Yesterday I went on EA live chat, poor guy was trying to help me for 2 hours with Dead Space 3 fixes, but we couldn't fix it, today morning I woke up and he sent me an email with thousands of fix possibilites :D, EA support is awesome!
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Only time they disappointed me was with Mass Effect 3. There's a very, very pesky, hard to pin bug on the 360 version that causes a total console crash when you press Start to begin but only for your Gamertag. They couldn't help me, but I found a group of people with a fix for it, basically hacking into my gamertag and removing a corrupted cache file so that the game could write a new one. We all sent EA the fix, so maybe they did something about it now, but still, that was the one and only time they couldn't help me.
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I just love how posting Bundle keys was considered something along the lines of piracy, and the support decided to just ignore what they said about it and continue posting keys themselves.
Hypocrisy at its best!
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And I'm pretty sure saying things like that is also against the rules, but okay :)
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No, it's not. Leaving me free to call you on your blind stupidity in both your last thread and for now thinking that splitting a single license between two people is in any way similar to giving out bundle keys for games you already own or, in this case, giving out coupon codes which aren't bundle keys at all. You also didn't pay attention to the thread you're talking about, just like every other person on that thread, because you completely missed the point. I bet you were one of the people bitching about the two suspensions I made to people on it because, again, you morons missed the point and blathered on anyway.
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I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you over you wanting to ban people for making giveaways. Don't start shit, mkay?
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Try reading the post. Those are not bundle keys. They are coupon codes.
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Still, there was such a big deal made about posting codes. Yet, support ignores all of that.
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You are an absolute dipshit, aren't you...? GMG20-KCDKK-H4TPB 20% off anything on Green Man Gaming. Bet you'll complain about that one too.
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After seeing his last thread, I could be sunshine and bunny rabbits and he'd have a go at me. I don't see the point. I'll save the love and rainbows for users worth the effort. By the way, you're one of them. :D hug
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I admit my last thread was an overreaction on my part, but that was one time whereas support continues to abuse their authority in my opinion. This is just the way I see it, though. Most probably don't agree :)
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I'm abusing my authority by telling you to use your mind for a moment and read properly. I see. I must obviously learn to internet better.
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I'm not saying you only. But, it just seems like support are able to break the rules no questions asked, so I'm sorry if I'm a bit annoyed by this since it continues to happen.
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The rule is simply "Be considerate of all users at all times related to the site/chat, etc."
Obviously what is being "considerate" is open to interpretation. cg himself said "...general insults and arguments on the forums are between users, and not the concern of support unless they're affecting the ability for others to use the site."
So petty name-calling and bickering I leave alone. Hate speech I do not.
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Yep, that's what I've been seeing too, but that doesn't necessarily make it right ;p
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I've always called people out on stupidity (note: stupidity does not translate to new users asking questions). If you don't say something ridiculous, I'm sunshine and butterflies.
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I'm not sure about this whole thing. I always thought, mods/supports should serve as a good example how to be a part of a community.
So let's say for the sake of the argument, that "xy" casual user is wrong (he failed, he's bad at understanding, etc). In your opinion, is it a good thing to treat him/her as shit, insult him in every comment OR/and hide little "witty" ironic insults in the comments?
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Look, if it makes you feel better, I'll sincerely apologise, but please, in return please stop jumping to conclusions, especially when your starting square was actually a triangle and missing a vital point.
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You posted a comment as a direct response to the original post which had keys with the statement
"I just love how posting Bundle keys was considered something along the lines of piracy, and the support decided to just ignore what they said about it and continue posting keys themselves.
Hypocrisy at its best!"
That's not a generic statement that would just apply to support as a whole. It was clearly targeted at Jade because he posted some keys. It's worth noting that support never complained about posting keys in general, they made a statement that posting the Origin keys from the Humble Bundle was piracy. Seeing as these are coupon codes the two sets of keys aren't remotely related.
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They suspended people who did post keys, so I don't think it was just a 'statement'.
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They suspended people that posted keys in that thread specifically. Whether or not it was just a statement is irrelevant anyway. Posting bundle keys and posting coupon codes are entirely different things. For simplicity of an analogy let's assume that piracy is equivalent to stealing (I don't actually think it is).
