the general community consensus it seems is that we don't like the idea of having to contribute to win. It also perhaps more importantly takes the altruism out of the site. if you really wanted to though, you could start a thread stating you have a giveaway and you just pm the code to people who have a giveaway in their profile and say they want in.
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I get the idea that most of those who don't want a feature like this are those who gift (almost) nothing. Which would indeed make it "general community consensus" in the sense that the majority of the community never gifts anything.
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Actually it is to join or create a Steam group and invite the people you deem worthy (in your criteria the people who gifted stuff) in it and make private giveaways in there. Maybe it is done already, I wouldn't know, would I?
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I think this would be a good option to throw on the create a giveaway page. Though there's many out there who do not need an incentive to gift (I won't say names but it starts with a G and rhymes with GlaDos) there's plenty out there who have zero desire to gift. I've been watching the ratio of members on the site to gifts given and it's gone from roughly 2:1 to roughly 3:1 just in the last two weeks.
Ideally everyone would throw in at least one gift (on average) and do it only for thanks and warm fuzzies, but lets face it: people are often less than perfection. Even with a gifter giveaway, there will always be those who do not gift either due to cost or grinchliness- and that's fine. But, I honestly don't see the harm in incentivizing giving. There will be people on this board who will whine and cry about the concept but I, personally, think steam gifts is more fun with, you know, gifts.
It would be nice if there were an easy way to invite only gifters to a giveaway.
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Ive been holding back on gifting stuff for this reason to be honest, Id much rather gift to people that deserve it, instead of leechers that probably wont ever give back to the community even if they could (yes, i know that some people are really broke and cant get games, but I believe its a minority).
And the remove the "gift 1-3 HIBs" to join the "gifter" rank or whatever you want to call it, either remove those easily acquirable games from the list that would get you into the rank, or put a minumum of $ spent
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Ya, I put up the suggestion as well and I'd be more than willing to give more valuable stuff once I know it won't go to the people who don't plan on giving to the website (terribly ironic, isn't it?). This may also be a good point supporting the option. Givers won't just be encouraged to gain entry into the more exclusive "giver" society, but people who have yet to gift and only wish to give to the people who contribute to the site can have a nice opportunity to do so.
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there was such an option on sgs, wasn't there? I remember contributor exclusive giveaways.
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In general, elitism doesn't bring communities together. Just sayin'. Some of us just can't afford to give things away right now for whatever reason, does that mean that we should be second-class users? My advice is, if you want to be a prick about who you give stuff to, make a private steam group. Problem solved!
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Basically, this place was intended for giving the gift of games to people period. No bounds as long as they can actually play the game and stuff.
There is however, as it has been mention the private gifting option which allows you to send the url to certain people if you're doing something special or just not feeling like giving out to everyone.
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The only issue with private giveaways is when someone that meets the requirements you want to set gives the private URL to someone that does not. IF the person that does not wins the giveaway you are left with a hard decision to make.
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Well asking that someone contribute something before they receive helps stop multi account creators too.
Generous people are gonna be generous regardless but maybe you have a more expensive game and you only want to give it to people who aren't leechers?
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What is the basis of your "In general, elitism doesn't bring communities together." comment? Did you just made it up or does it have anything it is base on. Here let me have a counter argument with a basis:
The Something Awful Forums is possibly the most elitist community on the net. First line of their rules starts with: "We here on the Something Awful Forums are very elitist and strict assholes." They charge $10 to register to this forum, temp and perm-ban people by spades. At the moment that I am writing this they list:
4 users banned today
14,663 total users banned
4,642 registered users logged in
155,860 users total
And they are the most closely knit community that I hear of. I always hear praises about how clean and full of content their forums are. The threads that I saw there were all according to these claims as well.
Compared to our let everyone in policy that seems to attract all kids of scammers, beggars and trolls I would prefer elitism very much thank you.
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I made the same suggestion once, people who had made giveaway supported it.
Leechers whos here just hoping to get free games were against it and called it "elitism"
@dyffrin Theres game atm on sale for 3 euros or less. Everyone can afford to give something.
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I had recently lost my job so a friend of mine gave me an invite to cheer me up, previously before entering this site I have given away 7 games purchased straight up as gifts for friends, and another 12 games that were all extra copies of games I got from the potato pack, however if you look at my account here I have only given away one game, I know I am a small minority but there are some of us that can't afford to give right now but have given in the past and will give in the future.
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I think the idea has merit. However personally I would like to see some extended options on top of the simple 'filter by gifter' when creating a giveaway. They have probably been mentioned elsewhere before but I will list my initial thoughts anyway.
Allow non-gifters as well only if they have joined within a certain period. This way you can eliminate leechers who have been a member for X months/years and have not contributed anything. This way new members are still encouraged and promoted but will hopefully deter leechers.
Able to create a giveaway for gifters who have not won (or won very little). Although gifters shouldn't be entitled to gifts in return, I believe it's nice to give something back (or at least increase their chances) to the people who given so much to the community and make it what it is.
Following on from the point(s) above this could also be applied to people who have gifted X items or have a gifting rate or X items per month/year.
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My opinion is fairly simple. Just remove anybody who has been a member for a certain length of time (say 3 months) and hasn't given a single gift away yet keeps entering ones as much as possible (I don't know if the admins/mods have a way to track private givaways. They should be counted).
I don't mind people who can't afford to give gifts away much but there's a line between being a part of a community and just being a leech on a community. There's no excuse for people who have been a member for a long time, can buy a number of games and still hasn't got a gift for this place.
I regret one of the public giveaways i made. Somebody with 300+ games on their account won, they've made no gifts, no comments and entered quite a few. People like that don't deserve to be a part of this site.
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I never said that I've got the right to choose or anything. I simply stated my opinion.
I wont hide the fact that my opinion is on the harsh side and it is probably in need of fine tuning but it's what I wrote off of the top of my head when I read this thread and as a first thought, without deliberation, i stick by it. If I thought on it harder and fine-tuned it, it would be less harsh/more reasonable.
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So there's all these discussions and split opinions about how to fix some of the site's problems, but the only one that piques my interest is whether there should be an option to only let other people who create giveaways enter.
I'm not claiming to be a sort of expert in economy or social psychology, but I honestly believe that the option would really promote a lot of people (but not the entire community) to make at least one public giveaway.
So, would anyone like to discuss this one solution and why it would be good/bad? Maybe there can be a few tweaks and details added to the rule(like the qualifying giveaway can't be a 1 cent humble bundle or private)?
Also, if I can, I'd really like to hear our moderator's standpoint on this.
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