Are you fucking kidding me?
First thought, 'hey, it's cool'.
Second thought, 'Please Note: Steam redemption will be available to beat-the-average purchases only' - with average being $6.88 as of now.
If that's a routine, then well, goodbye humble weekly sale. Was fun.
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3$ < 7$, obviously.
I don't mean the price but the fact they changed it - it just pisses me off. Now you can buy it for 1 cent so it's still PWYW, but soon? When their offer will consist of Steam keys only (and yeah, it will, it's been done before).
It will be the same fake 'pwyw' model as Indie Royale now has.
Unless, it's a one-time deal. Which would be weird, considering it's Christmas, but hey...
You can call it a cheap excuse if you feel like it -- won't change the fact that I don't like the way HB's going.
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Humble Bundle is evolving in wrong way. It's gonna be "pay what WE want" in a short time.
Humble Bundle evolution for dummies:
What's gonna be next? Indie Humble Royale Bundle. Pay what we want or fuck you.
I wouldn't be upset if they just stopped using this retarded "pay what you want" which is not really true.
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They've been doing 'pay what we want' for a while with their $6 tiers - actually, if anything, more recent bundles have taken a step away from that, as well as officially allowing people to gift spare games. While I too have had my concerns about the direction Humble were going, their recent steps have been in the right direction.
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Not sure if this is a broader new policy, or specific to this bundle, but this is worth noting: "Please Note: Steam redemption will be available to beat-the-average purchases only."
[edit]: Hah, beaten not once but 3 times in under a minute. I'm slow.
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Not a link. I got the information from facebook (private message)
"The set prices for BTA content is an experiment we are trying out. Due to the low averages of our previous bundles (way below expectations) it is difficult for us to convince developers to partner with us. While we are a charity driven company, developers still need to see the bundles as a financially viable option for them. Thank you for your support, NAME OF NINJA Support Ninja Humble Bundle
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I wish more people would realize this. If so many people keep insisting on paying so little just because they can then the quality of future bundles is going to suffer. All these sort of policy changes -- people are actually doing it to themselves and then have the nerve to complain about it.
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That message seems to be in relation to set prices such as their common $6 tier, as opposed to this which I think is the first time they've had a 'Steam tier' based on the average, instead of the usual $1.
I think people shouldn't worry about this - puppygames probably just didn't want to say that one of this collection of games was worth more than the others, but at the same time, making the whole lot available on Steam for $1 would have been the most ridiculous deal ever and they'd have been selling themselves short. Other developer-specific bundles might try a similar thing, but I think it's highly unlikely that a 'BTA for Steam keys' rule would be used in any ordinary bundle.
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True, that particular quoted message was about the fixed tier. But that's just secondary. The problem still holds true, and that is a problem for both the devs and for us as customers.
This is just an another attempt since the fixed price tier haven't really done the trick (the fixed tier will come back in later weekly sales), but you'll probably see this method once in a while and now the devs and publishers will have another "method" to choose from.
And no, they don't have any plans to include the "bta for steam-keys" to the normal bundle in the foreseeable future.
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I agree, I think the "BTA for Steam keys" may just be something specific to this bundle because it's one of the smaller bundles with no game that is significantly more expensive or higher profile than the others, so a fixed $6 tier for some BTA games may not have made sense for this.
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This is a great bundle if you dont own those games, they're actually really fun & addictive.
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BTA to get steam keys? No, even if its only 3 $..fuck this policy!
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It's pay what you want for the games. You can still get them for $0.01 if you're that cheap.
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Humble Meh Bundle... or Humble Double Meh Bundle because Steam Keys are BTA...
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I don't think you can make over $3 from selling the cards from those games alone.
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These games have quite valuable cards, but with this bundle (and the Ultrabundle being on sale on Steam again) the prices may drop. Also worth noting, if it's anything like it was in the summer sale, the market right now will be overloaded and new listings take ages to get added which means values are inaccurate.
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Does anyone know what programming language was used for those games? I am kinda interested in some c source codes :D I understood almost nothing of Alien Swarm but those games look easier and maybe their code will be more comprehensive.
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The appeal for coders is obvious, but also, the source being released can have benefits for all players: ports to currently unsupported systems, more people working on bug fixes if necessary, and new features/mods.
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I immediately bought BTA when I saw it. Now I regret my purchase since I'll likely never play the games anyways >.<
$1 is okay to throw away, but $3 is too much!
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Nope. I checked under my imaginary sofa (since I don't own one).
Seriously though, I like you guys a lot, but I'm honestly never going to play the games. I'll just view it as a donation instead of a purchase.
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Groupees is a miles away from Humble. Get your fact straight.
Humble is consistently delivering the best value than Groupees. Groupees usually contains mediocre old games, or newer games but handful indies.
