A lot of traders appeared at Steamtrades offering Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag ROW Steam or UPlay Version(you can choose which one at the gift url) for 10 TF2 Keys, some of them are willing to trade it for 8TF2 Keys(~$18).

All those keys were bought at the Humble Store, but there AC4 is $59.99.

I discovered it is happening not only with AC4, but with ALL Games sold at Humble Store, some people are offering them far below the store price.

If someone got one key from these traders, could tell us if it got revoked after?

Do you guys think it may be another credit card fraud wave happening like the one with the Humble Bundles? Or maybe there were some sale days before?

Update: I saw this thread at ST and it pretty much explain everything:

11 years ago*

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Hmm... All I know is that Uplay had a pricing error a while ago in certain countries... $1.50 for it.

11 years ago

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^ that.

11 years ago

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It wasn't steam version :P

11 years ago

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And it was locked to the Russian language.

11 years ago

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Not true.

11 years ago

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No idea about the cheapness of the Steam version, but the Uplay version was free with nVidia GPU's, along with Splinter Cell Blacklist Deluxe (uPlay) and Arkham Origins. You can know the uPlay nVidia version from a faulty uPlay key version from the very fact that the nVidia version will be a promo code for a 100% discount, and not a CD-Key for direct activation.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

11 years ago

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Yeah im beginning to think so. Talked with a few traders and each one had a different story, one said he had friends inside Humble Store, other that he had received as a gift from a friend, other one told he had traded it for another game and another just deleted me after I asked, but none are saying that had bought the game himself at the store.

11 years ago

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so all of them was cover stories?

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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i didn't hear of this... when did that happen?

11 years ago

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It always happened, but some guys researched and posted about this scheme here last bundle. Ppl were selling HIB BTA far below the store minimum price.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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I cannot even find the AC 4 in humble store at all...

11 years ago

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Congratulations and welcome to another reason the Humble Store sucks. Regional restrictions!

11 years ago

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I don't recall if AC4 was one of the games but as they are adding games to the store most of them are 50 to 75% off the first day they are on there.

11 years ago

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and they remains on storefront. But I think AC series is not available on humble store at all.Or Am I wrong?

11 years ago

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they are, i just found it. But I saw some ppl at ST saying they could not find it, not available to all regions maybe?

11 years ago

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Humble store has region restricted titles?

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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This is getting ridiculous.

11 years ago

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Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag is offered with a video card i believe.

11 years ago

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But be aware, there is somethhing with the RoW keys going on, called Bulk Reseller. You can watch this in the Dota 2 trading community, where Russians, Ukrains and other ppl from Eastern Europe offer 20-30 treasure keys for certain items. They get these keys for around 0.20€ a key, when we have to pay 2€ a key. I had a chat with a trader from Poland who offered me 100 keys for 30€. He showed me screenshots of shopping site where you get those keys for Dota 2 treasure chests for around 0.20€. Thhose ppls ripp off the gamers with those cheap keys for items that are worth around 100-400€ and they give you 50 keys they self only paied 10€ for.

RoW keys for games is very similar when you get bulk discounts and other price discounts. I got a Borderlands 2 RoW and Season Pass RoW key for 25€ on release day and the game still works. So there is a 50:50 chance that its cc fraud or legal retailer keys.

11 years ago

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Sounds BS.

Also there is no such thing as bulk discount for keys. Authorized sites like GreenManGaming, Amazon, etc doesn't buy keys or have any stock like with physical goods (DVD-versions) and they have to sell at agreed price.

11 years ago

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Than you have no idea about the Eastern European market for CD keys and virtual goods. I myself did some bulk reselling for some time with Diablo 3 items in Hungary, 30 unidentified Skorn for Barbarians for 1€ was a usual price. I bought 3000 Skorn and sold them for 10€ a 10 pack of unidentified Skorn. The key market for Dota 2 is the same procedure, since there are no region locks for this item and you get them in Russia for 0.20$ a key. When you take a look into the Russian software prices for games, you wanna cry about what those games cost there compared to Western markets.

Actually you get a Russian BF4 key with China Rising preorder key for 28€ (Digital Deluxe currently at 32€), on another site I saw it for 22€ actually. And this key works (As by now) on Origin and you can play it in Englisch.

AC4 keys for Steam are currently sold for around 25€ on many webstores. So don't come with normal retailers like Amazon or GreenMan, Amazon indeed gets a huge discount on selling keys, its usual buisness to give discounts when a critical amount of goods (Virtual or physical doesn't matter) are sold.

11 years ago

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DOTA and TF Keys are at almost same price everywhere (used to be cheaper), so you can't get keys at 0.2$ legally and make profit.

Most unauthorized sell just keys scanned from box. Digital good (software, games) aren't sold like physical, but retailers pay certain percentage of each sale to publisher. Any unsold keys are not paid and smaller shops don't usually recieve keys before sale, but get API to request keys after sale, so there won't be "undercounter" sales under set prices.

11 years ago

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Except you know, you can agree to buy up a large number of keys from the dev/publisher and get a rather series discount.
Certain people at hookups do that all the time.
"Hi, Bethesda, Id like to buy 250 preorder keys of Fallout 4."
-Sure, that will be 20 USD per key.

Of course, I dont think they accept credit card or paypal ha.

11 years ago

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yeah im thinking theyd accept with a few more digits on the total bought :)

11 years ago

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AC4 is available at the Humble Store, but not for all regions, probably something related to publisher/territory restrictions.
It costs $59.99.
AC4 gift URL from Humble Store, 10 TF2 keys? ~$20-25
How can those people buy it for less than it costs? Pricing error or fraud?
It it's too good to be true, it is.

11 years ago

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Pls stop to making post with "Humble Store Credit Card Fraud" as a Topic... Really, all the time I think that is something with they website but is not... come on... Be more specific with your topics pls, a lot of people here are buying games there and this kind of notice is scary.

11 years ago

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It is a very accurate topic description. If you choose not to read the OP and get frightened - well that's your own fault isn't it?

11 years ago

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Agreed, the OP's posts make it sound as if Humble Store/Humble Bundle are committing the credit card fraud.
To the OP, you should intelligently reword your thread titles.
Maybe something like "Users committing CC fraud at Humble Store/Humble Bundle".

11 years ago

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Thanks, that's what i'm talking about.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Credit card fraud is credit card fraud. It's not Humble Store Credit Card Fraud. Steam gets the same credit card fraudsters.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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From 26th last month to 26th this month, NVidia offers buyers who purchase GTX 760 GTX770 GTX Titan and also 780 I believe a free coupon to redeem batman arkham origins, splintercell blacklist and ac 4. Since some people don't want to play these games, they sell these coupon for pretty low price. Like 15bucks for splintercell or 15 bucks for AC4 (I don't know the exact price for trade but it is something like that). Not all cheap AC 4 are illegally bought.

11 years ago

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We are talking about steam version bought at humble store. Nvidia codes are uplay only.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by edchaos.