12 years ago*

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12 years ago

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how original

12 years ago

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Thats what they want you to think.

12 years ago

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More original than the question.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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That is the ultimate answer to life, universe and everything.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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42 Is only the answer assuming that "What is the meaning of life?" is the question, the ultimate question could be 21x2, we could always ask "what is the meaning of life?" but who has the time?

12 years ago

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Being happy, happily married and oh wait, nevermind. 42

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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The meaning of life is to be happy and spread happiness to everyone around you.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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the meaning of life is to be a clown?

12 years ago

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Clowns aren't happy.

12 years ago

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clowns are scarry

12 years ago

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I'm a clown and I find this racist

12 years ago

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I find you creepy then :-P.

12 years ago

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clowns can call each other scary

12 years ago

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Maybe like Ronald McDonald?

12 years ago

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He's fun. He makes kids fat.

12 years ago

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Heard a joke once: Man goes into doctor. Says he's depressed. Says life seems harsh and cruel. Says he feels all alone in a threatening world where what lies ahead is vague and uncertain. Doctor says "Treatment is simple. Great clown Pagliacci is in town tonight. Go and see him. That should pick you up." Man bursts into tears. Says "But, Doctor...I am Pagliacci." Good joke. Everybody laugh. Roll on snare drum. Curtains.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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The cake is a lie

12 years ago

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I"ve seen it with my own eyes!
I Even had a bite.

12 years ago

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YOU DEFILED THE HOLY CAKE?! that thing is almost unfindable for a reason good sir!

12 years ago

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:O o_O
but but how?

12 years ago

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:O o_O
but but how?

12 years ago

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:O o_O but but how?

12 years ago

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What is the meaning of life? R: Love?

Is there once life on Mars? R: Maybe

12 years ago

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the meaning of life(of these days)is to try hard to acomplish something so she can rape you/take everything when you're most happy ^^

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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The meaning of life is finding the meaning of life.

You can only find the meaning of life if you already know what the meaning of life is.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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The meaning of life is to live it.

Nothing more or less. No heaven or hell.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Nope, it's 42

12 years ago

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42 is answer to ultimate question, not meaning of life

12 years ago

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Cracking a beer open while watching TV

12 years ago

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You're here and you don't know?! To win games!

12 years ago

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depends on your perspective and definition...

"life" is hard to define really. the basic building blocks and even simple amino acid chains (like the ones that your body is made of and reactions of which make you, well, be alive) all exist in space and on other worlds. some life could be methane based (in theory) or even silicone (in theory). star trek even went so far as to question if things with crystalline structures could be alive. it's all how you look at it.

now, as for meaning... you can simply say that "life" is a byproduct of chemical reactions and after millions of years of these reactions, they get more and more complicated forming stuff like us. or you could look at it to be more meaningful, like "what's the point of being alive" and that's a bit more tailored to you as an individual. personally, I like the idea of life as the idea of the universe's attempt to understand itself. and I'd go further to say it not only does that, but tries to escape the bonds of that universe and master the womb in which it was created.

others would say it's toil and hard work. some might say it's love and the pursuit of peace. or those with black nail polish might say the point of life is death (the duality of it).

but for me, it's just about understanding and the complicated growth. it's the opposite of entropy. it is the universe building order out of disorder. so yeah, that's it to me. >)

as for mars... well, yeah, sure! why not? it once had flowing water. probably once had a better atmosphere. and it has most of the things you really need to get started with it. all those amino acid chains can be manufactured in space, then rain back down onto the planets so getting stuff seeded isn't really a problem. I think if mars had a moon like ours it might have had a better shot in the long run. but mars isn't the only hot spot for possible living activity in our back yard! look at places like titan or europa and hell, even venus may have been able at one point early on. then look at earth... we find life EVERYWHERE! can't get rid of the damn stuff! even in the most harsh conditions we can conceive, there's little buggers running around. so there may be more life out in the cosmos than we might think!

of course... this doesn't count the fact that WE are waltzing about these places, dropping our bacterias and whatnot all around... so heck, we might be seeding other worlds without knowing it!