Do you really not see a difference?
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I do, but like I said support tends to overreact to just about anything unless they do it.
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So, from past experiences I thought that support would overreact to this.
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I just mean in general, support tends to overreact. At least in my opinion. If other's have had the same experience with them as I, they might see my point of view as well.
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Lmfao. This is how I feel about support! :P
On a more serious note, I know support is just doing their job and it's hard to be a bit loose for everyone, so I'll try to stop being a dick.
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Actually he has been calling me a dipshit, and I'm pretty sure using that language to directly insult someone IS against the rules.
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While it is against the rules, it's also something many users get away with if support feels it's a justified use. If someone is intentionally baiting people and someone says "Stop being an asshole" that person usually won't get suspended. I'm sure there are exceptions though.
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I was baiting him to do anything, I pointed out something I saw
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The only reason this annoys me is, because the way I see it, support overreacts to just about everything unless they happen to do it.
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That doesn't work for all games. Mass Effect is one of those games.
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It didn't want to activate my Mass Effect key. Said something like the key isn't valid.
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I think you may need to run the game and register through it first to get yourself a EA classiс screen name. Or do that same thing with that Jade did.
Or it could be that you tried when it was broken, as I heard people who had problems with it before managed to activate the key at a later date.
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I tried that, it told me to fuck off. :( Apparently seems to be the only way to do things nowadays. I'll try that for the other keys, but I feel better just using Support. I need to contact them again another day anyway regarding a BF3 DLC code I have.
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Apparently old games require you to have an EA classic screen name, which you yourself got on I never used that website, I don't remember how exactly I created it for Mass Effect, I think I registered through the game and then at my persona for it was already present.
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I could have sworn I had one, that The Sims 2 made me use an account, but... whatever, maybe that was with my old username or e-mail or something (whatever the hell those were). Either way, woohoo. :D
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I has the best transcript - from my 2nd chat the evening, 2 hours wait time each time. Fixed it myself.
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The first guy Mohd was acutally quite nice, I can't post that transcript because he had to issue me new keys in it.
However, he said the issue with Origin and sims3launcher was 'very bad news for me' but 'a reboot will DEFINITELY' fix it. Basically getting me off the chat..
'Duration (actual chatting time) 01:45:35
Operator Mohd
Chat Transcript
info: Your approximate wait time is 82 minute.'
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The trick to that is not to contact support from the terminal you are having the issue on. ;) If you can, use a laptop and/or tablet.
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Sims points I'm not sure about, I think they turned up when I updated manually.. no apology, just an email the next day saying 'case closed' hehe
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4 hours 20 minutes
they 'transferred' me to the same guy.. no reponse. I held the window open samming it to ruin their KPIs lol.
They sent me an email the next day to close the support ticket, even though they never actually helped me and I said to the person before who closed on me, the same thing to them, don't close my ticket! :) I still can't backup my installers. Total 20GB to download Sims 3 3-4 times.
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dude, you were kinda asshole with that support guy/girl
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After 8 hours and 4 transfers?
They transferred me to a 'hold' where there was no answer for hours...
They kept telling me to 'clean boot' and reboot when the issue was Origin/ Sims 3.. I fixed it running the manual update which no one advised me to do. If I kept rebooting like they said, I wouldn't get around to fixing it, nor get back onto support with 1-2 hour wait time (page not even loading for ages to click the 'help' button either in Origin or on the website) plus at least 30 minutes explaining what I already said for the 4th time to someone new?
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never had anything against EA but this is the first time I come to know how friendly EA supports can be. This might be a pretty stupid question so spare me the lecture and the shaming if I did wrong but is there a live support of Steam? My personal favorite is the one of Amazon, they gave me a 10% discount when I was 5 cents short to order sth from them!
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Not at all, sorry. Steam support takes 2-3 days on average to answer and it's a ticket system like our own is. They also tend to give cookie-cutter responses at first for almost every ticket.
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Jade, because of you and your darn thread I'm making 2,888,072 per second and still can't find the last 2 upgrades...stop tormenting me and let me have a life!!!
