FAQ for launch. Post your questions below.

Release date: 13-14 April 2015 (Depending on your timezone)

April 14 at 12:00 AM BST (For GMT+8 countries, this will be 7:00 AM. In the US, this is Monday, April 13, at 7:00 PM ET, 4:00 PM PT.)

The game will be launched on Steam and Social Club at the same time.

When can we pre-load?

On April 7
Do note that there will be a day one patch to download the remaining data and for decryption.

System requirements

  • Minimum specifications:

OS: Windows 8.1 64 Bit, Windows 8 64 Bit, Windows 7 64 Bit Service Pack 1, Windows Vista 64 Bit Service Pack 2 (NVIDIA video card recommended if running Vista OS)
Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz (4 CPUs) / AMD Phenom 9850 Quad-Core Processor (4 CPUs) @ 2.5GHz
Memory: 4GB
Video Card: NVIDIA 9800 GT 1GB / AMD HD 4870 1GB (DX 10, 10.1, 11)
Sound Card: 100% DirectX 10 compatible
HDD Space: 65GB
DVD Drive

  • Recommended specifications:

OS: Windows 8.1 64 Bit, Windows 8 64 Bit, Windows 7 64 Bit Service Pack 1
Processor: Intel Core i5 3470 @ 3.2GHZ (4 CPUs) / AMD X8 FX-8350 @ 4GHZ (8 CPUs)
Memory: 8GB
Video Card: NVIDIA GTX 660 2GB / AMD HD7870 2GB
Sound Card: 100% DirectX 10 compatible
HDD Space: 65GB
DVD Drive

What is the difference between the Steam and Rockstar Games Social Club(RGSC) version?

  1. Steam version is downloaded from Steam, Social Club version from Rockstar directly.
  2. Steam servers are usually better equipped to handle the load as opposed to Rockstar which uses Digital River. FYI UPlay also uses Digital River so...
  3. However the Steam version needs both Steam and Social Club to work. It might also receive patches later but you get Gaben's blessing in return.

If I have the Steam version, can I play with my friends who have the RGSC version? (vice-versa)


Will it be a bad port?

GTX 660 or AMD 7870 (recommended specs) = 1080p/60FPS on high
GTX 760 or AMD equivalent? = 4K/30FPS
SLI / Crossfire = 4K/60FPS

Seems pretty reasonable and optimised to me. However I will reserve my judgement until the game is launched.

GTA Online is probably going to be broken on release though. Check out their statement.

"As always, we ask for the GTA PC community’s understanding and assistance in helping to report any concerns during the early days of launch when those inevitable initial teething issues arise on the new platform. If you do experience issues please visit Rockstar Games Support and send feedback to GTAOnline@rockstargames.com – we’ll be closely monitoring the situation and addressing any hitches as quickly as we can."

No surprises there...

Master race game trailer? (I kid, I kid.)

60 FPS PC trailer now up.

View attached image.
10 years ago*

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So it may run in my PC? That's unexpected.

10 years ago

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Yeah, I totally thought I need new GPU (current HD6870) for even minimum.
But how well it runs is different matter (see case, GTA IV)

10 years ago

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Considering that it was released first on very old consoles, older PCs should be able to run it without much of a problem on low.

10 years ago

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Honestly I was expecting dat shit to happen, at least the requirements are okay for me.

Max Payne 3 required a more powerful PC i7, GTX 680 or Radeon HD 7970, than GTA V.

HDD 65Gb, lel, dat gonna take a lot of time to download.

10 years ago

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What?! I had ~45fps on Geforce GTS250 (DX10 card), 1920x1080 medium-high settings in Max Payne 3.
But 65GB... i think 2 weeks for download.

10 years ago

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buy disc version?

10 years ago

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Disk version 50-60€(they could put more like on consoles, but Internet price competence doesn't allow them) :( + you need a DVD reader.

10 years ago

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I guess it will be same price for digital too.

Retail keys don't register on steam/other service, so those unauthorized dealers /w keys from boxed copies won't really help.

10 years ago

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Nope, I always found games cheaper even from official resellers than the 5-10€ cheaper physical copy.

Also I don't understand what you mean by "Retail keys don't register on steam/other service", Steamworks games actually do come with a Steam key, unless the store scammed you or the game is very old.

10 years ago

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GTA V isn't Steamworks game.

Edit: To be clear it registers on Rockstar Social Club, but they don't offer online downloads like Steam/uPlay/Origin. Also always DVD requirement on previous games, not confirmed on GTA V.

10 years ago

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Will be ultra stupid from their part if won't be Steamworks, let's hope it will.

10 years ago

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It's confirmed on that page.

Other requirements: Installation and online play requires log-in to Rockstar Games Social Club (13+) network [..] registration is limited to one Rockstar Games Social Club Account (13+) per serial code

It does have Steam Achievements thought for those who buy Steam version.

10 years ago

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I hope sites like GMG, Nuuvem, etc will sell Steam keys, I don't want it outside of Steam :/

edit: I got it for 30€(value in tf2 keys) anyways, Steam version.

