Is there anything I can do to get it back?

11 years ago*

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It seems many were purchased with stolen credit cards.
Sorry buddy, you're shit outta luck.

Talk to the guy who traded with you, he may be an honest guy and didn't mean for it.
If not, report on StreamRep

11 years ago

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steamrep gives a shit about trades involving keys since some time.

11 years ago

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SteamRep wont do anything about it. The best he can do is leave negative rep on the other user's profile

11 years ago

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Steamrep immediately closes reports about keys and Humble Bundles to "reduce work load". Essentially it's a useless site for 90% of scams.

11 years ago

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"Haters Gonna Hate"

11 years ago

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non sequitur

11 years ago

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"non sequiter"

You misspelled that by the way...

11 years ago

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You are correct

11 years ago

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Oh, you're only half an asshole! I like this half better.

11 years ago

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sigh. If you really think I'm an asshole, I wish you luck dealing with the rest of the internet. Plus you admit down there that you only posted to be a dick, so I'm not sure who the asshole is...

11 years ago

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Relax, I'm sure you're a great and wonderful person. I have to take off, but I'm sure you've managed to find my contact info while scouring for breadcrumbs I've left behind.

Have a beautiful day!

11 years ago

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I hope you enjoy all the pizzas I just had delivered to your house :P

11 years ago

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No. Don't trade for impossibly cheap bundles. They were obtained with credit card fraud.

Turkish TF2 key scam is the new Nigerian 411 scam.

11 years ago

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Buy the bundle yourself or avoid people who sell them for less than their value.

11 years ago

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Well, you got a point, but I can't get this game with paypal this month, S= so I'll have to trade it anyways.

11 years ago

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Some people (like me) just trade the bundles for their equivalent in tf2 keys, you just have to be careful to the people who sells for clearly less.

11 years ago

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yeah, I trade (if I trade for them) the price or a just bit higher, what would you ask for this WB humble bundle, not trying to trade here, just asking what you should ask if you're buying/selling it

11 years ago

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Well I just consider the keys value as 1,85$ each, and then do the maths...usually I don't ask more than a ref or a card of the price it costs me, but since I always have enough money and never enough keys, it's fine even if the value is equal.

11 years ago

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Believe it or not, I bought Nordic bundle myself and it still got revoked.

11 years ago

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How did that happen?

11 years ago

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I really dont know, I was about to open my Nordic bundle to get the Neigbours from Hell key but it wont open. The url says "Unknown key". I contacted the support about it but I still havent got a reply.

11 years ago

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That's a first :O

11 years ago

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More people have this issue, I have the same thing

11 years ago

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Mine is fine, I have always paid with paypal and cc...

11 years ago

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woa...luckily mine is still there

11 years ago

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I bought a gift copy of the Origin bundle using my own CC on a different email and it doesn't work either. My paypal purchases are fine though.

11 years ago

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Seeing BTA bundles offered for 1 TF2 key I am not surprised that some got revoked ;)

11 years ago

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At this rate, this forum is going to be a "My BTA Humble Bundle that I got trading 1 key for got revoked" support forum.

11 years ago

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it'll prolly get worse when the bonus games hit. a bunch of 'wheres mah bonus gamesss!!!' threads inc XD

11 years ago

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People's inability to contact the right support system is appalling

11 years ago

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Your best bet is to contact the trader and hope he had a change of heart and give you a bundle that wont be refunded, leave him a neg rep on steamtrades warning other traders, or make a report on steam rep but I heard they don't deal with keys

11 years ago

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Read this

it is scam. You wanted to save one dollar or so, and now you have nothing.

11 years ago

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This is why i traded with someone over 100 rep.

11 years ago

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there was a guy who had more than 100 reps and still did this hib scam to some people. So that's not valid. Anyone can start scamming, some have that intention on the first place, another have some sort of trigger and decides to start scamming.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

11 years ago

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Well I think the people who replied to this post might have just thought the guy they were trading with had that much rep... anyone can link a profile to you in chat and rename their steam name to match said profile. I doubt anyone who is confirmed to be that person with those 50+ rep will scam you.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

11 years ago

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Go here and check out some of the profiles people are linking. Some of these Humble Bundle traders have hundreds of rep, all within the last month from trading the bundles. These are not impersonators.

11 years ago

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no problem for the scammer, sell 100 fraudulent humble bundles then they'll have 100 rep, by the time the keys get revoked, they'll be long gone.

11 years ago

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The old adage applies here:

If something looks too good to be true, it probably is...

11 years ago

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The Humble bundle isn't cheap enough for some people.... Lolz, Hib is almost giving em for free....

