seen requirements of playtime, usually the requirement I put up is "To want to play and enjoy the game".
Also, about the pasting, pasting thanks or using scripts to do that (which is basically the same thing) is pure bs. I know your views on the topic as well so that shouldn't come as a surprise. Wish there was a report button for those. However this is not another "thank you" thread so I won't go into that.
I agree that it's not a stat that makes someone good or bad in the eyes of most people in the community (most and not all since quite a significant amount of people do only base their assumptions on these stats). Praising or belittling people based on these stats (I am not talking about extreme examples or special situations where users provoked others) is just...well...some people deserve what they get in the end. That's all.
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there is another solution if i see some person often talking about some particular game and he is exited about it i just give that game to him. i do not make giveaway to get contribution u can just pay attention what people say in chat :) and then give them game :) only time i sure about that person will play game when he talks about that game a lot :)
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Everypony love everypony?
Everypony love everypony!
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Hey, who said contributors can't be dicks too? One side hates another, while actually there is no reason for that. One will die without another.
Don't mind harsh or sick people who tries to insult you or make you look like a raff/elitist. I know a lot of people, who are nice or at least alright in real life, but completely different individuals over the internet. You can always prove yourself as a good and interesting person just by obeying the rules and staying active (chat, forum, events). Giveawaying is always an option.
What I mean is, that comments number, value of games being given away - those are not a perfect signs that user is that cool and awesome. I know one who already contributed over 500$, has huge amount of comments by merely pasting same thanks in every possible giveaway. But... said user never comments on forum, never contribute to chat in form of talking and - most sad part of it all - never ever plays won games. At all. Heck, even so called "silent leechers" are better. Majority of them will play the hell out of freebie or at least they will try to.
Shortly, there is no actual difference between contributors and non-contributors. It is not your profile, but rather your behaviour what makes you either magnificent or loathsome person. You always got a chance to change that and you don't have to make giveaways for that.
Stay cool. I love you.
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