I don't think that there's a way to revert this. Even if you try really, really hard, those nutjobs won't get the meaning of having a ... let's say... "etiquette" (don't even know if I wrote it right lol). You might fell disgusted and isolated, but that's perfectly normal and will always be, so there might not be a way to stop this "dumbasseness", mate. It comes with some people... It's like in their DNA, being a "bad boy" with habits that makes them think that they look cooler, like drinking like an Opala, smoking more than a steamboat and treating all the women like whores just because of their profession... Sowwy, but that's the way life is :c
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If u are good at poker I have to solution for you. Play poker with them for money. Take their money. If they still talk about the strip club then offer them a chance to get the money back but this this time they have to pay with their clothes. Take their clothes also. If they still talk about the strip club then well there is no solution for you, but you can always tell them that now that you have their money and clothes you have other plans but they can happy go to the strip club without money and well naked :D .
I'm joking btw. :)
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I don't know how you can convince your roommates to change their views and values of women, but it's nice to know that people like you exist. People who actually know what the word 'misogyny' means. Respect is important, any gender. Sexism is crap, sadly it's everywhere. It's what society feeds us every day. Oh well, hang in there. :)
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I use to go to strip clubs a lot when I was younger but finally got tired of blowing money on something with not much return. We use to go to one in town where we could get a bottomless beer mug for $20. Cheap to drink and scenery to enjoy. Most of the dancers I talked to were actually intelligent and enjoyed their job. They took the job because it makes really good money.
I'm a follower of Christ but I'm not here to judge people just like you shouldn't be. It's not our place to do so. If you grew up with a strong Christian background you would know this. From the way it sounds you and your friends are still pretty young and as you get older they may grow out of it.
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I like the fact that you actually talked to the women and saw them as people in addition to their job. I wish more men (and Christians) were like you. The world would be a lot better place. Can you give classes on how to be classy? That would be great. :D
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I'm not sure if you're trying to be sarcastic or not but back when I was going to strip clubs I wasn't a Christian. I never said I was classy because I talked to them either. I'm just a talkative person and love meeting new people.
Even being a Christian now doesn't mean I'll never go to a strip club again. I'm not a perfect person and never will be. I still curse, get drunk, break things in anger, watch porn, and other things that are considered sins. I'll never push my beliefs on other people as I never liked people doing it to me. I just found that following God has done better things for my life.
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Even though I agree with you there's not much you can do. People will do what they want to do regardless of anyone else. All you'll be doing is trying to put out a forest fire with a single bucket. Let them be. I've always had the thought of never push your ideas onto someone else (not talking about religion either, just ideas in general). If they want to do so, let them, they know the consequences, and the same goes for the strippers. They know what was going to happen before they took the job so they accepted that. Today's society really sucks and I know that. I lost hope on it already and I don't give a fuck anymore. If they are leading themselves to oblivion, fine by me, just don't drag me to your stupidity. I suggest you do the same. Just to clarify, Key word: suggestion. You may or may not take it. That's just the way I think.
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calls society misogynist
has strong christian background
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Well, I understand what you're saying, in school I normally heard my friends and colleagues saying "Damn look at dat ass! Hnnnnng". And I'm like "Okay and??? Who cares about an ass or tits when what's important is personality and intelligence. Because if I want to look and talk to girl it's because I like her and not because of her looks".
Also, I'm an atheist but my parents taught me well ;) Just do what you belive is right.
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Just tell them "When I'm hungry I don't pay money to look at food"
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By that logic, they should going out for prostitutes :P
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This is exactly how I feel when some of my friends put me into awkward situations regarding women. Let me explain it with an example. We walk on the street, talking casually about some stuff. We walk towards a bus stop but we do not intend to stand still there. We see a blazing redhead in a really sexy dress, tits out and whatnot... you get the idea. Then, my friend goes like "Ooooooooooooooooh! maaaaaan look at those TITS! I would fuck the shit out of that man! Hey man, look at it! LOOK AT IT!", all the while the woman is obviously in hearing distance, and he's not even trying to conceal this hick behaviour, what with pointing at her and looking her in the eye while he does this.
Then when I just feel fucking embarrassed by him and avoid all kinds of eye contact with the lady and all the bystanders, he turns to me asking why I'm not looking at her and if I'm "fuckin' gay or what, bro?"; acting like it's me who should stop acting awkward. Moments like this I feel like murdering these kinds of persons with a rusty knife, really. I'm not sure about your friends and if they do it like this, but if not, then be glad. If they do, then go ahead and call them shitdicks because they more than deserve it, and they should be fucking ashamed of themselves, no matter how much of an alpha male they want to seem.
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Can't believe I just wasted my time reading this, please be a troll.
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You said you wished you had gone to GI Joe with them, so I assumed you were hanging out with them.
Personally, I can't imagine sleeping in the same room as another guy. That sounds very annoying. Where do you live that charges $2,500 a month for a studio apartment? That sounds awful. Do you have a good reason to live there? I might recommend moving somewhere else if you don't have something tying you there.
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i never understood why people go to strip clubs, we have the internet were women do a lot more for a lot less unless it is paid to get laid which is a lot worse considering the millions of viruses and other stuff, but i digress.
it is really bad how the extremist of both genres are acting these days, with a lot of men being incredible pigs, in my opinion, ignore them, that is what i do with my friends whenever they want me to do something i dont want to, i say no and ignore them until they give up, as for educating them, its nearly impossible, believe me i have tried and they just dont give 1 fuck about 3 shits.
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28 Comments - Last post 36 minutes ago by bluefoxxx
915 Comments - Last post 48 minutes ago by Insound
15 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Sooth
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1,258 Comments - Last post 9 hours ago by Sundance85
27 Comments - Last post 16 seconds ago by MarvashMagalli
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8,496 Comments - Last post 6 minutes ago by someonequeer
88 Comments - Last post 22 minutes ago by MarvashMagalli
26 Comments - Last post 24 minutes ago by Tucs
55 Comments - Last post 32 minutes ago by canis39
holy fuck some of you are properly pathetic. sort of amazing to see the dichotomy of fucking deluded white knights and machismo-driven idiots, especially the guys who are questioning gender in this thread as if that will change if the fairly evident ignorance is more acceptable or not. The most amazing part is the legitimate amount of vitriol this actually attracted. Seriously, the moment you throw christianity on it you get guys trying to base that as a reason to put a person down? check that privilege broskis
why do you have to be so mad
why dont you go play some video games instead of sitting here looking to leech free things
whatever happened to being friends
i hope you have a wonderful day
stay free guys
also GI joe looks like shit, it's pretty obvious the studios think so because of the delay.
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