Don't really see how it can be illegal. I mean Blizzard did make the game, therefore they have the right to do whatever they want with it. :)
I believe any payments (Outside of buying the game) is actually illegal in Korea isn't it?
Not really gambling when you /purchase/ an item and receive it.
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Yeah, it really isn't as bad as people think. In the first 3 days my brother made in excess of $560, and has continued to make well above minimum wage selling stuff all week. I think it'll normalize a bit more, but it remains somewhat volatile even now.
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I agree with both of you. Torchlight is a great game.
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Wanna know who formed Runic games? Yeah. The old team of Diablo.
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Bullshit. 3 people from Blizzard North is there, I think there were more, but they already left. That's not gonna justify Torchlight as being better.So what if the Schaefer guys are there? They sure as hell won't code you the full game, and a lot depends on this.
Blizzard is still full of talented guys, and Diablo 3 is great. It just needs some time to be perfect, same way as Diablo 2 sort of sucked until Lord of Destruction.
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Okay... Diablo 3 isn't like the second one but it still a good game minus the shitty online DRM.
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Just means you're not the real fan... still there are always stupid people who will...
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blizzard gets 15%, not 85%, the player will get 85%
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On the sentence, the main 'subject' was the said company 'Blizzard', later in the sentence it is stated the word 'They' as there were no other 'subjects' in the sentence, 'They' is referring to the said company.
Its simple to understand that sentence tho. The 'player' wasnt even mentioned in that sentence/phrase. ^.^
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for LOL buying skins etc is the only way the company earns money, so as I can afford it I spend some money on RP (and consequently on skins). I consider it just a fair pay for my entertainment.
On the other hand I would never buy item in paid game such as d3 and I dont play "free" games where I cant access some gameplay content unless I pay (inaccessible vanity stuff is ok).
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Doubt it. I wouldn't spend $1. I don't see why people would buy items, there's not much replay value other than playing again in a harder difficulty and you can beat them just fine on your own.
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i would pay a maximum of zero real money for diablo 3 items. i would gladly pay 250 gold for a useful item though
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Well, isn't buying a game the same as buying a piece of pixel, but in larger amounts?
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This is why I have completely ignored D3 and picked up a Torchlight 2 preorder instead. The fact that you're completely locked out of modding the game, the fact that the RMT auction house even affects drop-rates in world, the fact that it can't be paused, and if Blizzard's servers go down you're SOL for the duration... And the price difference! It boggles my mind that people actually put up with it when there are viable alternatives out there.
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D3 has issues, but TL2 simply won't compete with it. TL1 was a decent game, but it was missing something. I don't consider TL2 to be remotely viable as a reasonable alternative. Grim Dawn, on the other hand.....
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TL1 was far from decent. But I guess that it depends on what you consider decent. It has no story, only 3 characters with few skills, enemies that change only every 5 floors or so, backgrounds that change every 5 floors or so, the fact that you just keep going deeper and deeper in the same dungeon, easy enemies and bosses, etc.
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I just finished it a few days ago, and it certainly had a story. As much of one as D2 had, anyway. Plus, hundreds of mods, including collections of new classes, modified gameplay mechanics, new monsters, virtually anything you could want. I played it on very hard because it was rather easy, but there are even mods to fix that if you're so inclined. Based on everything I've seen TL2 will be more refined, but still just as open to modders.
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Yeah mods are nice but when you need mods to make the game decent its a sign that you did something wrong. The story is nonexistant, I wasn't comparing it to diablo's story, I'm just saying TL has none.
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Funny you say that, considering The Elder Scrolls games are some of the most heavily modded games out there. Just because the game can be modded or has been does not mean they did something wrong. The fact that developers allow users to make the game their own and create their own content is excellent and is something EVERY developer should do. Torchlight was not, by any stretch of the imagination, a horrible game. It was basic and and did its job. Providing a great ARPG game, with about as much depth as the original Diablo. Could it have been better, sure. But for 20 bucks, you got your monies worth and then some.
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Read again please. Yes, TES CAN be modded, but without mods the game is still good. TL1 without mods is dull and repetitive. You might have got your monies worth, me? Not by far. I can think of way better games for the same or even less money.
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Seeing as how Diablo and Torchlight are the same game made by the SAME PEOPLE, some people might get how they're pretty much the same.
3 classes: check
limited skills: check
Going deeper in the same dungeon: check
So... we're pretty much talking about the same generalized commonalities as if the people that made it went out to make a similar game on their own and oh wait... that's exactly what happened.
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Yes, it is similar to the first game. But you seem to be forgetting that the firs diablo was released on 1996, which is 13 years before TL1. Even if it is by the same devs, you'd think that after 13 years they would come up with something new instead of a cartoony version of diablo.