Apart from Chupong they should be ashamed!!

11 years ago

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This is everywhere.. My activity log is filled with PSAs about this.

  1. It's probably blown way out of proportion.
  2. This isn't anything NEW. Not at all. Why all the fuss now?
  3. Please use some fucking sense when you trade with complete strangers.
  4. Rep is shit. It's not? Yes it is. Everyone has the potential of taking advantage of you and robbing you blind.
  5. Mommy warned you about taking candy from strangers, right?
  6. Finally, to everyone who state they have no way of buying their own bundles because HB doesn't accept this piece of shit method or that piece of shit method. They clearly state on the bottom right, "OR BUY WITH BITCOIN!" That's that.

Have a good day.

11 years ago

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1)It is NOT blown out of proportion. There are literally thousands of these fraudulently bought bundles out there.

2)This is new. The credit card option was added recently, about 2 months ago IIRC. As Humble Bundle could not deal with this instantly, the reports started trickling in a month ago. Now that they are aware, and coming up with ways to deal with it, they are being revoked sooner, therefore causing more reports.


4)The rep system does need a major overhaul, but for now, can still be used somewhat effectively.

5)That's kinda pointless to say.

6)Not everyone can use bitcoin either.

11 years ago

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1 It is.
2 New for HB, not for trades being revoked after the fact. This is as old as serials.
5 No. You're wrong.
6 False.

11 years ago

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Alright, let's play your game. How many bundles do you want to be sold like this, before it is "Blown out of proportion"?

11 years ago

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Seriously, this will remedy itself. I'll stop being flippant for a moment and go at this honestly.
People will need to wait and allow enough time to pass for the bad purchases to be exposed. Otherwise, obtain the bundles directly from HB. When situations like this occur, the community finds or creates better methods of doing "whatever it is being done." Not with just this situation but life in general. "you've got to crack a few eggs."

HB is just the latest in an old, successful scam. Steam even has countermeasures against these types of crimes. Nothing is perfect, though, nor will it ever be.

Folks will simply need to use good, commonsense until this passes. Even after. It's but a drop of water in an ocean of problems. To be brutally honest, this doesn't have anything to do with me to give me any real cause for concern in the matter. Initially, I posted only to crack some wise. I just woke up and wanted to be a dick.

As for the other comment by, jatan, I found methods that better-suited me than posting ads on such a large site. I don't have the patience nor the character to deal with such a large amount of people. I wasn't "scammed." HaHa Believe and assume anything you want about me. That's your Prerogative. I've seen some of your other posts and can tell sometimes logic doesn't always dictate the path you choose. Fair enough?

11 years ago

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Hey I can do this too!
1) It is not.
2) You are dumb.
5) No. YOU are wrong.
6) Incorrect.

Hooray for not posting proof or backing up any of the statements! If only arguments in real life worked like this.

11 years ago

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I see I've obtained a new fan.

Are you some sort of fundamentalist? ....or something? Perhaps... something more nefarious?

Stalker comes to mind.

11 years ago

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Yup, I'm your biggest fan and stalker ;)

11 years ago

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I can tell that you've never traded before.

11 years ago

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Because I'm not plastered all over "steamtrades?"

11 years ago

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I should say that you're a very infrequent trader rather than never traded before. Based on your profile and your lack of posts on all of the trading sites I frequent. Either that or you got scammed the first time you traded to be this jaded.

11 years ago

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I saw a guy who got a non BTA for a few worthless cards and some others got BTAs for 1 or 2 keys.

Think about the senseless rationale behind this sort of trades and you will be fine.

Greed overcame your common sense. So now, suck it up and consider it a lesson learned.

11 years ago

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The big problem is that 90% of people don't actually care. They got the games redeemed on Steam, so it doesn't matter to them that the bundle purchase was fraudulent.

11 years ago

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Yeah, anyone with half a brain could figure out something was really wrong with Humble Bundles selling for so cheap.
I'm not going to lie, I don't feel sorry for them except for the few that traded 1:1
I still wish bad things upon the scammers but I don't care for the people that fell for the scam.

11 years ago

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Sucks but it seems like the bundle was bought off a stolen credit card. To be honest it's always better to buy the games you really want from the bundle from someone else. All I really wanted from the bundle was Arkham city so I bought it off some dude for two tour of duty tickets I had laying around from selling some of my old bundles. Seems like I paid alot but at the same time I knew the reason he was asking that much was so he can turn the bundle into profit and that showed the key was legit. Remember if it's too good to be true then it most like is.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by Doobiedoo23.