It had been hiding in my PC for a long time, tried to get away but I grabbed it and said "NO! You're going to the forums", then my brother came in and asked "Why the f&ck are you standing naked shouting at your laptop!?" and I answered "Chill out man I just found a Metro 2033 key trying to run but I caught it and now I'm giving it away" and he said "Dude nobody want's that sh!t just burn it" and I answered "Are you crazy man!? I can't just burn this key, I mean, it's a little lost and old but it's not her fault and I bet you someone in the forum will take it and give it a home and play with it and stuff" then he said "Whatever" and I said "Yeah whatever" and I can't remember what he said next but it doesn't matter it was something stupid... So what was the point of this post again? oh yes the key, here you go:


There, a very big key, so nobody misses it, if you activate it please leave a comment and do 100 consecutive push ups so I know your real.

You may think I'm crazy but I'm not, just very bored and procrastinating.

1 decade ago*

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Closed 1 decade ago by Rachadell93.