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Thoses are what I call major rip off games due to theft and scamming of other players and gold farming currency, it don't matter if it real and virtual "real" money currency should be outlaw in game's becuase only for the rich kids get all cool tools, powers or weapons where rest of us it is a real dis-advantage to us other players.
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Seriously, they're just using their money to avoid hard-work in-game because their time is more valuable to them than money. If money is more valuable to you than your time, you can leverage this fact to make money. Also, most people ("rich kids") who spend money on expensive things have to work hard to get that money, just like you.
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{<>.<>} might have to get this game just to sell items it can be my new night job.
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Some people pay $250 for time with a hooker and have nothing to show for it at the end, if they're lucky.
My father-in-law's golf clubs cost way more than $250.
I've spent double that amount on a handful of flying lessons.
So, Diablo 3 items aren't my bag, but if someone wants to pay money to do something they enjoy, I'm not going to judge them for it. It's really no different than someone spending $250 on Steam games.
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This. I wouldn't do it but why would I care if someone else does? Who am I to judge what people do with their own money.
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One is a pixel item and the others are a form of entertainment. Though I suppose you could lump the item in with entertainment, but the item itself does not provide entertainment without the actual product ie Diablo 3. Spending $250 on Steam games is far different than $250 on a single item. Same goes for hats. You're an idiot if you do, in my opinion.
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Ok: some people spend $1000+ on alloy wheels which are (mostly) useless without a car. I don't see the point, but the industry is worth millions. Go figure.
If the single item gives you the same enjoyment, it is functionally equivalent to $250 of games. I personally don't see that it could, but then I don't really get MMORPGs and wanton click-fests either.
Basically, I think it's a very dangerous game to start calling people idiots just because they enjoy different things from you, or because they pay extra for things with low intrinsic value. Is someone an "idiot" for paying 100s of thousands for a Ferrari? Is someone an "idiot" for buying an expensive Marantz hi-fi system? If the money is less valuable to them than the time they'd have to spend getting the jewel encrusted sceptre of granthor themselves, they're up on the deal.
Most importantly though, buying an in-game item for $250 may be an idiotic thing to do, in your opinion, but people who can afford to spend $250 on in-game items generally aren't idiots. ;)
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but people who can afford to spend $250 on in-game items generally aren't idiots. ;)
You'd be very surprised on the people who buy these items. Very surprised. A lot of them are people that make quite the salary while the other half are 12 year olds using mommy's card and actual poor people that disregard everything in their life.
It's not because they enjoy different things. I just find it a silly to buy item(s) for a video game when you could earn it yourself. I guess.. hmm what would the word be here maybe integrity? Nah that doesn't seem right.. pride? Sounds slightly better. I could be a billionaire and I still wouldn't buy an item in a video game. Simply because I feel like I should earn it by playing.
I can see why people buy items. Time earning money > Time spent playing. Still in my opinion you're an idiot if you do purchase it for real money.
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You'd be very surprised on the people who buy these items. Very surprised. A lot of them are people that make quite the salary while the other half are 12 year olds using mommy's card and actual poor people that disregard everything in their life.
Ah, now we agree, someone who spends money they can't afford on anything they don't need is an idiot. ;)
"I just find it a silly to buy item(s) for a video game when you could earn it yourself. I guess.. hmm what would the word be here maybe integrity? Nah that doesn't seem right.. pride? Sounds slightly better."
That seems to be the crux of the matter. Some people just want to jump on and be able to play and have the same game experience as others, but don't have the time to invest. They don't value the hard/laborious act of "earning" the item, they value the item itself, and how it can help them kill orcs/demons/skeletons etc.
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Wait wait, Blizzard gets 15%? Where the fuck does the rest of the money go? Or do you mean Blizzard earns 15% after expenses like server fees etc?
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wow...who the hell justs spends that on an ingame item...
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That's what I'm looking forward to when I get the game. Personally, I like the idea of the auction house. If someone is willing to shell out $250 for a tiger trading card for WoW, what's wrong with doing the same for a weapon in Diablo. It's their money, so if they feel they should have it, they have every right to pay what they want.
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10 Comments - Last post 16 minutes ago by Ezrile
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12 Comments - Last post 35 minutes ago by GladiatoPotato
Diablo 3's alternative auction house, where you can pay with actual money, launched today for North American players. Someone paid $250 for a high-level weapon. No, really.
Since Blizzard gets 15% of all transactions, that means they earned roughly 38 dollars for that one item.
The RMA is still "coming soon" for other regions such as Europe and various Asian countries.
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