12 years ago

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you are eligable for our new steam philosophical group!

12 years ago

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lol ty

12 years ago

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Mars is now uninhabitable because it has no Magnetic field to protect it from sun rays. Unless we live underground but who'd want to do that on such a beautiful planet!? Also there is a planet I think called Kepler that is very inhabitable and may have life that seems similar to Earth, the position that it is lined up is as perfect as where Earth is positioned, not too deep in the sun and not too far from it. Only problem is, it's 600 light years away.

12 years ago

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right on sir! there are some pockets of magnetic fields on mars, but they're like little tiny bubbles on the surface... definitely no help there! you could try beefing up some greenhouse gasses like co2 and ozone which would warm up the planet good... but that's 1-very difficult to do, though we have the tech (just look at earth! bazzing!), 2-unpredictable cause if you do it wrong, then you have venus, and 3-the lack of a strong all encompassing electromagnetic field would mean it would just get zapped back off by the sun... stupid sun...

so yeah, living like moles it is! Kepler sounds amazing! 600 is pretty far, though I'm sure we'll have some kind of better tech in a few centuries, so maybe that's not so bad. well... if we're still around that is. it's kinda warm there though, but nothing that some little buggers couldn't figure out how to deal with.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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under that definition, a simple program or robot can be alive. it's not exactly that easy to pin down. when I was in school, the definition for "life" was radically different than that. so that said, sure, it's a good definition, but don't put a lot of stock in it... it's a good starting point but there may be more variations and processes that are alive that exceed beyond the scope of those biological processes mentioned in the wiki.

12 years ago

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To be honest, i often think of it. Why do we have to go through the education system and then to work . Why are we saving up money . What are we waiting for? What are we preparing for ?
Is the meaning of life preparing for the generations to come?
i dunno lol

12 years ago

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So you have... No clue?

12 years ago

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its preparing for DEATH

you want to know the purpose of life then do some research on all fields of science & religion. Einstien said that science without religion is blind & religion wothout science is lame. Try finding out why he said that.

12 years ago

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making yourself as comfortable as possible (AKA getting a shitload of cash)

12 years ago

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To hug a giraffe.

12 years ago

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now my life is complete

12 years ago

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Thanks for Skyrim!

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 month ago.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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The answer is 42

12 years ago

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"Try and be nice to people, avoid eating fat, read a good book every now and then, get some walking in, and try and live together in peace and harmony with people of all creeds and nations."

12 years ago

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but... that sounds so BORING (joke :P)

12 years ago

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monty python?

12 years ago

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Fucking bingo! I'm glad somebody got it.

12 years ago

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welcome to internet.

12 years ago

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Well I study philosophy and I haven't figured it out yet.

I follow Nietzsche's ideas, for anyone that are not aware of these, Nietzsche believed that you have to fully experience the world, in that you fully embrace everything that happens to you. The moments of euphoria and the moments of sorrow are all part of your life and you have to be comfortable with the thought that this may be your only life.

This was a tl;dr and it was still too short to exlain it.

12 years ago

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There is no meaning of life. You die, your body returns to the soil, plants grow from that soil, they get eaten by an animals, other people eat the animals, and then the cycle repeats.

12 years ago

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reality is quite depressing, isn't it?

12 years ago

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I am happy with it.

12 years ago

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you said it in the most depressing way that exist.
actually its quite amazing.

12 years ago

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my god! this hamburger is made of people?!

12 years ago

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"If the whole universe has no meaning, we should never have found out that it has no meaning: just as, if there were no light in the universe and therefore no creatures with eyes, we should never know it was dark. Dark would be without meaning."

C.S. Lewis

12 years ago

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And after a long time has passed, the earth gets destroyed and that's it.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by Robot3RK.