Oi. Better than disagreeing and thus trying to blow them up by way of suicide bombers.
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Of course I know it's not the focus of the thread. But if it's not the focus of the thread then why did you respond with "wow more deaths in a long period of time as opposed to 2 planes going boom in the span of half an hr
how surprising"
Which both acknowledges the issue and responds to it. MY POINT was that if it's not the focus of the discussion, why are YOU discussing it. Reading comprehension: it's a good thing.
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Also, I have been to a strip club before and I had a good time. Wouldn't go again though, but if you think it's an awkward topic of conversation, then you probably just need to interact with more naked females.
I wouldn't call strip clubs sexist either. Most of the girls working there are doing so by their own free will, and if you really want to help them then go to the club and support them so they can feed their children or something :)
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Actually I'd almost seriously give your advice to the OP or anyone else with the same feelings about strip clubs. Don't necessarily go to throw money at them, but go and get to know them. I don't care for strip clubs either but thanks to some friends who've taken me I've gotten to know some of the women that work at them, dated a stripper, and become friends with some. They're not poor victims of society or poverty. Any of them who've worked there for more than a couple of weeks know it's a game and they're playing every guy who walks in like he has a controller in his pants.
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Mezza is one of the best trolls I have ever met. Kudos to you!
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Have you ever been in a relationship before? Please answer. If no, then you shouldn't even try to comprehend women because you know nothing.
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Oh dear, this calls for the lolicomicon.
Gather everyone around and preach to them the holy loli. The women they are about to see are far too old and far too busty. Let's not even mention how threedimensional they are.
This is a massive fucking issue and we need to fix this straight away.
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go back to eating your fucking pocky, seriously try harder next time. I'm not shitposting in chat with u le funy joks xDDDDD, goddamn. I'm trying to have a discussion, even though half the community here is basically fucking scum and doesnt know how to think beyond a high school level.
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IF you grew up with a strong Christian background than why are you responding to someone like this. So it's ok for you toy judge people. Than you also use Gods name in vain. If you want to have a proper discussion maybe you shouldn't reply to people who are just making jokes about the whole deal.
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Those Roommates of yours sound scummish :/
Treating a woman like that isn't right, they're people just like all the rest of us.
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I'm not trying to white knight or anything but yeah, sexual excitement is 1 thing but making it into the focal point of everything is incredibly rude. How come men never get this sort of incredibly biased push against them? before you say male strippers or chippendale dancers or girls objectifying men with some sort of godlike figure or whatever just realize that men are given the power to control when in a sexual relationhsip, the girl is forced to receive. not physical rape in any way but there are heavy psychological repercussions from turning women into objects.
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mfw strippers make money off of their body using their sexuality and OP's all like "stop objectfying women ur sexist watching nekkid women is gross eww hurrdurr" while being a self righteous christian and being ok with women selling their body.
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mfw you imply ">" have something to do with 9fag.
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You cant force them to grow out of it, it's something that they will eventually do themselves.
And for the rest of it, basically you have roommates that want to go to strip club and you don't want to or you don't want them to go? Things that they'r saying to me sounds like just some insecurity from the ones that never went to strip club (maybe even never seen a nude women live) and the ones that have already been there. Their going to a strip club isn't some terrible thing, those girls probably aren't really forced to be there and certainly aren't hookers, girls will dance, guys will watch them and enjoy, there is a chance that even girls will enjoy themselves unless some of the guys start calling them hookers but then he will be sorry when the bouncers tap on his shoulder. You know that there are male strip clubs where girls go to watch guys and that there is a pretty good chance that your roommates would see more nude girls on Rio's carnival
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"I grew up with a strong christian background" fuck it, I'm out...
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Tell them to read some value books, like "Clockwork Orange" or "Brave New World" and ask them if they want to live in such world. If they have any brains, that can help.
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Jesus was gay, bro. I thought this was a widely accepted fact.
Just think about it for a second. Twelve disciples. All men (well, at the time only men had the social status to become someone's disciple, whether they are bullshitting or not). Very close 'friends'.
Also, Jesus was real, I just don't believe he was supernatural in any way.
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"But my teachers won't let me use it because they want me to learn how to do real research instead of just googling everything, so everything there must be totally unreliable! LOL"
Yeah, it's always fun when someone outs themselves by trying to imply that anything from Wikipedia must necessarily be inaccurate.
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What the hell does religion have to do with anything you just said? If ya want to reach them, certainly don't bring that up.
Besides, it's not really your job to try to change the world one young man at a time. Your involvement can be as little as "No, thank you, I'm not interested. I find strip clubs a means of perpetuating discrimination against women," and tra la la to your room (as you did, yes I read every word of your post).
edit My personal views is: who gives a shit? The women aren't chained to cages and told to dance for a pittance-worth of food. They're there willingly and men like boobies.
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You know how they say, support single moms!
Okay, (bad) jokes aside, common opinion is that women HAVE to do this sort of job. And it's wrong. Women (most of them) do it because they want to. Sure, it's not pretty (well, for them!) but it's a job nevertheless. And it's a well paid job so they make their choices with certain mindset - they know what are they doing and they know they want to do it.
As far as those guys go, who cares? You don't want to see boobs? I understand and I support you. I don't drink and many people frown at me. And I certainly don't want to go to titties bar. It's not my thing and, judging by your post, your neither.
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"What can I do to convince them to grow out of this frat boy attitude and how can i get them to realize how mysoginist they're being?"
the answer to that is simple... you have to destroy thyis reality, and build another one, totally customized by you.
oh, or you can move to the CLAMP multiverse, eveyone is nice and polite (and homosexual) in there.
well, as last resource you can kidnap them, and torture them, that may work, but is ilegal in almost every country.
if none of those options works, you always can DEAL WITH IT and move on.
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96 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Kappaking
holy fuck some of you are properly pathetic. sort of amazing to see the dichotomy of fucking deluded white knights and machismo-driven idiots, especially the guys who are questioning gender in this thread as if that will change if the fairly evident ignorance is more acceptable or not. The most amazing part is the legitimate amount of vitriol this actually attracted. Seriously, the moment you throw christianity on it you get guys trying to base that as a reason to put a person down? check that privilege broskis
why do you have to be so mad
why dont you go play some video games instead of sitting here looking to leech free things
whatever happened to being friends
i hope you have a wonderful day
stay free guys
also GI joe looks like shit, it's pretty obvious the studios think so because of the delay.
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