Humble? True AAA of your leisure. Several weeks ago bunch of DLCs for PinballFX. Several months ago Origin Bundle that no one has ever been able to touch. Name other bundlers that can do that. Name one.
If you can't, shut up.
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I thought STEAM REDEMPTION was a game at first. lol
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They used to give Revenge of the Titans away for free on their website whilst also selling it on steam. Very odd. Wasn't a special offer, just free but this is no longer. It was like that for a long time though. What they were doing made zero sense to me.
I was going to buy it then I discovered that. So why pay for a DRM copy when the DRM free copy was free...
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Hello youse. I'm the developer of the Humble Puppy Bundle.
To our supporters (and supporters of Gamesaid) - we give our hugest thanks. It's not a big-selling bundle by any means which is a bit of a shame because we were hoping at least for a good crack at the charity donation and some money to help develop our next game, Battledroid. But it's much better than a poke in the eye for Christmas. At this stage it is looking unlikely it'll reach the $150k to release the source code though.
To all the happy commenters posting along the lines of "shit bundle", "crappiest bundle ever", etc. - er, thanks, it's only our lifes' work. They're not bad games by any stretch, even if I say it myself. And for the price of a coffee? What do we have to do to make people feel happy these days?
And finally a word about the BTA for Steam Keys thing... we're willing to be Humble Incs guinea pigs and try out crazy new ideas. You may or may not know but Steam keys have a market value considerably beyond the $1 that Humble have hitherto been using. In fact at $1, the Steam keys were valued at just tiny fractions of a dollar, which created a very large and profitable grey market in resold Humble Bundle keys. This isn't a great situation for developers (like us), who effectively sell each of our games for just a few cents instead of a few dollars. We do actually have homes and children to feed, and you can't live on pennies. It's not a great situation for Valve, because it undermines their sales and coupon code discount scheme. And finally it's not a great situation for Humble because developers see this sort of thing happening, and get more and more reluctant to put games into the Humble Bundles. So its a situation that everyone is a little uneasy with.
At the end of the day, you've got to ask yourself what you're actually buying and why you want to buy it. Do you want games? Then you've got games at whatever price you want. Do you want Steam codes just for collection? Well, donate a bit more money. It doesn't take any more effort to put down $5 as it does to put down $1. Don't you have $4? Then why are you buying games? Go and get a job, you slacker! We work our arses off. Do you want to donate to charity? Then please do donate to charity. Don't like the games? Give them to a friend or family that does.
Lastly - the source code is BSD licensed. It's not pretty and it's certainly not sanitised but it might be fun and interesting for people to play around with and because of its license you can more or less do what you want with it.
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Well said. While recently people have been spoiled by a few AAA or big-name-indie bundles which has led to everything else being criticized, the criticism your current bundle has gotten has been hugely unfair even by the usual standards. People forget how Humble Bundle started - the very first Humble Bundle didn't even have Steam keys (they were added later), had a greater focus on cross-platform availability, and - added a little after the bundle launched - also had a similar 'pay to release the source' target. This bundle is perhaps one of the closest to Humble Bundle's roots and one I strongly support.
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It's the single longest thing I've ever read here.Totally worth it though, now I can yell at kids who think developers are to blame for everything.
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Yelling at them won't change it though.. heck, it won't change the minds of most either :/
You probably won't read this anyway.. I found it interesting that you are giving the source code (well. if the goal is reached)
[I haven't bought it though.. trying not to buy any games till I manage to get a job =x]
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Well in their eye's you're a slacker so why give them money? Its not like there are high unemployment rates world wide for many different reasons....
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Thanks a lot for your insights and your comments. I'm on your side in this!
But I should say that most of the people complaining about this bundle either:
1: Wants AAA bundles for breadcrumbs - they are pretty much badmouthing most of the indie bundles
2: Complains about the new "steam-key" system.
and not your games in general. I would say that 75% of the comments in any bundle thread is like "this is the worst bundle ever" no matter what games are in it.
It's quite sad to see that so many gamers are using the Pay-what-you-want system and use it as a "pay-as-little-as-you-can system" - some even bragging about getting a bundle for 1 dollar (or less!). It's bad for you as developers trying to make a living, and it's bad for the gaming industry and it's bad for the consumers. In the end we all lose.
We need creative minds to afford to create games (and hopefully stay as "Indie" as they can) and we need to start pay for the things we like. I mean, you can get this weekly sale (or pretty much any Humble bundle/sale for less than what a pizza costs (or insert any preferred fast food), a few cans of soda/beer, a cup or two of coffee.