10 years ago*

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already pre ordered it for 30 $ and a few cents. it will be on steam
its 99% region locked and they arent sure about the language restrictions in the game, but it shouldnt be a problem to switch languages manually. we´ll see

10 years ago

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Are you sayig that ifI can run max Payne I will be able to run this?

10 years ago

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Nope. MP3 listed machines tested on, in addition to traditional specs.
Basically they listed "yeah it works on this top of line machine".

Recommended specs were much lower.


10 years ago

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Those requirement DEFINENTLY show that Rockstar is a FANTASTIC developer!
The minimum specifications are incedible for such a big game as this!

I will certainly be able to run it :D

I was worried i wouldn't be able to, but no worries anymore!

10 years ago

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Man, keep in mind the GTA IV "performance" fiasco at day one...

But, odds are, they learned something with MaxPayne port, that was great...

10 years ago

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Day one? It still runs like shit.

10 years ago

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System requirements say absolutely nothing, I don't even know why people are so desperate to get a look at them. Look at GTA 4 for example, you can pretty much forget about playing that game even with a system way better than the listed requirements. I had a brand new, very good system myself back when it was released and it was a choppy mess despite being way above requirements. Then look at Dishonored, which can be played perfectly fine on high settings with a system below min requirements. And that's how it works for most games.

I definitely hope the requirements are for real (which would mean high/max settings for me since I'm above recommended in all categories), but I'd be careful - especially when the requirements come from the devs of GTA 4.

10 years ago

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Wow very spec, such optimization, many hipe

10 years ago

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65GB, gg my online gaming will be rekt for a week

10 years ago

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My 5 years old DX10 card is happy now :)

10 years ago

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My interest of GTA 5 its smaller and smaller. Too bad i already pre-order it.

10 years ago

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thanks for the heads up op!

10 years ago

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Is specs for low 480p24 (such cinematic) or what? plz tell. seriously. :P

10 years ago

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Probably X360 and PS3 quality, so 720p(?) 16-28fps.

10 years ago

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They killed my hype.

Seriously, how can you delay a game 2 weeks before its release?

10 years ago

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It happend with GTA IV too, specs + delay. That's how Rockstar rocks.

10 years ago

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Aww, it got delayed again. To be expected though.

The systems specs are such a wide range which is awesome. I'm on the upper side of those specs though :).

10 years ago

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Any delay should thrill us. It shows that Rockstar actually cares about putting out a decent PC port. This is much better than if they just threw it out half-baked like the GTA IV port. Of course, a delay could mean it's a hot mess that is barely fixable, but let's hope it's awesome.

10 years ago

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We will get this game in fucking late 2099.

10 years ago

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I'll never support Fuckstar's "console first, then maybe PC" attitude. They can delay their shitty game as much as they want.

10 years ago

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Agree. Let's burn these filthy consoles!

10 years ago

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But I have a console myself :(

Am I part of the problem?

10 years ago

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Nah, you aren't. The video games companies are. :P

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

10 years ago

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I'm sure they just want to maximize sales of the current gen one before they release the PC version. Plus, the more they jerk around the PC customers, the more they can blame the poor response on "pirates".

10 years ago

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The delays don't make me suspicious of their ability to produce a PC game, the fact they're Rockstar does. Remember GTA IV? Remember how that ran on PC? Yeah.

Personally, disappointing though it is to have to wait longer, I welcome the delays. The longer it's delayed, the longer they work on it. The longer they work on it, the better the chance it won't be a piece of shit.

    HDD Space: 65GB

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, that's a big download. There goes my bandwidth cap for March.

10 years ago

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people still have limited bandwidth?

10 years ago

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I live in a third world country (?!?!) and don't have limited bandwidth AFAIK...

Well, let's discover if i have in march... (GTAV delayed AGAIN?! AAAWWWWWW... STAHHP making me remember that!!! =/)

10 years ago

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I live in Canada, and yes, people here still have limited bandwidth.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

10 years ago

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My bandwidth cap is 3gb

10 years ago

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Was really looking forward to getting this game. But now I'm going to wait on a PC report. If they delayed it for polishing and it still has bugs and has problems no way am I going to give them my money.

10 years ago

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I totally wouldn't mind if it was March 2024...

10 years ago

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Ha! March! My birthday Bit****! Time to start dropping subtle hints around the house! WIN!

10 years ago

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and gta 5 pc delay was announced right on my birthday >.>

10 years ago

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If it performs like the specifications say then it might just be GOTY 2015 too...

10 years ago

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GOTY 2013,2014 and 2015 makes sense :P

10 years ago

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Now I'm sure I will not buy this delay simulator. Rock simulator looks much better.

10 years ago

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Hype! 65 gb is not a problem for me!

10 years ago

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While I am disappointed in the delay, it will give me time to play Resident Evil HD, Dying Light, and Heroes M&M 3 HD.

10 years ago

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You can't play enough Heroes M&M 3 HD :D

10 years ago

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Oh, good to know the minimum specs are not that high.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

10 years ago

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