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one is still unknown, the other is at 150-160 cursors :)
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Yeah, I've dealt with Steam support twice and both times they ignored my initial email. I had to reply with something along the lines of "That's not what I asked, go back and read it again". I really wish Valve would do something about their terrible support but I think that's one of the things that happens when you have hiring practices like they do. They want everyone to be a visionary leader willing to try new things. Unfortunately, customer support is about doing a standard thing really well.
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That would make sense as an explanation if that weren't the case for all corporations. Every company is ultimately after maximizing profits. Some seek longer term gains, others shorter term but it's all about profit at some level. Valve is good at building new things but doesn't have the right mentality for properly supporting and maintaining them at a high level.
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Yes I love amazon support, I bought a ps3 bundle that came with an expired 30 day ps+ trial, I asked for a new code but they couldn't do that so they refunded me 20% of the order, which ended up being $50 (enough to get a whole year), way more than I was expecting to get.
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This reminded me i own Mass Effect 1, but i didn't even try to activate it since i never used origin before HB, now i guess i have to have a chat with EA support as well. Anyways, thanks for reminding me Jade! Also i am now addicted to cookieclicker and a few similar games, hope you are proud of yourself
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Why would you want to 'activate' it to online DRM and insanely intrusive EULA?
I literally fear having to run Origin due to their data mining ethics.
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Eh, the data mining thing was completely overblown, it really was, the DRM is, for the most part, no different than Steam's, and the EULA... meh. Who actually reads those anyway?
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Click "Contact a Game Advisor", fill out the dropdown fields and then "I need more help" or whatever it is. You'll need to log into your Origin account at that point, but afterwards, you'll get e-mail and chat options for most things (when I last used it, some very old games didn't have live chat as an option, don't know if that's still the case).
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Correct. The Sims 2 was retail from a decade back, the other 8 keys I have to give them (4 done in this one) are from Steam.
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Four separate good times, even. :D Far, far better track record than Steam, especially for the time taken. What was your issue (if you're allowed to discuss it)?
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They have a wrong DOB for me on file (at one point it was right, they just seem to ignores that) however they refuse to update my DOB. So the only way they said i can get my DOB changed is to take then to court and get them to change it. So this causes loads of problems when i run into any problems, since they love to ask for DOB as a security check
I think the main problem is that low level support staff can't update DOB and high level support staff are worse than useless.
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Probably is. They likely outsource. I've had Chandra before, a couple of other Indian-sounding names. Far, far, far better standards than a call centre though, at least for me.
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They're probably wondering where the hell all these requests are coming from.
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And they didn't for me. Said the game is already on my account. Told me to reinstall Origin client. I'm gonna contact them again. -_-
Edit: Second chat and the game is activated on my account. :) Apparently this is one of the very few games with serials provided by Steam that don't work properly on Origin. They had to generate a new key for me in order to register my game there. But all is well that ends well.
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Why can't Steam have chats as opposed to tickets...
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I'd rather wait two hours for a person than two weeks for a stock response.
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EA's support is way better than steams. WAY BETTER.
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EA is not limited to Origin, I would go so far as to say that they may very well have more tickets than steam.
And if steam is really bogged down or understaffed compared to EA, why not hire more? It shouldn't take an average of 7 days to get a reply :| Either way steam support <<<< EA support
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That doesn't change the fact that they are better.
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This is like heaven compared to the condescending and accusational replies I got from Steam support.
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All went about as well as I expected from past experiences. That is to say bloody awesomely (and you thought it was going to be bad, didn't you?). Quick, useful help, live chat, no confusion at all, no copypasta before we get to the issue actually at hand. I absolutely love Origin's support.
Edit: Oh, I got a whole ton of Origin discounts, one for each game he activated for me. Give me a few minutes and I'll post them here for you since I don't need them. Doesn't seem to be locked to my account.
All are 15% off. Please say when they're used so I can mark them.
Edit 2: Here's a list of Origin redeemable keys.
Edit 3: Proof.
Edit 4: Just did the rest of my keys! Kind of. Instead of activating them, they simply gave me ten extra games. I fucking love EA. New codes!
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