It's sad to see this development, and it's sad to see that gamers are the one paying the lowest averages (not only on humble, but on bundle sites in general) Take the very criticized Humble Comedy Bundle as an example. That thing average $9,46 - and that for stuff worth $50, including some stuff that is rather easy to find on in example Youtube or netflix! If game bundles would average at prices like that then I don't think we would have seen the changes as we now see on many bundle sites (new rules for bonuses, fixed tiers and what not) - at least not to the same extent as before.
And I must say. I'm not a gamer that usually play games like your games, but those games are crazy fun! Worth picking up - and you can still PWYW for the games!
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"To all the happy commenters posting along the lines of "shit bundle", "crappiest bundle ever""
Dont worry, most people here are talking out of their asses and they didnt play even one of your games in their life. They are saying that they are "crappy" and "shit" because they didnt ever heard of them.
I can personally say your games are actually pretty good. Revenge of the Titans is one my favorite games.
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Already bought a Ultrabundle gift on Steam.
I only regret buying it on Steam, not because of the price, but I didn't see the Humble Weekly sale.
At Humble I could direct more funds to the developer.
I also don't get why people say this is a "shit bundle". Those were games I didn't know, but Ultratron that I have played so far is a lot of fun. "Simple games", cheap, and pretty much fun! What else can you ask for?
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You're cool! A lot of people are haters here, but I appreciate the games. Keep doing what you're doing! You're awesome!
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I was also really hoping for the source but I realized at the halfway mark that it wouldn't make it. Humblers are gamers more than coders. The source code would have been a perk to few.
I also realized that it was a great bundle for my tastes. I may not like all the games in a bundle, or if I own half of them from previous bundles, but good games are good games and I support those bundles. People are just spoiled from the AAA bundles and anything less than a $40 game for $1 is outrageous to them.
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I bought ultratron on steam long time ago and loved it. I got the bundle as soon as I saw the pop up from my steam groups telling me about it. Gonna give the other games a try. The music is really good so it puts me in mood to play them all. Besides, 3 dollars is still LESS than what you would usually pay for them on steam.
Anyway, redeemed them all and gifted the ultratron leftover to a friend.
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I hope you do reach $150k, Revenge of the Titans is one of my favorite steam games and I was hoping to get a chance to poke around in the code of all the games =] I think a lot of people are just burnt out from a long stream of fairly meh-worthy weekly deals and that's why so many people are now saying any games they haven't heard of are bad. This is actually one of the best weekly deals so far in my opinion.
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Tier 1: 1$ - 2 games
Tier 2: BTA - the other 2 games
What do you think, would you make more money with this method? My guess is yes.
Your humble bundle has almost the same price as your bundle in the steam store. You offer nothing new, nothing interesting. No option, no tiers, take all or nothing! (Sorry if harsh, no offense, really.) That's the problem with the "one kind" bundles, people who are interested in it, already have it, and since they own all the games, they are not interested in the bundle, ofc. Well, this is the problem and overpricing. Do you know the game "Rock of Ages"? It was in the bundle some time ago for a fixed "bta" price 6$!!. Ohh and btw, that game is on sale basically every month on steam for 1$. I guess, I dont have to add, that bundle sold like crap. :) See what Im trying to say? Btw, ofc, I'm happy that you didnt choose this method, and at first glance giving your source code might seem to be a good idea, but it does not encourage the casual gamer to pay more. The casual gamer doesn't want it, have no use of it :/
Do you know the groupees bundle?
For 1$ you can CHOOSE!!! 2 games and for every additional 0.5c you can choose +1 game. And these bundles sell really nice, even better than the humble weekly, sometimes. And I agree with this, your bundle would be an awesome 2$ one. And I would buy it. And yeah, I know, I'm talking about "only" some dollars, but for some people every dollar matters. Not everyone have 3$ just casually sitting under their cushion. :P And please don't tell me just because I'm poor I shouldn't buy games ...
It's really hard to determine how much should worth a bundle, 'cause if you ask the developer it's worth the world to them. But the real question is, how much does that game worth for the gamer community.
(Once again, no offense, I just thought you might need some neutral feedback too, after all these biased praises. :P I hope, I could gave you a different perspective about bundles and stuff, and you might not blame only us, the gamers, if some of us thinks, your bundle price is "too much" and/or if your bundle sells badly. And yeah, I'm considering buying your steam bundle, hopefully still have time until 2nd January.:) )
Merry christmas Mr. Developer guy! :)
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I just saw on Twitter that the new weekly Humble Bundle is the The Humble Puppy Bundle. You can read more about it at The video for the bundle is there so it all looks legit.
The bundle contains Ultratron, Droid Assault, Titan Attacks, and Revenge of the Titans. Also included is a Sandbox Mode for Revenge of the Titans, the Ultratron OST and Revenge of the Titans EP.
Update: Bundle is now live: Note: You now need to beat the average to receive Steam keys.
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